Showing posts with label printmaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printmaking. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

App Review: iPad for Printmaking!

My blogposts have taken a huge spiral down; probably due to nice weather and the craziness of the last months of school. (seriously though, has April even happened?)  However, my 5th graders have been busy little printmakers since we got back to class from spring break.  I ran into a little dilemma of only having 9 brayers - so the iPads stepped up and made an excellent addition to the whole instruction on printmaking. These next APPs I'm about the highlight were fun, easy, and a great visualization of the many techniques of printmaking.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

city prints

If you're reading this and have yet to spend hours of your life on a little gem of a site called Pinterest, you need to get out from under that rock you've been hiding in and get yourself a Pinterest account right now.  I am, like thousands of others, completely addicted to this virtual pinboard full of images just perfect enough to let my never-resting mind go clicking away at endless pictures all night.  So go, get going, and you're welcome.

Now I told you that story, to tell you another story about a printmaking project recently completed with my fourth graders. Being my first year, I was a little nervous about creating a printing project.  It's a tricky medium, and I wanted a project where every student would have fun and have success with a print.  Well I turned to my buddy Pinterest to help me out.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Starting off the week after an AWESOME time at the IAEA conference this past weekend.  Met a ton of cool new art teachers to bounce ideas off of and took from it a bunch of new inspirations to help in the classroom.

I wanted to share, however, this quick video I created to show my 4th/5th grade students.  How convenient that we are in our printmaking section in class and I was fortunate to attending a screen printing workshop.   If you have never heard of screen printing artist Jay Ryan - you need to.  He's great and was a ton of help in his workshops.  Enjoy the video!