Proposals for new POPs
Proposals for new POPs
For a new substance to be included under the POPs Regulation, it needs to be listed under the Stockholm Convention or the POPs Protocol.
Who can propose new POPs?
Any party to the Stockholm Convention, including the EU, can submit a proposal to add a new persistent organic pollutant to the annexes of the Convention. EU Member States can do this by submitting their proposals to the European Commission. Their proposals must enable the substance’s properties to be assessed against screening criteria listed in Annex D to the Convention.
Assessment of new proposals
The POP Review Committee (POPRC), an expert body under the Stockholm Convention, evaluates the submitted proposals. If it concludes that screening criteria are met, it launches a global collection of information on further hazards, risks, uses and exposures. The POPRC uses this information to compile a risk profile as defined in Annex E to the Convention.
Based on the risk profile, the POPRC decides whether global action is warranted on the substance. If it decides to proceed with the proposal, the POPRC launches a global call for information related to potential risk management solutions, alternatives, socio-economic considerations and existing risk management measures. This information is used by the POPRC to prepare the risk management evaluation as defined in Annex F to the Convention.
In the final step, the POPRC assesses the information and makes a recommendation to the Conference of the Parties on listing the substance under the Convention.
Amendments to the annexes
Any proposed amendments to the Convention must be adopted by consensus of all parties. As a last resort, if no agreement is reached, a three-quarter’s majority can adopt the amendments.
Amendments to the Protocol for inclusion of new substances to the annexes must be adopted by consensus of the parties.
ECHA supports the Commission and the Member States in identifying new POPs and carries out consultations during the identification process.