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Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization by Ultrabasic Rocks: A Chromite Mining Tailings Evaluation Case Study

Evgenios Kokkinos
Vasiliki Kotsali
Evangelos Tzamos
2 and
Anastasios Zouboulis
Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Ecoresources PC, Kolchidos Str., 3, 55131 Thessaloniki, Greece
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 16 July 2024 / Revised: 5 September 2024 / Accepted: 15 October 2024 / Published: 16 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Mining and Circular Economy)


Chromite is formed in nature in ophiolitic layers and ultrabasic rocks through fractional crystallization. The corresponding mining technologies separate the ore from these ultrabasic rocks, which are considered to be tailings for the process but may be valorized in other applications. The need to utilize this material is due to the large quantities of its production and the special management required to avoid possible secondary pollution. In the present work, the ultrabasic rocks of chromite mining were applied to acid mine drainage (AMD) neutralization. The aim was to increase the technological maturity of the method and promote circular economy principles and sustainability in the mining sector. Ultrabasic rocks were obtained from a chromite mining facility as reference material. Furthermore, an artificial AMD solution was synthesized and applied, aiming to simulate field conditions. According to the results, the sample was successfully utilized in AMD neutralization (pH 7), achieving rapid rates in the first 30 min and maximum efficiency (liquid to solid ratio equal to 8.3) at 24 h. However, the method presented a drawback since Mg was leached, even though the concentration of other typical metals contained in an AMD solution decreased.

1. Introduction

The mining industry includes processes related to the extraction, management, and treatment of solid minerals that occur in nature and, specifically, on the surface of the earth. Mining activities are diverse and they may have different ecological footprints [1]. The tailings they obtain are a major issue due to the vast quantities produced, even up to 65 billion tons per year, and they are often associated with the contamination risk involved not only in their storage but also in their management [2]. The amount of tailings produced by mines highly depends on the shape of the ore body, the mining plan, and the total production of ore during the mining cycle. Tailings, consisting of solids and liquids, are the products that remain after metals’ extraction by physical and chemical techniques [3].
Chromite occurs in ophiolitic layers, specifically at their base and within ultrabasic rocks. Its formation is attributed to fractional crystallization. The ultrabasic rocks, where chromite coexists, are mainly dunitic phases, such as olivine, serpentine, and pyroxenes. Serpentinization is a chemical process that occurs under special conditions when ultrabasic rocks come into contact with water [4]. Specifically, in conditions of low temperature and pressure, the process of serpentinization is called weathering, and at high temperatures, it is called transformation/metamorphosis [5]. The ferromagnesian silicate minerals (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, i.e., mainly olivine, contained in the ultrabasic rocks are transformed into hydroxylated ferromagnesian silicate minerals [Mg,Fe3Si2O5(OH)4]. These minerals belong to the serpentine group; therefore, the process is called serpentinization. As a result, water contact causes rock degradation into clay minerals and oxidation to iron oxides and hydroxides, weakening structure and compressive strength. Higher olivine content increases the weathering tendency [6].
Chromite mining and beneficiation technologies aim to maximize the separation of the ore from ultrabasic rocks, considered as tailings in the process but can be treated as by-products through proper management [7]. According to the current management methods, these tailings are piled up in heaps or stored in dumps within the facilities in order to be used as field restoration material. However, techniques like this may pose environmental risks, mainly in cases where the presence of chromium is confirmed, as it can be leached, along with other metals like magnesium, into the environment [2]. On the other hand, by following the principles of the circular economy for the utilization of tailings/waste, the valorization of ultrabasic rocks, which are the remains of chromite mining, may be possible. By implementing such practices, the sustainability of the mining sector is promoted through tailings reuse, volume minimization, safe management, and environmental impact prevention [8]. The related case studies in the literature refer to chromatic ultrabasic rocks’ valorization as additives in ceramic and brick manufacture, carbon dioxide capture, and neutralization of acidic liquid waste (acid mine drainage, AMD). It is worth mentioning that even if the corresponding outcomes seem promising for field implementation, the technological maturity is low, and further investigation is required.
Specifically, when the olivine [9] and serpentine (as additives to kaolin) [10] thermal treatment was studied, high refractory properties, physical and mechanical, were observed in temperature values above 1300 °C. The main drawback of the resulting material is the formation of enstatite since it presents a low melting point. In addition, ultrabasic rocks have the potential for long-term CO2 sequestration, which can be achieved through direct or indirect mineral carbonation processes [11]. Direct carbonation occurs in gaseous or aqueous media, and it is called gas-solid (dry) or aqueous (wet), respectively. Dry carbonation is slow and requires pressure or heating for high efficiency [12]. Direct wet carbonation involves minerals reacting with gaseous CO2 in aqueous media, necessitating mineral dissolution to obtain an aqueous solution rich in metals like Mg and Fe [13]. Dissolution and carbonation take place in a single step, while indirect wet carbonation occurs in different reactors. Wet carbonation, particularly indirect, offers the highest efficiency among the methods [14].
When ultrabasic rocks were valorized in acidic waste neutralization, not only did the pH value increase, but no new waste streams were created, and at the same time, valuable by-products, like precipitated silicon and magnetic ferrites, were produced [15]. The low pH of the AMD solution initially leads to a partial dissolution of these rocks, increasing their iron and magnesium (i.e., the structural metals of ultrabasic rocks) concentration. As the system reaches equilibrium, i.e., pH > 7, the precipitation and co-precipitation processes take place due to the decrease in their solubility [16]. The mechanism described concerns not only the metals leached from the material into the solution but also metals pre-existing in the AMD, such as Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, etc. [17]. The first dissolution step is considered to be crucial for the successful implementation of the method; however, its kinetic rate is low for industrial use. Low pH values of the AMD and higher temperatures favor the dissolution rate of the ultrabasic rocks, factors that are not possible, desirable, or economically interesting to be adjusted in field conditions [18].
This work aimed to develop an evaluation methodology for the exploitation of a field ultrabasic rock sample obtained from a chromite mining facility in acid mine drainage neutralization for safe disposal or storage. To the best of our knowledge, these tailings have not been extensively tested by other researchers regarding their utilization in neutralizing AMD. Various materials [16,18], even similar in composition or structure [15], have been applied in the same context, while the only reference that exists regarding ultrabasic rocks from chromite mining concerns preliminary experiments and not an in-depth investigation of the process [19]. Therefore, in this study, its neutralization capacity was evaluated in a sulfuric acid solution and, afterward, in a simulated AMD solution. Synthesized artificial AMD was related to mining activities, and its main characteristics were the low pH value, high sulfate, and heavy/toxic metals concentration [20].

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Reference Material

The chromite mining tailings, i.e., the ultrabasic rocks, were obtained from the Vourinos area in the Kozani region (Western Macedonia, Greece), where the corresponding mines and the enrichment mineral plant are located. Geological analysis and data regarding the Vourinos area were presented by Rassios et al. [21]. The rocks (diameter range 20–50 cm) are piled in heaps within the facility. In total, ten samples were collected from different heaps or points of them and crushed (diameter range 2–5 cm). The samples were ground by a ball mill, sieved (<250 μm), and homogenized.

2.2. Characterization of the Sample

The main structural phases were identified by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) using a water-cooled Rigaku Ultima + diffractometer with CuKa radiation, a step size of 0.05° and a step time of 3 s, operating at 40 kV and 30 mA (Rigaku, Tokyo, Japan). The obtained samples were ground and sieved below 63 μm to obtain a fine powder for the measurement. The powder was placed in a zero-diffraction glass holder with the surface aligned to the instrument according to the calibration height. For the calibration, a single-crystal Si specimen was measured using similar parameters, and the 2θ axis was realigned according to the observed shift compared to the expected diffraction peak of the (111) planes. The diffraction patterns were compared to the respective Powder Diffraction Files (PDF) database [22]. Moreover, acid digestion was applied for metal determination. In a Teflon beaker, 1 g of the homogenized sample was placed, and the aqua regia was added. It was mildly heated for four hours (90 °C), and then HF was added since it had first been removed from the heat source in order to reach room temperature. Digestion was carried out for another two hours under the same conditions until the sample was completely dissolved. Metal concentration was determined via flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry using the Perkin–Elmer Analyst 800 instrument (Perkin-Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA).
Acid neutralization capacity (ANC) was determined following the CEN/TS 14997 test [23]. According to the protocol, the sample and distilled water were placed in a liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) equal to 10 in a certain number of beakers. By adding HNO3, each set’s pH was adjusted to a different value in the range 2–10. The experiment was carried out for 48 h. Knowing the acid concentration and measuring its volume was needed to keep the pH value constant; it was possible to calculate the ANC for each set (unit: mol [H+]/kg).

2.3. Neutralazition Experiments

The ultrabasic rock sample was placed in conical flasks (1–8 g), and 50 mL of 0.01 M H2SO4 was added. After shaking the flasks for a specified period, in the range of 0.25–74 h, the suspension was filtered through a 0.45 µm pore-size membrane filter. The pH and conductivity values of the liquid phase were measured (Mettler Toledo, Zurich, Switzerland). In addition, the concentration of the leachable metals was also determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The software used to process the experimental results was Origin version 7.5.

2.4. Artificial AMD

The Table 1 presents the metal concentration range in simulated acid mine drainage solutions (AMD) at a laboratory level obtained from the literature [20,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. No standard method has been established/proposed for the synthesis of an artificial AMD, so its parameters in this work were selected according to other reports, aiming for their mean values. The adopted concentration of metals is also presented in Table 1. It is worth mentioning that values with high deviation from the mentioned ranges were excluded in order to obtain a more realistic and representative solution with many AMD case studies. Various amounts of metal sulfates or oxides were gradually added to distilled water under stirring conditions. The pH value was periodically adjusted to 1.9 (the reported range in the literature is 1.6–3.5). The solution reached equilibrium after stirring for two hours, which was determined by the minor alteration in pH value. Then, the solution was filtrated using a vacuum pump in order to remove the insoluble salts. The conductivity was measured at 3035 μS/cm, and the sulfate concentration was calculated at 1819 mg/L.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Sample Characterization

The ultrabasic rocks obtained from a chromite mine and used as reference samples in this work consisted of two main structures, olivine [(Mg,Fe)2SiO4] and serpentine [(Mg,Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4]. Serpentine is a hydrous form of olivine that arises through natural processes, and its main phase in the sample was lizardite (Figure 1). Its formula is Mg3Si2O5(OH)4; Mg and Si were the metals involved in the serpentine structure, not Fe [31].
These results were in good agreement with the chemical analysis of the sample (Table 2) since the content of Fe was five times less than that of Mg. In addition, structural results may be obtained through metal content. The serpentine group structures present a Si/(Si + Mg) ratio value in the range of 0.4–0.6, and the olivine structures have an Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio value in the range of 0.65–0.95 [32]. The calculated values according to the sample’s chemical analysis were 0.45 and 0.83, respectively. Moreover, only small quantities of other metals were identified (<1%wt.), and mainly, the absence of chromium was revealed.

3.2. Neutralization Capacity

The acid neutralization capacity of the examined ultrabasic rock sample was determined by the CEN/TS 14997 test, as mentioned before. The corresponding data are presented in Figure 2, where the pH value is plotted in proportion to mol [H+]/kg, which was calculated through the volume of acid consumed in each equilibrium condition, its concentration, and the liquid-to-solid ratio. This diagram includes the pH value in which zero volume of acid was added. Τhis aqueous phase consisted of deionized water, and the value of equilibrium pH was equal to 9.8. This point was the maximum pH that was examined, with the rest adjusted at lower values than this. It was also considered to be the point of zero charge of the sample.
The sample’s ANC values presented an almost linear decrease in the pH range of 3–9. When the pH value was set at two, the ANC increased at its highest rate (1.3 mol [H+]/kg) since it was doubled in comparison to the corresponding value in the immediate previous one, i.e., pH 3 (0.63 mol [H+]/kg). The ANC depends on the dissolution rate of Fe and Mg during the pH adjustment [33]. According to the neutralization mechanisms (Reactions 1 and 2), Fe and Mg were dissolved, and the insoluble (ortho) silicate anions formed stable complexes with the free hydrogen cations of the acidic solution [15]. Since Fe is soluble in pH < 3, its indirect contribution to H+ consumption was much higher in equilibrium pH 2. On the other hand, Mg presents higher solubility than Fe in the entire range of the tested pH values and higher content in the sample. Therefore, Mg is the key factor for the obtained capacities [34]. Furthermore, serpentine contributed to the neutralization process by leaching its surface hydroxides (–OH), according to Reaction 3, as experimentally indicated by the determination of a highly alkaline point of zero charge [35].
(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 + 4 H+ → 2 (Mg,Fe)2+ + H4SiO4
Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 + 6H+ → 3Mg2+ + 2SiO2 + 5H2O
Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 + H2O → Mg2Si2O5(OH)2 + Mg2+ + 2OH
According to the observations during the determination of the ANC in the present work, even more acid would be consumed by the sample in all cases of equilibrium pH. Reactions 1 and 2 took place as long as the system was fed with H+. Nevertheless, the protocol followed defines the end of the neutralization experiment at 48 h. The specific time limitation is an important experimental condition, and, in combination with the constant liquid-to-solid ratio, it leads to comparable results with other researchers. Unfortunately, a common protocol (performing experiments under the same experimental conditions) has not been adopted by the scientific community, and finding comparable results was extremely difficult. Table 3 shows the ANC values at equilibrium pH equal to the seven of some general categories of waste determined with the protocol CEN/TS 14997 or under the same experimental conditions.

3.3. Kinetic Study

Initially, regarding the neutralization experiments, 1 g of the ultrabasic sample was placed in each flask, and the acid media of 0.01 M H2SO4 was added. The acid concentration was chosen to comply with the pH range values of an artificial/real AMD mentioned above, and it was equal to 1.9. These conditions were adopted to study the neutralization process kinetically. According to Figure 3a, which presents the kinetic data, a rapid neutralization step was obtained during the first half hour, and a pH value slightly above three was reached [37]. At the same period, the conductivity showed the maximum reduction rate. In the range of 0.5–24 h, the neutralization rate was limited, and it obtained an almost linear increase until reaching equilibrium at the end of this period (pH ~6) [38]. Equilibrium was confirmed by the stabilization of pH (the parameter’s value presented a slight decrease up to 72 h) and conductivity (value slightly higher at 72 h).
The metals leached from the sample to the aqueous phase, mainly Fe and Mg, were also determined. Their concentrations, shown in Figure 3b, were related to the pH value and their solubility coefficient. In strongly acidic conditions (pH < 3.5), the solubility of Fe was high, while after 10 h, where pH increased above 4.5, its concentration decreased below 10 mg/L. The lowest Fe content in the aqueous phase was obtained after reaching equilibrium due to its precipitation at a slow rate in these conditions [39]. On the other hand, magnesium’s concentration/solubility, although it initially showed a decreasing trend, eventually increased as the pH value increased. This was attributed to the high quantity of leachable ions, indicated by conductivity, including hydroxides, during the first half hour, when, due to its low solubility at the corresponding pH range, Mg precipitated [40]. Higher pH values led to a gradual increase in Mg solubility over 24 h. Afterward, a slight decrease in its concentration was obtained [41].

3.4. Liquid to Solid Ratio (L/S)

The quantity of ultrabasic rock required to neutralize the acidic media was determined by stable experimental conditions of time and H2SO4 concentration. In addition, and regarding experimental duration, it was chosen to study neutralization at equilibrium achieved at 30 min (as the rapid neutralization step) and 24 h (as the slow step but with full exploitation of the neutralization capacity) based on the kinetic study.
According to Figure 4a, neutralization (pH = 7) could be achieved by applying approximately 2.5 g of ultrabasic rock (L/S = 20) since the inner line corresponds to a trend line. Moreover, in the pH range 6.4–7.5, conductivity reached its lowest values due to the limited combinatorial solubility of the sample’s metals, i.e., Fe and Mg; therefore, the leaching of hydroxides was limited (Figure 4b) [39,40]. Generally, 1 g proved insufficient to significantly increase the pH value, while further addition of the sample from the neutralization point caused an almost linear increase. In this case, the dependence of conductivity on the solubility of metals was also confirmed. Accordingly, the conductivity followed the decrease in Fe solubility up to the point of 3 g, and then it showed an increasing trend as the solubility of Mg increased since the Fe concentration was near zero [19].
As it was expected, higher neutralization capacity was achieved after 24 h compared with 30 min. The solution was neutralized by approximately 1.8 g of ultrabasic rock (L/S = 27.8). Both the pH and conductivity followed a linear increasing trend over the entire range of liquid-to-solid values examined. Due to the alkaline equilibrium conditions that were reached in the majority of the experiments, the solubility of Fe was near zero over the entire L/S range [17]. On the other hand, the higher experimental time compared to 30 min favored the dissolution of Mg since higher concentrations were determined for pH values close to and above eight where low variations in equilibrium pH were observed, corresponding L/S values 12.5, 10, and 8.3 (i.e., 4–6 g of ultrabasic rock) [42].

3.5. AMD Neutralazation

The previous experimental conditions were also applied in order to study the effect of the liquid-to-solid factor on the neutralization of the artificial AMD. As a general comment on the results, it should be emphasized that the efficiency decreased, which led to the addition of different ranges regarding the amount of ultrabasic rock (1–8 g). The pH values around six are thought to be part of a strong buffering phase during acidic media neutralization processes. This region was linked to the oxidation and hydrolysis of metals, mainly Fe(II) ions, which release hydro cations and delay the pH rise [37].
According to Figure 5a,c, the neutralization (pH = 7) at 30 min was achieved by applying 8 g of ultrabasic rock (L/S = 6.25) and at 24 h by applying 6 g of ultrabasic rock (L/S = 8.3). In both experimental conditions, efficiency was significantly decreased compared to the H2SO4 solution since the corresponding L/S values were 20 and 27.8, respectively. Using the artificial AMD throughout the entire range of the studied L/S values in the two periods, the pH showed an almost linear increase [43]. In addition, the comparative Table 4 presents the optimum values of the liquid-to-solid ratio from other materials (waste and commercial) application at AMD neutralization, the corresponding concentration of the materials, and the experimental time these were observed. On the other hand, the conductivity showed a significant decrease during the first 30 min, while at 24 h, the variations were lower [44]. In particular, at 24 h, a notable decrease was observed only when more than 5 g of ultrabasic rocks were applied [20]. As indicated previously, the conductivity value was directly related to the concentration of the metals and anions in the aqueous phase at equilibrium, and in this case, many of them had been added to the initial artificial AMD solution (Table 1) or/and leached from the sample.
In Figure 5b,d, the percentage decrease in the metal content of the artificial AMD at 30 min and 24 h, respectively, is presented (the inner line also corresponds to a trend line). It is clarified that due to the high leachability of Mg from the material to the solution at alkaline pH values, the relevant data referred to an increase in metal percentage content. This resulted in higher conductivity values at 24 h, as the Mg content in the aquatic solution was significantly higher compared to 30 min [41]. Regarding other metals, in all cases, their percentage content decrease was proportional to the pH value. Metal removal was attributed to their precipitation as sulfates or hydroxides due to decreased solubility [45]. Despite the fact that a quantity of sulfates was consumed in the precipitation mechanism, the conductivity of the treated AMD increased (from the initial value of 3035 μS/cm to the range 4300–5500 μS/cm). This was attributed to the enrichment of the solution with hydroxides through the high solubility of Mg (Reaction 3), which increases the conductivity to a greater degree than sulfates and other metals due to their higher mobility [46]. The contribution of Mg and other soluble metals to conductivity value was considered limited since the smaller the size of the cation, the larger the size of its hydrated form, and, therefore, it presents lower mobility [47]. In both experimental conditions of time, the increase in pH led to a decrease in conductivity as the residual concentration of Mg almost stabilized, and a significant portion of the rest of the metals contained in the initial AMD were precipitated (i.e., the overall quantity of ions decreased).
Regarding metal removal, the highest efficiency was obtained for Al, Cu, and Fe (>90%), while Ca, Mn, Ni, Cd, and Zn were significantly lower (<40%) in both tested periods [33]. The most notable increase in removal efficiency with respect to the duration of the experiment was shown by Ni, where it was increased from 10% at 30 min to 40% at 24 h at the neutralization point, indicating a fairly slow precipitation rate [20]. In addition, the XRD diagrams (Figure 6) of the used ultrabasic rocks at the abovementioned equilibrium point were identical both to each other and to the initial diagram of the sample. Therefore, no variation in the structure of the reference material was identified, and no peak was attributed to the precipitates of the metals contained in the artificial AMD solution due to their amorphous structure and low content [19]. Moreover, the chemical analysis indicated small differences in its chemical composition compared to Table 2, which were within the standard deviation of the measurements (±1%), while other characteristics, such as the particle size, also remained stable. Nevertheless, the final material was enriched with toxic metals, which were precipitated during the AMD neutralization stage. Consequently, it was considered hazardous material and required a special management method.

4. Conclusions

According to the results of this work, the ultrabasic rocks obtained as by-products from chromite mining were successfully evaluated for their exploitation in acid mine drainage neutralization. The process initially showed rapid rates, but the maximum capacity of the sample was achieved after 24 h. Aiming to simulate field conditions, the neutralization of artificial AMD was also studied, revealing that in 30 min, the process was completed for an L/S ratio equal to 6.25 and in 24 h for an L/S ratio equal to 8.3. Moreover, a substantial reduction (>90%) in the presence of Fe, Al, and Cu was achieved, while other typical metals contained in AMD presented limited removal efficiency (10–40%). An exception was the case of Mg, where, unlike before, the treated/residual AMD solution was enriched with an excess amount of it. This specific parameter is considered to be the only drawback of the proposed methodology. In field conditions, the tailings may be applied either as a coating material in AMD disposal pits (due to the rapid neutralization rates), in columns through which the acidic solution will pass, or in mixing tanks (exploitation of its maximum neutralization capacity). Future research addressing Mg leachability from the sample and its pre-treatment (e.g., thermally, in order to produce a new material to which the evaluation methodology of the present study will be applied), aiming for higher neutralization capacity, may lead to an even more attractive methodology for field application.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.K., V.K., E.T. and A.Z.; methodology, E.K.; software, E.K.; validation, E.K., V.K. and A.Z.; formal analysis, V.K.; investigation, E.K.; resources, E.T. and A.Z.; data curation, E.K.; writing—original draft preparation, E.K.; writing—review and editing, E.K., V.K., E.T. and A.Z.; visualization, E.K.; supervision, A.Z.; project administration, E.T.; funding acquisition, A.Z. and E.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation under the call RESEARCH—CREATE—INNOVATE (project code: TAEDK-06175).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

Author Evangelos Tzamos was employed by Ecoresources PC. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. XRD diagram of the ultrabasic rock obtained from chromite mine.
Figure 1. XRD diagram of the ultrabasic rock obtained from chromite mine.
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Figure 2. ANC diagram of the ultrabasic rock obtained from chromite mine.
Figure 2. ANC diagram of the ultrabasic rock obtained from chromite mine.
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Figure 3. The kinetic study of the neutralization process by applying 1 g of sample at 0.01 M H2SO4: (a) equilibrium pH and conductivity, and (b) Fe and Mg concentration in the residual liquid phase.
Figure 3. The kinetic study of the neutralization process by applying 1 g of sample at 0.01 M H2SO4: (a) equilibrium pH and conductivity, and (b) Fe and Mg concentration in the residual liquid phase.
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Figure 4. Neutralization of 0.01 M H2SO4 by applying different amounts of the sample (1–6 g): (a) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 30 min of experimental time, (b) Fe and Mg concentration in the residual liquid phase at 30 min of experimental time, (c) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 24 h of experimental time, and (d) Fe and Mg concentration in the residual liquid phase at 24 h of experimental time.
Figure 4. Neutralization of 0.01 M H2SO4 by applying different amounts of the sample (1–6 g): (a) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 30 min of experimental time, (b) Fe and Mg concentration in the residual liquid phase at 30 min of experimental time, (c) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 24 h of experimental time, and (d) Fe and Mg concentration in the residual liquid phase at 24 h of experimental time.
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Figure 5. Neutralization of artificial AMD solution by applying different amounts of the sample (1–8 g): (a) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 30 min of experimental time, (b) percentage of metals content decrease and increase (refers only to Mg) in the residual liquid phase at 30 min of experimental time, (c) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 24 h of experimental time, and (d) percentage of metals content decrease and increase and increase (refers only to Mg) in the residual liquid phase at 24 h of experimental time.
Figure 5. Neutralization of artificial AMD solution by applying different amounts of the sample (1–8 g): (a) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 30 min of experimental time, (b) percentage of metals content decrease and increase (refers only to Mg) in the residual liquid phase at 30 min of experimental time, (c) equilibrium pH and conductivity at 24 h of experimental time, and (d) percentage of metals content decrease and increase and increase (refers only to Mg) in the residual liquid phase at 24 h of experimental time.
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Figure 6. XRD diagrams of the used ultrabasic rock were obtained after 30 min and 24 h of neutralizing time.
Figure 6. XRD diagrams of the used ultrabasic rock were obtained after 30 min and 24 h of neutralizing time.
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Table 1. Metal concentration range was reported in the literature for artificial AMD (excessively high values were excluded) and the corresponding values were adopted in this work.
Table 1. Metal concentration range was reported in the literature for artificial AMD (excessively high values were excluded) and the corresponding values were adopted in this work.
ParameterConcentration Range (mg/L)Concentration in This Work (mg/L)Reagent
Table 2. Chemical analysis of the ultrabasic rock obtained from chromite mine.
Table 2. Chemical analysis of the ultrabasic rock obtained from chromite mine.
% wt. *
* ND: Not Detected.
Table 3. Acid neutralization capacities at pH 7 of various samples were determined by the CEN/TS 14997 protocol (data extracted from the corresponding diagrams).
Table 3. Acid neutralization capacities at pH 7 of various samples were determined by the CEN/TS 14997 protocol (data extracted from the corresponding diagrams).
SampleMain Basic StructureANC (mol H+/kg)Refs.
Coal fly ashCalcite/Olivine0.2[33]
Coal fly ashCalcite3.1[36]
Municipal waste fly ashCalcite0.2–1.4[36]
Peat fly ashCalcite0.5[36]
Steel slag-1.8 and 4.5[36]
Blast furnace slag-1[36]
Ni-smelter slag-0[36]
Chromite mining ultrabasic rockOlivine0.18This work
Table 4. Optimal time, concentration, and liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of various materials used in AMD neutralization (pH 6.5–7.5).
Table 4. Optimal time, concentration, and liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of various materials used in AMD neutralization (pH 6.5–7.5).
SampleTime (min)Conc. (g/L)L/SRefs.
Fly ash14402005[33]
Fly ash302050[37]
Red mud205020[38]
Limestone (commercial)3602050[40]
Brucite (commercial)602050[41]
Caustic soda (commercial)605200[41]
Fly ash6010010[43]
Ultrabasic rock1440120.58.3This work
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MDPI and ACS Style

Kokkinos, E.; Kotsali, V.; Tzamos, E.; Zouboulis, A. Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization by Ultrabasic Rocks: A Chromite Mining Tailings Evaluation Case Study. Sustainability 2024, 16, 8967.

AMA Style

Kokkinos E, Kotsali V, Tzamos E, Zouboulis A. Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization by Ultrabasic Rocks: A Chromite Mining Tailings Evaluation Case Study. Sustainability. 2024; 16(20):8967.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kokkinos, Evgenios, Vasiliki Kotsali, Evangelos Tzamos, and Anastasios Zouboulis. 2024. "Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization by Ultrabasic Rocks: A Chromite Mining Tailings Evaluation Case Study" Sustainability 16, no. 20: 8967.

APA Style

Kokkinos, E., Kotsali, V., Tzamos, E., & Zouboulis, A. (2024). Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization by Ultrabasic Rocks: A Chromite Mining Tailings Evaluation Case Study. Sustainability, 16(20), 8967.

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