- Support
- Registration phases
- 7. Keeping your dossier up to date
- Prepare for updating your registration
Prepare for updating your registration
Prepare for updating your registration
The following steps explain the process of how to update your registration for the cases when you recognise that an update is necessary.
- REACH-IT can be accessed from ECHA’s home page.
- If you need to recover your password, click on the ‘Forgot password?’ section of the ECHA Accounts log in page. Follow the instructions provided throughout. To recover your password, you need to remember your username and the answer to your security question. Specific information on the steps to recover REACH-IT passwords can be found from the ‘ECHA Accounts Manual for Industry Users’.
- If you need to recover your username, click on the ‘Forgot username?’ section of the ECHA Accounts log in page. Follow the instructions provided throughout. Specific information on the steps to recover your REACH-IT username can be found from the ‘ECHA Accounts Manual for Industry Users’.
- ECHA Account passwords expire every three months; it is recommended to renew your password on time. Make sure that you keep your access to ECHA applications up to date.
Not all updates require the submission of a IUCLID dossier. The following updates are reported in REACH-IT:
- If you no longer manufacture or import a substance, you must notify the cease of manufacture or import to ECHA using the functionality ‘cease manufacture or import’ available in the ‘Reference number page’ of the substance.
- Restart of manufacture or import without needing to register again – unless you ceased manufacture or import after having received a draft evaluation decision (more information is available in the practical guides ‘How to act in a substance evaluation’ and ‘How to act in a dossier evaluation’). Once you have notified that you have restarted manufacture or import, you need to verify if changes in the dossier are also needed.
- Change of company name or address (the following change is done in ECHA accounts).
- Change of company size.
- Legal entity change (split/merger/change of only representative). You need to verify if changes in the dossier are also needed.
For further information on registration updates see section 7 ‘When and how to update a registration’ of the ‘Guidance on Registration’.
Other than for the cases mentioned above, to update your registration information, you will have to update your IUCLID substance dataset, create a dossier and submit it to ECHA through REACH-IT.
- ECHA does not support dossier submissions with IUCLID versions older than IUCLID 6. Use IUCLID Cloud migration to migrate your dossier to IUCLID 6.
- With IUCLID Cloud services you can work with the latest version of IUCLID in the cloud without installing IUCLID on your computer or company servers. The service provides up to 5 GB of data storage per legal entity.
In case you no longer have access to your substance dataset as a last resort you can contact ECHA.