Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Together for Rights

Rights alone are not enough. Persons with disabilities need to be able to use those rights to live freely and make the same choices we all take for granted. The Commission’s ten-year Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities takes equal opportunities further by aiming to deliver a society in which people can enjoy their rights, move freely in the EU and live free from discrimination. We all have a part to play in creating a fairer society.

The Easy-to-read version of this text is available here.

Even though things are improving, persons with disabilities continue to face barriers and discrimination in their daily lives. It is particularly true for women with disabilities, persons with disabilities who live in institutions and refugees with disabilities. This has an impact on things such as their education, job prospects and life chances.

In March 2021, the European Commission adopted  a Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which runs until 2030.

The Strategy aims to ensure that all persons with disabilities:

  • Can make full use of their human rights.
  • Have equal opportunities and equal access to participate in society and the economy
  • Can decide where, how and with whom they live.
  • Can move freely in the EU.
  • Are no longer victims of discrimination.

The EU will work closely with groups for persons with disabilities to hear their views and help them with their essential work.

Together for Rights

Men video gaming with joysticks. One of them is missing his legs and arm. Text saying: together for rights, #EUDisabilityRights, #UnionOfEquality.

It is important to stress that the rights of persons with disabilities are not merely a concern for persons with disabilities or advocacy groups but for society as a whole.

Everyone should be able to enjoy their rights and live as equals in a Union of Equality.

Until March 2023, we will shine a light on crucial rights such as the right to vote, equal education and employment opportunities, the right to live independently and equal access to community services, travel, leisure, and sporting activities.

A common commitment

The EU and all its member countries have signed and ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which means that every EU country must ensure that persons with disabilities can enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms in the same way as everyone else. .

Under the UN Convention, persons with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else. That’s why it is so important for all EU countries to work together to make the strategy a success.

The European Disability Card: cooperation in action

Currently, persons with disabilities still find it difficult to be recognised as a person with a disability when moving to another EU country or travelling in the EU.

The European Commission worked with persons with disabilities and their representatives to test the European Disability Card, which is already used in eight EU countries.

By the end of 2023, the European Commission will propose a European Disability Card for all EU countries. This is one of the key proposals of the new strategy. It means that:

  • It will be easier for persons with disabilities to get the right support when they travel or move to another country of the European Union.
  • Persons with disabilities will have better access to services across borders, mainly in culture, leisure, sport, and transport.

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