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Optical fiber magnetic field sensor based on single-mode–multimode–single-mode structure and magnetic fluid

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An optical fiber magnetic field sensor based on the single-mode–multimode–single-mode (SMS) structure and magnetic fluid (MF) is proposed and demonstrated. By using a piece of no-core fiber as the multimode waveguide in the SMS structure and MF sealed in a capillary tube as the magnetic sensitive media, which totally immersing the no-core fiber, an all-fiber magnetic sensor was fabricated. Interrogation of the magnetic field strength can be achieved either by measuring the dip wavelength shift of the transmission spectrum or by detecting the transmission loss at a specific wavelength. A demonstration sensor with sensitivities up to 905pm/mT and 0.748dB/mT was fabricated and investigated. A theoretical model for the design of the proposed device was developed and numerical simulations were performed.

© 2013 Optical Society of America

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