Steam Oxidation of Silicon Carbide at High Temperatures for the Application as Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding, an Overview
:1. Introduction
2. Features of SiC Oxidation/Corrosion at High Temperatures in “Dry” and “Wet” Atmospheres and Remaining R&D Issues for ATF-Cladding
2.1. Oxidation/Corrosion of SiC at High Temperatures in “Dry” Atmospheres
2.2. Oxidation/Corrosion of SiC at High Temperatures in “Wet” Atmospheres
2.3. Oxidation Kinetics of SiC at High Temperatures and R&D Issues for ATF-Cladding
3. Advanced Test Facilities for ATF-Claddings
3.1. Laser Heating Facility (LAHF)
3.2. QUENCH-SR Facility
4. Recent Findings in Advanced Test Facilities
4.1. Oxidation Kinetics of SiC in Steam at Temperatures Up to 1800 °C
4.2. Oxide Scale and Bubble Formation
4.3. Tests with Prototypical SiC-Based Cladding Tubes
5. Summary and Perspective
- Development of non-contact heating and measurement techniques provide unique tools for studying of materials behavior in severe environments, which were not possible before. Further common features include localized heating of small sample masses allowing for high heating rates and avoiding contamination other materials of the facility, such as the support plate. All this occurs under fixed atmospheric conditions.
- Investigations conducted using the LAHF successfully yielded the SiC steam oxidation kinetics up to 1800 °C. The LAHF data at 1400–1800 °C are in good agreement with the data obtained at 1200–1400 °C by Opila. It indicated a similar SiC steam oxidation mechanism existed up to 1800 °C as was valid at 1400 °C. In other words, the excellent oxidation resistance of SiC in steam (producing relatively less heat and hydrogen gas) was maintained at temperatures up to 1800 °C. Investigation of SiC steam oxidation in conducted with the QUENCH-SR facility also confirmed the excellent performance of SiC, as prototypical SiC cladding samples remained intact even after quenching with water from 2000 °C.
- Future works: In spite of these recent efforts, further investigations of SiC steam oxidation in for a wider range of conditions should be carried out. For example, recent studies on steam oxidation of SiC were conducted in very clean environments. It is, therefore, necessary to conduct high temperature SiC steam oxidation tests under various impure environments, such as Cl−, SO42−, Ca2+, or Na+-containing steam (from sea water). Tests under high pressure conditions of SiC steam oxidation of at high temperatures or pressure cycles should also be conducted to reflect the pressurization /depressurization cycles during reactor accidents. Furthermore, this new data of high-temperature SiC steam oxidation kinetics needs to be tested to the highest available temperatures and to the longest times possible particularly for operating fuel temperatures cycling in larger-scale experiments as planned in the QUENCH bundle facility at KIT. This is expected in the framework of the forthcoming OECD-NEA Joint Undertaking QUENCH-ATF [64].
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Author [Ref. No.] | Method | Specimen | Atmosphere | Velocity, cm/s | Temperature (°C) |
Opila [42] | TGA | SiO2 | 50% H2O/O2 | 4.4 | 1200–1400 |
Opila [42] | TGA | Preoxidized SiC | 50% H2O/O2 | 4.4 | 1200–1400 |
Terrani [13] | TGA | SiO2 | 100% H2O | 1.3~1.6 | 1200–1500 |
Terrani [13] | HTF | SiO2 | 100% H2O | 18~138 | 1400–1600 |
Pham [47] | LAHF | SiC | 97% H2O/Ar | 1200 | 1400–1800 |
Author [Ref. No.] | Method | Specimen | Atmosphere | Temperature (°C) |
Narushima [48] | TGA | CVD-SiC | 10% H2O/O2 | 1550–1650 |
Opila [51] | TGA | CVD-SiC | 10% H2O/O2 | 1200–1400 |
Opila [45] | HTF | CVD-SiC | 10% H2O/O2 | 1100–1400 |
Opila [45] | HTF | CVD-SiC | 25% H2O/O2 | 1100–1400 |
Opila [45] | HTF | CVD-SiC | 50% H2O/O2 | 1100–1400 |
Opila [42] | TGA | CVD-SiC | 50% H2O/O2 | 1200–1400 |
Opila [45] | HTF | CVD-SiC | 70% H2O/O2 | 1100–1400 |
Opila [45] | HTF | CVD-SiC | 90% H2O/O2 | 1100–1400 |
Terrani [13] | TGA | CVD-SiC | 100% H2O | 1200–1500 |
Terrani [13] | HTF | CVD-SiC | 100% H2O | 1400–1600 |
Pham [47] | LAHF | Monolithic SiC | 97% H2O/Ar | 1400–1800 |
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Pham, H.V.; Kurata, M.; Steinbrueck, M. Steam Oxidation of Silicon Carbide at High Temperatures for the Application as Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding, an Overview. Thermo 2021, 1, 151-167.
Pham HV, Kurata M, Steinbrueck M. Steam Oxidation of Silicon Carbide at High Temperatures for the Application as Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding, an Overview. Thermo. 2021; 1(2):151-167.
Chicago/Turabian StylePham, Hai V., Masaki Kurata, and Martin Steinbrueck. 2021. "Steam Oxidation of Silicon Carbide at High Temperatures for the Application as Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding, an Overview" Thermo 1, no. 2: 151-167.
APA StylePham, H. V., Kurata, M., & Steinbrueck, M. (2021). Steam Oxidation of Silicon Carbide at High Temperatures for the Application as Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding, an Overview. Thermo, 1(2), 151-167.