GPF intensifies efforts to spread awareness of road safety

The Traffic Education Department of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) continues to educate road users on the importance of defensive driving.

Sargeant Richard Trotz noted that the sessions are specially designed lectures, that target different categories of road users including school children and drivers of motor lorries.

Sargeant Richard Trotz – Traffic Education Department at Traffic Headquarters, Eve Leary

“It’s important to teach these persons safe practices when using the road, for example, defensive driving. Getting persons to become defensive drivers is important so that when you use a motor vehicle, they practice the five Cs at all times,” he stated.

When using the road, people need to consider the weather, state of the road, traffic and maintenance of the vehicle.

He noted that there are continuous lectures from nursery to secondary schools, where children are reminded of the curb drill and other safe ways of using the road. Parents are also targeted in these talks.

“You’d find that the children are doing the right thing, but the adults who should be responsible for the young ones, they are not doing the right thing…Parents would bring their children to school in the morning on motorcycles, no helmet, no seat belt, parking their vehicles to obstruct the pedestrian crossings that are placed in front of the school,” he explained.

Meanwhile, traffic departments nationwide will conduct lectures to both private and public sector organisations like those in the oil and gas, and construction sectors that have large fleets of vehicles.

Sargeant Trotz noted that obstruction is a major problem in the city, and several vehicles have been booted, especially in the vicinity of the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Soon the department will collaborate with the Ministry of Public Service which will see all drivers from government agencies being trained.

Those persons will partake in theoretical and practical sessions, where these drivers will be observed while carrying out their daily activities.