Agile Artifacts - Documenting, Tracking and Reporting Trust The Source Luke!
By: Dave Thomas
The Agile Manifesto emphasizes the importance of code. Literate Programming [2] is a best practice style for writing programs which are intended to be read and evolved over time. Some naïve AgileXP purists insist that code needs no comments or other documentation since the code should be easily understood from the own clarity and its associated unit and acceptance tests. They have a well founded concern about the tendency for a comment not to be updated or refactored when the code is changed. However, these concerns don't in our experience justify the omission of proper structured comments which improve readability and understandability of the code.
Cite as:
Dave Thomas, “Agile Artifacts - Documenting, Tracking and Reporting Trust The Source Luke!”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 6, no. 3 (March 2007), pp. 25-31, doi:10.5381/jot.2007.6.3.c4.
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