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Official Website of the Department of Homeland Security

Making it faster and easier for frequent travelers to cross the U.S. border

Annually purchase border-crossing annual fees for commercial vehicles, private vessels, or private aircraft, all online. Also, Single Crossing purchases are available for commercial vehicles.

See How Decals & Transponders Work

Video: Where to Place the Transponder on a Commercial Vehicle (1m 48s)

Get Started: What do you have?

Commercial Vehicle Private Aircraft Private Vessel

DTOPS Process in a Nutshell

Icon that represents logging in or signing up for a DTOPS profile

Log in or sign up for a DTOPS profile

Icon that represents setting up your purchasing account

Set up your purchasing account

Icon that represents adding items to your shopping cart

Add item(s) to your shopping cart

Icon that represents checkout via our secure online payment system

Checkout with our secure online payment system

Icon that represents a payment confirmation and/or receipt of an email following payment

Shortly after, you'll receive a payment confirmation and/or receipt via email. Any requested items will be mailed

Commercial Vehicle

Pay Annual User Fee
(new to your account)
(for crossings through end of selected year)
Learn More

Benefits: Use this for unlimited border crossings in a calendar year.

This option is intended for a vehicle that either:

  • is new to DTOPS, or
  • has never had an active transponder.

Cost: $418.27 (U.S.) per calendar year

Pay a Single Border Crossing Fee Learn More

Benefits: Use this for a one-time border crossing.

Cost: $14.24 (U.S.) per vehicle

Renew an Annual User Fee (Commercial Vehicle)
(renew vehicle in your account's inventory)
Learn More

Benefits: Use this for unlimited border crossings in a calendar year.

Renewing a transponder means paying the annual user fee for a vehicle that already has a transponder and for which the annual user fee was paid in some earlier year. A new transponder is provided only for certain reasons.

Cost: $418.27 (U.S.) per vehicle

Additional Actions

Private Aircraft

Pay Annual User Fee
(for crossings through end of selected year)
Learn More

Purpose: Use this for unlimited border crossings in a calendar year.

This option is intended for an aircraft that either:

  • is new to DTOPS, or
  • had a decal in the past, but the annual user fee was not paid for the previous year.
Cost: $34.83 (U.S.) per calendar year

Renew a Decal Learn More

Purpose: Use this for unlimited border crossings in a calendar year.

Renewing a decal means paying the annual user fee for an aircraft for which the previous year's annual user fee was paid. A new decal is shipped for every renewal.

Cost: $34.83 (U.S.) per decal and calendar year

Additional Actions

Private Vessel (30+ ft.)

Pay Annual User Fee
(for crossings through end of selected year)
Learn More

Purpose: Use this for unlimited border crossings in a calendar year.

This option is intended for a vessel that either:

  • is new to DTOPS, or
  • had a decal in the past, but the annual user fee was not paid for the previous year.

Cost: $34.83 (U.S.) per calendar year

Renew a Decal Learn More

Purpose: Use this for unlimited border crossings in a calendar year.

Renewing a decal means paying the annual user fee for a vessel for which the previous year's annual user fee was paid. A new decal is shipped for every renewal.

Cost: $34.83 (U.S.) per decal and calendar year

Additional Actions

New in DTOPS

Transponder Placement Instructions

Beginning October 1, CBP will no longer include a hard copy “Transponder Placement Instructions” sheet with the transponder and receipt mailing.

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Ordering Replacement Transponders

Ordering a Replacement Transponder should ONLY be done if Transponder is not functioning properly, transponder was not delivered, or had a windshield replaced.

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Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information request unless it displays a current valid OMB control number and an expiration date. The control number for this collection is 1651-0052. The estimated average time to complete this application is 20 minutes for vehicles and 16 minutes for aircraft and vessels. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Regulations and Rulings, 799 9th Street NW, Washington DC 20229. Expiration 07-31-2024