Driver's Prep - Free DMV tests

2025 DMV Test & Permit Practice

These free practice tests help you pass your first DMV written knowledge test. An extensive database with practice questions covers all areas of your State Driver Handbook and the official DMV test.

You can take as many tests as you want, as often as you wish. Practice tests are available for all states and are entirely free.

Rest assured, with Driver’s Prep, you are guaranteed to pass your exam. It’s the most reliable and effective way to prepare for your official DMV test.

Pick Your State DMV Practice Test Below

Are the Practice Tests the Same as the Real Tests?

With our experience and expertise, we construct questions that are like the real ones and sometimes the same. Some of our users say that they recognized almost all questions on the real exam from our practice tests.

But these practice tests are a learning tool. So, we also stretch it a bit…

All Practice Tests at Driversprep are 100% Free

Practice tests are updated regularly to match the content of the state Driver Manual and what you must know for your DMV test.

They are 100% free with no fees or hidden gimmicks. Just simple DMV practice test questions, answers, and explanations to help you pass your DMV written knowledge exam. The practice tests are simple; read the question and click on the correct choice. You will get instant feedback and know if your answer is correct. If you miss a question, there is also a brief explanation to help you learn faster.

Take as Many Tests as You Need

You can take as many tests as you want, as often as you like. But rules between states are not always the same, so use the practice tests for your state – or you could learn the wrong rules for your DMV examination.

Important: by using our site and the free DMV practice tests, you agree to our Terms and Conditions .

Reach the Passing Score on Each Test

The passing score in most states is 80%, but it can be lower or higher in your state.

Do you want to know the passing scores in different states? Read this: United States Permit and License Passing Scores .

Are the Practice Tests the Same as the Real Tests?

With our experience and expertise, we construct questions that are like the real ones and sometimes the same. Some of our users say that they recognized almost all questions on the real exam from our practice tests.

But these practice tests are a learning tool. So, we also stretch it a bit…

All Practice Tests at Driversprep are 100% Free

Practice tests are updated regularly to match the content of the state Driver Manual and what you must know for your DMV test.

They are 100% free with no fees or hidden gimmicks. We offer simple DMV practice test questions, answers, and explanations to help you pass your DMV written knowledge exam. The practice tests are simple: read the question and click on the correct choice. You will get instant feedback and know if your answer is correct. If you miss a question, there is also a brief explanation to help you learn faster.

Take as Many Tests as You Need

You can take as many tests as you want, as often as you like. But rules between states are not always the same, so use the practice tests for your state – or you could learn the wrong rules for your DMV examination.

Important: by using our site and the free DMV practice tests, you agree to our Terms and Conditions .

Reach the Passing Score on Each Test

The passing score in most states is 80%, but it can be lower or higher in your state.

Do you want to know the passing scores in different states? Read this: United States Permit and License Passing Scores .

DMV Practice Online Since 2007 has been the leading online driver education and learning site for permit test practice for over 15 years! Not only do teens taking their first permit exam benefit from this fantastic online resource, but it is also a great help for adult applicants who need to retake their official written test.

We launched in 2007. One million visitors take over 10 million free DMV practice written tests yearly. Access to the online test has always been 100% free at All questions and answers are based on each state’s official handbook or driver manual and are updated regularly. Professional instructors with genuine knowledge about safe driving practices and road rules write questions.

You should remember that is privately owned and not affiliated with any State or Government Entity. You cannot qualify for a permit or driver’s license by taking the online practice tests here. These tests are for practice only.

Practice tests are offered free as a study help.

Complete Your DMV Test Quicker and Easier

Besides 100% free written tests, all users can receive instant feedback and support through email or social media.

Users who practice for their permit test through are better prepared. Not only do they complete their official examination quicker and easily, but they are also more confident about their driving knowledge and skills. The overall pass rate by regular users of this educational tool is over 90 percent. The pass rate applies to users who have taken ten or more DMV practice tests and reached a passing score of 92%. Statistics from some states show a pass rate of 96 percent when taking the actual permit exam. Studying with surely helps most users pass with flying colors.

DMV Test Questions and Answers You Can Trust

Above all, offers license and permit practice tests that you can trust! We review the content regularly. When questions are too easy to misunderstand or when laws change, the pool of questions is updated.

As a user, you can access the country’s most comprehensive database of driver’s license questions. This means you can be confident that the practice tests cover all aspects and all items that might appear on your exam. You may also rest assured that the answers are correct. If you still have doubts, we are always there to help. We take the DMV examination seriously and want you to pass!

For the latest news, it is a good idea to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

What if You are Hopeless at Taking Tests?

Don’t let yourself get down just because you get low practice scores. When learning to drive, you have as much potential as anyone else. And you have the same chance of success in getting your driver’s license. It is just going to take a bit longer!

Here are some good hints. If you don’t know the answer, try to eliminate one or two obviously wrong choices. By practicing, you will be able to narrow down your choices.

Still difficult? Make the best educated guess you can. It will often prove to be the correct answer.