How to Apply

Please read through each section below before starting your application to the 2024 Award.

To be eligible, you’ll need to be:

  • A resident of Canada
  • At least 18 years of age
  • An emerging artist

We consider an emerging artist to be someone within the first eight years of their professional career, beginning with their first solo or group exhibition outside of an academic context (ex. a thesis show) in a museum, public or commercial gallery, or artist-run centre.

Applicants are not required to be current students or to have completed a degree in Fine Arts. We encourage all emerging artists matching our definition to apply.

For the first time in the EDAA’s 10-year history, applicants are asked to submit their work to one of five distinct categories, each with a $5,000 prize!

The 2024 Categories are:

Still Image > A still work created through digital processes such as generative imagery, scanning technology, photo manipulation, illustration graphics, or renders of 3D models or virtual worlds.

Moving Image > A time-based 2D work using digital processes in its creation, including but not limited to video, animation, machinima, and GIF art.

2D Interactive > An interactive artwork experienced on a computer, tablet, or mobile phone such as game art and web art, as well as generative simulations that do not require direct user input.

Extended Reality (XR) > A virtual, augmented, or mixed reality work experienced through a smartphone, tablet, or headset, or as a 360-degree video.

3D Installation > A multi-component work produced and presented with digital technologies that engages audiences in physical space and combines moving image, sound, interactivity, and/or movement.

To be eligible for consideration, the artwork must:

  • Take the form of ‘Digital Art’, defined as a screen-based artwork that demonstrates an engagement with digital technologies in the process of its creation. Analogue processes may be part of the work’s production, but the output must be digital. Digital documentation of traditional media will not be considered.
  • Rely on the digital to exist, taking advantage of and experimenting with its immaterial qualities, and have a visual component (i.e. it cannot solely be sound-based). For entries with audio, applicants must either own copyright or have permission to use and credit accordingly.
  • Be submitted as a complete work (in progress artworks or project proposals will not be accepted).
  • Be dated no earlier than five years prior to the submission deadline. Only one work per applicant can be considered.

Submissions are assessed under five main criteria: 

  1. Relevance
    The extent to which the work meets our qualification criteria as a digital artwork.
  2. Technique
    The technical aspects of the work, including the approach to production and handling of the medium. 
  3. Aesthetics
    The presentation of the work in relationship to its technique and concept. This includes stylistic choices, experimentation with form, and visual content.  
  4. Concept
    The ideas and/or concerns driving the work, how they are embodied in the technical approach and stylistic choices, and the work’s relationship to digital culture more broadly. 
  5. Originality
    The extent to which the work reflects a nuanced perspective and is unique in its approach to digital art practice.

Artist Statement 

Your written statement should address how your work meets the five evaluation criteriaWhen writing, here are some questions to consider: 

  • How does the work participate in a broader contemporary discourse around digital technologies, spaces, and objects? 
  • How was your artwork made, and what technical skills or proficiencies are demonstrated in the creation of your artwork? 
  • How does the work’s aesthetic form and content relate to your intention as an artist?
  • What are you trying to communicate through this work? 

Your application must include either a weblink (web-based submissions only) or a download link to a full–resolution version of the artwork using a file sharing service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer. Files will be downloaded within 30 days of submission.

If the work can also be experienced online through Vimeo, YouTube, or your own website, you are encouraged to include this as an additional link on the online application form.

For games or immersive technologies that require specialized software (ex. a specific browser) and/or hardware (ex. a headset) to run, please include either a link to experience the work online, or a demo video of the work, along with the original file(s), which will allow each jury member to review and assess remotely. Please include specialized instructions for navigation, if applicable.

While there are no limitations on an artwork’s duration, if the submission exceeds 15 minutes, it is highly recommended that you submit an excerpt along with your original file(s).

Submitted artworks and applications must meet the following requirements: 

Category Digital
Application Requirements Recommended / Optional
Still Image .gif
500 MB maximum Download link to full-resolution artwork Weblink to installation images, if applicable
Moving Image .avi
2 GB maximum Download link to full-resolution artwork Weblink to original artwork

If artwork exceeds 15 minutes, weblink or download link to short excerpt
2D Interactive .exe
2GB maximum

Web-based projects must be compatible with a standard web browser, or provide a link to the app download (and download key, if applicable).

Files must be submitted in a zipped folder.
Download link to full-resolution artwork and/or weblink to hosted artwork

List specialized software requirements and instructions for use, if applicable
Weblink to demo video
Extended Reality .exe
.mp4 for 360 video
2 GB maximum

Web-based projects must be compatible with Google Chrome (or specify browser requirements)

Files must be submitted in a zipped folder.
Download link to full-resolution artwork and/or weblink to hosted artwork

List specialized software requirements and instructions for use, if applicable
Weblink to demo video
3D Installation [case by case, see above formats] Must have documented record of successful installation and/or presentation, whether in a studio or as part of a public exhibition (installation proposals will not be considered) Download link to a folder with each component of the installation, where applicable (ex. video, audio, and interactive) in full-resolution

Detailed list of components and technical and/or installation requirements

Documentation of mounted artwork through a combination of video and image files (10 max)
Weblink to demo video that shows audience interaction, if applicable

Submissions must follow the naming convention:

If you experience technical difficulties with your online application, contact us at [email protected].

To be considered for the 2024 Award, please submit a completed online application form by August 5, 2024, 11:59pm EST, including:

  • curriculum vitae (CV) in either PDF or .doc format 
  • A link to download and/or access your digital artwork
  • A short artist biography (100 words max.) 
  • A written statement about your work (200 words max.) 
  • A confirmation that you agree to the Terms & Conditions