JointNet: A Common Neural Network for Road and Building Extraction
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- A novel neural network was proposed for road and building information extraction. The network can accurately extract information on both the linear shape and the large-scale objects.
- (2)
- A novel network module, dense atrous convolution block, was proposed. The module overcame the problem of the small receptive field of dense connectivity pattern by effectively organizing its atrous convolution layers with crafted rate settings. The module not only maintained the feature propagation efficiency of dense connectivity but also achieved a larger receptive field.
- (3)
- By utilizing the focal loss [9] function, the imbalance problem between the road centerline target and its background was solved. Through the improvement on the loss function, the network improved the correctness of road extraction and enhanced the ability to find unlabeled roads.
- (4)
- By replacing the batch normalization [10] (BN) layer in the network with the group normalization [11] (GN) layer, the problem that network performance was affected by small training batch size was solved. The neural network generally uses the BN as a standard normalization method to improve the network training. However, when the batch size is too small, the performance of the BN decreases significantly. By using GN as a normalization method, the training results of the proposed network were no longer affected by the batch size, and the neural network model itself can become larger with more modules to achieve better performance.
2. Related Works
3. Methodology
3.1. Dense Atrous Convolution Blocks
3.2. JointNet Architecture
3.3. Group Normalization and Focal loss
3.3.1. Group Normalization
3.3.2. Focal Loss
4. Experiment and Analysis
4.1. DataSets
4.1.1. Massachusetts Road and Building Datasets
4.1.2. National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) Road Datasets
4.2. Data Augmentation
4.3. Baseline Methods
4.4. Experimental Metrics
4.5. Results
4.5.1. Experimental Result on the Massachusetts Road Dataset
4.5.2. Experimental Result on the NLPR Road Dataset
4.5.3. Experimental Results on Massachusetts Building Dataset
5. Discussion
- (1)
- In the road extraction task, the ground truth of road is a linear shape target. As the width of the target is very limited, only a few pixels, if the prediction results differ from the target location, even if by only a few pixels, the evaluation results can show a big difference. Therefore, the extraction accuracy of such targets depends on the consistency of the shape and position of the prediction results with the target. In the high-level features of convolutional networks, the spatial location information of the target becomes unstable after several rescale operations. At this time, the reuse of the low-level features becomes key, because the low-level features have not been rescaled, the spatial location information in the low-level feature is more accurate than that of the high-level feature. For this reason, the encoder-decoder network, which reuses the low-level feature by skip connection, played an important role in the road extraction task.
- (2)
- In the building extraction, the key to the building extraction network is to have a large receptive field. Accurate building extraction depends on the acquisition of the complete edge information of the building, which is distributed in a certain range in remote sensing images. A network with a large receptive field which covers the range can extract the context information of the building such as its edge. As shown in the evaluation results, if the size of the receptive field of the network is too small to cover the building target, one of the typical problems caused by this issue would be the discontinuity in the central area of the extracted large-size building target. The semantic information of the high-level features of the network covers a wider range of receptive fields than that of the low-level features, so for building extraction, the high-level features of the network are more critical than that of the low-level features.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Layers | Input | Kernel Size | Growth Rate | Atrous Conv Rate | Output |
Atrous Conv 1 | α | 3 × 3 | k | 1 | k |
Atrous Conv 2 | α + k | 3 × 3 | k | 2 | k |
Atrous Conv 3 | α + 2k | 3 × 3 | k | 5 | k |
Atrous Conv 4 | α + 3k | 3 × 3 | k | 1 | k |
Atrous Conv 5 | α + 4k | 3 × 3 | k | 2 | k |
Atrous Conv 6 | α + 5k | 3 × 3 | k | 5 | k |
Conv RB(1) | α | 1 × 1 | None | 1 | k |
Conv RB(2) | α + 6k | 1 × 1 | None | 1 | 4k |
Name | Module Type | Spatial Size | Input | Stride | GR(1) | RO(2) | DO(3) |
Encoder Level 1 | DACB(4) | 3 | 1 | 32 | 32 | 128 | |
Encoder Level 2 | DACB | 32 | 2 | 64 | 64 | 256 | |
Encoder Level 3 | DACB | 64 | 2 | 128 | 128 | 512 | |
Network Bridge | DACB | 128 | 2 | 256 | 256 | None | |
Decoder Level 3 | DACB | 768 | 1 | 128 | 128 | None | |
Decoder Level 2 | DACB | 384 | 1 | 64 | 64 | None | |
Decoder Level 1 | DACB | 192 | 1 | 32 | 32 | 128 | |
Classification layer | 1 × 1 Conv | 128 | 1 | None | Class number | None |
Methods | BEP(1) | Relaxed (ρ = 3) BEP | COR(2) | COM(3) | QUA(4) |
Mnih-RBM(5) [7] | −−− | 0.8873 | −−− | −−− | −−− |
Mnih-RBM+Post-processing [7] | −−− | 0.9006 | −−− | −−− | −−− |
Saito et al. [17] | −−− | 0.9047 | −−− | −−− | −−− |
U-Net (Keras, MSE(6)) [19] | 0.7628 | 0.9053 | 0.8269 | 0.6980 | 0.6102 |
Res-U-Net (Keras, MSE) [18] | |||||
CasNet (Pytorch, DA(7), BCE) [44] | |||||
U-Net (Pytorch, DA, BCE(8)) [19] | |||||
Res-U-Net (Pytorch, DA, BCE) [18] | |||||
DLinkNet101 (Pytorch, DA, BCE) [47] | |||||
Ours (Pytorch, DA, BCE) | |||||
Ours (Pytorch, DA, FL(9)) |
Methods | BEP(1) | Relaxed (ρ = 3) BEP | COR(2) | COM(3) | QUA(4) |
CasNet (Pytorch, DA(5), BCE) [44] | |||||
U-Net (Pytorch, DA, BCE(6)) [19] | |||||
Res-U-Net (Pytorch, DA, BCE) [18] | |||||
Ours (Pytorch, DA, BCE) | |||||
Ours (Pytorch, DA, BCE(7)) |
Methods | BEP(1) | Relaxed (ρ = 3) BEP | COR(2) | COM(3) | QUA(4) |
Mnih et al. [7] | −−− | −−− | −−− | −−− | |
Saito et al. [17] | −−− | −−− | −−− | −−− | |
Hamaguchi et al. [54] | −−− | −−− | −−− | −−− | |
U-Net (Keras, BCE(5)) [19] | |||||
Res-U-Net (Keras, BCE) [18] | |||||
MTMS-Stage-1 (report) [24] | 0.8339 | 0.9604 | −−− | −−− | −−− |
MTMS-Stage-1(Keras, BCE) [24] | 0.8345 | 0.9595 | |||
TernausNetV2 (Keras, BCE) [49] | 0.8481 | 0.9643 | |||
Ours (Keras, BCE) | |||||
Ours (Keras, MSE(7)) | |||||
Ours (Keras, @448 × 448, BCE) |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Zhang, Z.; Wang, Y. JointNet: A Common Neural Network for Road and Building Extraction. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 696.
Zhang Z, Wang Y. JointNet: A Common Neural Network for Road and Building Extraction. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(6):696.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Zhengxin, and Yunhong Wang. 2019. "JointNet: A Common Neural Network for Road and Building Extraction" Remote Sensing 11, no. 6: 696.
APA StyleZhang, Z., & Wang, Y. (2019). JointNet: A Common Neural Network for Road and Building Extraction. Remote Sensing, 11(6), 696.