Reporting on information exchange
Reporting on information exchange
In accordance with the PIC Regulation, ECHA, the European Commission and the designated national authorities (DNAs) in the Member States should provide information about the chemicals subject to the regulation to the authorities in non-EU countries.
The information can be scientific, technical, economic or legal and can further include toxicological, ecotoxicological and safety information.
Every two years, ECHA will compile a summary of the information provided and will make it available on its website. This summary also refers to the regulatory actions on chemicals subject to PIC which have been made publicly available, in line with the provisions of the Rotterdam Convention.
- Report on exchange of information 2022-2023 [EN] [PDF]
- Report on exchange of information 2020-2021 [EN] [PDF]
- Report on exchange of information 2018-2019 [EN] [PDF]
- Report on exchange of information 2016-2017 [EN] [PDF]
- Report on exchange of information 2014-2015 [EN] [PDF]