1. Introduction
Quantum thermodynamics introduces the interdisciplinary field that combined classical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics since the concept of quantum heat engine appeared in the 1960s [
2]. Inspired by the properties of the classical thermodynamic processes and cycles, the quantum analogs of the processes and cycles have been developed and discussed in more and more different quantum systems [
24]. Recently, some micro sized heat engines with single Brownian particle induced by optical laser trap [
26] and single ion held within a modified linear Paul trap [
27] have been experimentally realized, which presents significant insight into the energy conversion on a microscopic level and would be expected to shed light on the experimental investigation in quantum thermodynamic characteristics of small systems. Therefore, it is of great interest to adopt a single-particle quantum system as the working substance to investigate the properties of quantum thermodynamic processes and quantum engine cycles [
24]. A central concern of quantum thermodynamics is to understand the basic relationships between classical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics [
15]. The quantum analog of the classical engine cycles can be set up by employing a single-particle quantum system with two energy levels [
20] because of its simplicity.
According to the first law of thermodynamics, the quantum analog of mechanical work and heat transfer can be defined in a natural way [
14]. Thus, the basic thermodynamic processes, such as adiabatic, isochoric, isobaric ones, can be well depicted in a quantum two-state system. Nevertheless, the quantum properties of the two-state system determine the inherent difference of the thermodynamic processes. In classical thermostatistics, the law of equipartition of energy is crucial for the link between the energy and temperature [
28]. However, it is violated in the quantum regime even for non-interacting particles confined in a box. In a two-state quantum system, the expectation value of the Hamiltonian depends not only on the temperature, but also on the quantum state of the system [
15]. Therefore, the quantum isothermal process (to fix the temperature) and the quantum isoenergetic process (to fix the expectation value of the Hamiltonian) are totally different from each other. During the quantum isoenergetic process, the mechanical expansion/compression and the quantum state engineering are controlled simultaneously by environmental system, which is considered as energy bath [
24]. It is worth noting that such kind of energy bath ensures the validation of the second law of thermodynamics in quantum regime [
20]. Therefore, by coupling the quantum two-state system with a heat bath and an energy bath, it is possible to construct an engine cycle, which is helpful to understand the influence of quantum properties on energy conversion for a small system.
2. Two-State Quantum System Coupled to a Heat and an Energy Bath
The model we consider here is a single particle confined in an one-dimensional infinite square well potential with movable walls, which is a simplification of a piston. The corresponding stationary Schrödinger equation is given by
, where
represent the
n-th eigenstate and corresponding energy eigenvalue, respectively. Since we are interested in genuine quantum effects, here we assume that the temperature is low and the system size is small. In this approximation, the ground
and first excited
states are dominantly relevant [
21]. Therefore, the occupation probabilities of the ground state and excited state can be written as
. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian can be written as
. If the system is in thermal equilibrium with the heat bath at temperature
T, the probability of finding the system in a state with the energy
is given by the Boltzmann factor
15], where
k is the Boltzmann constant. The energy eigenvalues of the ground and first excited states are given by
, respectively, where
is the mass of the particle and
is the width of the square well potential. Thus, the expectation value of the Hamiltonian is
For convenience, we set
below. The ratio between the probabilities of the ground state and the first excited state can be written as
From Equation (2) the probability that the system is in the ground state can be expressed as
On the other hand, the potential width
can be considered as the volume of this kind of one-dimensional system. Therefore, the force (
i.e., pressure in 1 dimension) on the potential wall is [
Form Equation (4), one can see that the force varies with the potential width L so it is possible to adopt a curve on the f–L plane to describe a thermal-like quantum process. It is in fact a one dimensional analog of the pressure–volume plane of classical thermodynamics.
If the two-state system is coupled to a thermal bath at temperature
T, Equation (3) can be substituted into Equation (4) and yields
According to Equation (5), the slope of an isothermal quantum process curve on
f–L plane can be obtained as
If the two-state system is coupled to an energy bath to fix the expectation of Hamiltonian. From Equations (1) and (4) one can obtain
Obviously, the isothermal curve on the f–L plane is different from the isoenergetic one originating from the quantum properties.
4. Performance of the Quantum Engine Cycle
During the isothermal process
, the heat absorbed from the heat bath is,
S is the entropy of the two-state system and it is given by,
is the occupation probability of the ground state when the system is at point “
i” of the
f–L plane. Substitution of Equation (3) into Equation (11) yields
Since points 1 and 2 are connected by an isothermal process with temperature
in the
f–L plane, one has
in Equation (12). Therefore, Equation (10) can be rewritten as,
During the isoenergetic compression process
, the expectation of Hamiltonian is fixed. From the first law of thermodynamic [
32], the heat released from the system to the surroundings is compensated by the work,
On the other hand, during the adiabatic process
, the quantum state is fixed (
i.e., no transitions between the states); that is,
. Therefore, the work performed during one full cycle is
and accordingly the efficiency of the cycle can be obtained as
From Equation (3), one can also obtain
During the isoenergetic process
, one has
to yield
Substituting Equation (17) into Equation (15), and considering that the quantum state is fixed during the adiabatic process
), one can have,
From Equation (18), one can see that the efficiency of such three-process quantum engine cycle depends on and . It means that the properties of quantum state are crucial for performance of the quantum engine of this kind. In the classical point of view, the efficiency of engine cycle is described in terms of the thermodynamic variables, such as pressure, temperature, volume, etc., whereas the concept of quantum states is also relevant in the quantum regime. In fact, the probabilities of ground states, , are functions of temperature and volume , as indicated in Equation (3). By this relationship, we can also analyze the behavior of Carnot efficiency in a similar way.
From Equation (16), one can have
and, consequently, obtain the variation of temperature with respect of potential width during the isoenergetic process [
During the isoenergetic compression process, from Equation (20) one can easily find that the temperature decreases with the compression of the potential width. On the other hand, during the adiabatic compression process
, the probability distribution of each energy level is fixed. From Equation (3), one can obtain
, which means that the temperature increases with the decreasing of potential width. Therefore, the lowest temperature
is at point 3 on the
f–L plane and the highest temperature
is at the isothermal process
. Suppose that there is a quantum Carnot cycle composed by two quantum isothermal processes and two quantum adiabatic processes, working between
. The efficiency of it coincides with the classical Carnot cycle [
15], say,
By using Equations (16) and (17), the quantum Carnot efficiency can be rewritten as,
Equations (18) and (22) are both the functions of
. Therefore, we can compare
by varying
. It is worth noting that from Equation (3) one can obtain,
Equation (23) shows that
when the positive temperature is considered,
. It means that the probability of find the system in the ground state of the two-state system decreases during the isothermal expansion, which indicates
. Therefore, the 3D plot of
varying with
can be shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2, one can see that for every possible pair of
is always smaller than
, as expected. It is worth noting that in our previous work [
29], another three-process quantum engine cycle was constructed by following sequence: “isoenergetic process
adiabatic process
isothermal process”. There exist a non-monotonic relationship between efficiency and
is larger than the characteristic value of temperature
. However, in the cycle described by
Figure 1, the non-monotonic relationship disappears. In fact, the cycle in
Figure 1 and the one in [
29] are two separate parts of a quantum Carnot cycle [
15], as shown in
Figure 3. According to Equation (1), the expectation value of the Hamiltonian depends on potential width
L and ground state probability
p. It is possible to find a set of
that satisfies
which means that the expectation value of the Hamiltonian at point 2 equals to that of point 3. Therefore, points 2 and 3 can be connected by an isoenergetic quantum process on the
f–L plane.
The efficiency of cycle “
” in
Figure 3 is given in [
Since from point 3 to point 1 is a quantum adiabatic compression process, the quantum state of the two-state system does not change. Therefore, one can have
as well as
and then Equation (25) can be rewritten as,
From Equations (18), (22) and (26), one can verify the following relationship,
Equation (27) shows clearly that Carnot efficiency can be precisely reproduced by ideal coupling of the two three-process cycles indicated in
Figure 3. We stress that, in the classical Carnot cycle, it is not possible to connect point 2 and 3 by a thermodynamic process because of the absence of the isoenergetic process. It shows again that the three-process quantum cycle discussed above has no counterpart in classical thermodynamics.
Inspired by the finite-time thermodynamics [
17], we can discuss the power output of the above mentioned three-process quantum engine cycle. As indicated in
Figure 1, the potential wall moves from point 1 to point 2 and then moves back after one full cycle and the total movement of it can be expressed as
. Assuming that this velocity is small in order to avoid transition to higher excited states, but still with finite average speed
. The total cycle time can be expressed as
. Therefore, the power output is given by,
Substituting Equations (16), (17) and (24) into Equation (28) yields,
Equation (29) indicates that the power output is a function of
if the initial potential width
and average speed
are given. For the sake of convenience, we discuss the behavior of dimensionless power output,
, below. With the positive temperature condition,
, the variation of
can be shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4, one can find that there exist a global maximum value for
. More precisely,
can be obtained by solving the following coupled equations,
The numerical result shows that
. Thus, the power output can be optimized by adjusting the probabilities of ground states at point 1 and 2 on the
f–L plane. From
Figure 4, it can also be seen that for any given value of
, the curve of
vs. is always concave to give the global maximum. From Equation (16) we can see that a given
indicates a given temperature
if the potential width at the initial point is set. During the expansion process
, the system is coupled to a heat bath with temperature
Equation (31) shows that will tend to infinity if is close to , which indicates that a full cycle time will be very large and yields zero power output. On the other hand, if is very close to , the area of cycle on the f–L plane tends to zero. Vanishing work also means zero power output. Therefore, the power output can be optimized in the region .
Furthermore, Equations (18) and (29) show that the efficiency and power output are both functions of
. Therefore, we can generate the curves of power output with respect to the efficiency by varying
under the condition
Figure 5 shows the
vs. relationship for some values of
Figure 5, one can find that all the
vs. curves are concave. Thus, there exists an efficiency
that corresponding to the maximum power output
for each value of
. The physical meaning of each
is nontrivial. When
, the power output increases with the increasing of efficiency. It means that the cycle is not working in optimal regions. Both efficiency and power output can be optimized towards positive direction. When
, the power output is decreasing with the increasing of
. It means that in order to improve the engine’s efficiency, the cost is to decrease the engine’s power output, and
vice versa. Therefore, this kind of trade-off between the efficiency and power output should be concerned when the engine is working at this region, and
is the lower bound of the region.