Blockchain-Based Authentication in Internet of Vehicles: A Survey
:1. Introduction
- Highlighting the significance of the blockchain technology in IoV and VANETs by presenting a wide range of the blockchain-based authentication schemes that are proposed in the recent literature.
- Providing the first detailed survey focusing on the application of blockchain technology to a specific aspect of IoV security; that is, the authentication. Considering both IoV and VANETs technologies when surveying the different blockchain-based authentication schemes instead of restricting them to only one vehicular technology, which can provide a comprehensive source for researchers interested in the field of blockchain-based authentication.
2. Background
2.1. Internet of Vehicles
- VANETs’ framework could not fully support the global and sustainable services targeted by ITS applications. This is caused by the pure ad-hoc communication architecture, in which an on-road vehicle can lose its granted services once it disconnects from an ad-hoc network. This is due to the inability of collaborating with other alternative reachable networks.
- Internet connectivity in VANETS could not be ensured, which affects the availability of commercial applications for vehicles’ drivers and passengers since those applications rely on reliable Internet connectivity.
- Despite the rapid technological advancement of personal mobile devices, they could not communicate with VANETs due to the incompatible network architecture.
- Intelligent decision making, and big data analytics applications were not possible in certain VANETs architectures. This could be related to the computing and storage constraints and the lack of cloud computing services.
- The application services could not guarantee high level of accuracy, since VANETs localize the computation and processing of traffic data information.
2.2. Blockchain
2.3. Motivations to Use Blockchain in IoV
- Decentralization: Unlike the centralized-storage platforms where both data storage and management are handled by a trusted centralized node, blockchain technology exhibits a decentralized nature in which data records are kept and managed by all participating entities. This reduces the resource bottlenecks issue and maintenance cost associated with the centralized sever arrangements and avoids the single point of failure issue which all can be beneficial for IoV environments.
- Immutability: Since the creation and validation of new blocks of transactions should be agreed upon by all or most of the peers via the different consensus mechanisms before being added to the blockchain, the blockchain is almost impossible to be tampered with or modified.
- Security and privacy: The cryptographic nature of blockchain where both cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures are adopted can ensure the security of transactions data and the privacy of the participating users in IoV.
- Transparency: Since all participants keep a replica of the public ledger, they can access all the timestamped blockchain transactions. This enables the peers to manage, look up and verify transactions at any time in a transparent manner without an intermediary. This self-auditability and transparency not only promote the relief of the peers by managing their own transactions, but also mitigates the time and financial costs associated with the intermediate party.
- Automation: Blockchain technology supports the adoption of smart contracts which are software scripts that can be executed automatically by a triggering event or upon meeting some pre-defined set of rules. This automation property of blockchain can enhance the efficiency of many IoV applications and help provide various services autonomously without a need for a trusted entity.
- Traceability: Each transaction record is kept in the blockchain with a timestamp indicating its time of occurrence and joining the public ledger. This timestamped recording nature helps identifying the events in a chronological order which enhances the traceability and can support the non-repudiation requirement in IoV.
3. Security Issues in IoV and VANETs
3.1. Security Requirements and Challenges in Vehicular Networks
- Authentication: It means ensuring that the received data is generated by a legitimate sender, or in other words, making sure that the entity that sent the data must be the true actual entity it claims to be. It guarantees that the entities involved in the communication are authentic, not masqueraded by some attacker who forwards the messages on their behalf. Sybil attack, masquerading attack, impersonation attack, spoofing attack, replay attack, and wormhole attacks are examples of attacks that target the authenticity of IoV users.
- Availability: It is a basic requirement in IoV environment especially for the real-time critical applications where even a minor delay cannot be tolerated and made the information useless. Therefore, the IoV system should be available all the time to provide real-time information and services to all legitimate users and be able to tolerate partial system faults and failure issues through backups and replications. Moreover, a mature IoV system must have the ability to function under intense network load with the increasing number of participants. The common attacks that target the availability service are the denial-of-service and distributed denial-of-service attacks.
- Confidentiality: Some IoV applications include sensitive information that are accessed only by certain legitimate users. Therefore, confidentiality of this information must be insured through encryption to prevent it from being revealed and interpreted by any illegal entity even upon eavesdropping.
- Data integrity: It means there is no distortion—whether intentionally or accidentally—in the received data. In other words, the sent data and the received data are identical. Typical attacks on integrity can be data manipulation attack and malware attack.
- Non-repudiation: It guarantees that any involved user in the IoV environment cannot deny any of its past activities, i.e., sending or receiving any piece of information. This ensures that an attacker can be identified, and all its communicated messages can be retrieved if needed for subsequent actions.
- Access control: Each participating entity in the IoV network is assigned different rights and privileges to access the network resources. This security requirement guarantees that each node performs its functions based on the services it is entitled to.
- Privacy and anonymity: The users’ real identities may need to be made hidden using anonymous identities or pseudonyms to protect their privacy. Additionally, some location information such as the driving traces and tracks followed by the vehicles are sometimes preferred to be anonymous in order to prevent unauthorized location tracking.
- Data verification: Since malicious entities can modify the information sent by the sender, a regular data verification process is usually performed to identify the manipulated or tampered messages and thus reject or drop them (if found) to prevent misleading the receiving entities into taking improper decisions.
- Real-time guarantee and efficient routing: The majority of IoV and VANETs applications are real-time, such as accidents detection and warnings dissemination, which must be carried out within certain time constraints, otherwise the safety of drivers and passengers could be threatened, and the delayed information will become worthless. To be able to meet these time constraints, efficient secure routing protocols should be adopted to guarantee delivering the packets in their entirety and on time.
- Traceability and revocability: Despite the need for preserving the privacy of IoV users in general by hiding their real identities, the legal authorities should have the ability to retrieve the vehicles’ real identities in case of misbehaving to revoke them as well as in case of disputes.
- Scalability: With the increasing number of vehicles on the roads nowadays, more vehicles and entities are joining the network. Thus, a good vehicular network should be able to scale-up accordingly. However, this nodes extension may expose the network to higher security issues if not controlled and monitored properly. Therefore, monitored scalability is another security requirement of the IoV system.
- High mobility: Data packets must be preserved and kept unmodified during the entire uncertain routing process from the sender to the receiver and should also be delivered on time to satisfy the real-time security requirement. However, the high mobility of nodes in IoV and VANETs networks, and the continuously varying network topology have led to the transient nature of V2V and V2I interactions, which makes the real-time guarantee and non-repudiation security requirements much more difficult.
- Low errors tolerance: Any minor delay in receiving information or delivering packets in IoV may result in unacceptable situations or even road disasters, thus the time constraints are of high importance in such environments. However, the limited bandwidth and the unstable network quality in IoV caused by the huge number of vehicles being served, their mobility, and the unpredictable changes in wireless networks hinder the real-time security requirement. Therefore, some preventive security measures must be applied so that the drivers can be proactive in case of any emergency situations.
- Key management: Several authorities and stakeholders are considered important participants in IoV such as governmental institutions and vehicle manufacturers. Hence, it has always been a security challenge to delegate a certain authority among these stakeholders to serve as a fully Trusted Authority (TA) that is responsible for key distribution, management, and revocation, since choosing the wrong authority without considering its hidden intents and benefits could severely affect the security of the IoV system. Moreover, due to the scale of IoV and VANETs networks, the Certificates Revocation Lists (CRLs) that are responsible for the revocation of misbehaving and malicious vehicles become too long and thus not feasible which raises the overhead of the certificate revocation process. Thus, maintaining a balance between efficient key distribution/revocation process and low overhead is another challenge on IoV security.
- Tradeoff between security and privacy: In general, the more secure the system is, the less privacy it can provide for users. Many drivers and passengers may not be willing to sacrifice their privacy by sharing their private sensitive data such as their location and destination while caring for security at the same time. Thus, maintaining a good balance between high security and reasonable user privacy is another major security challenge in IoV.
- Compatibility and cooperation: Due to the divergent interests and targets of the various IoV participating parties such as vehicle manufacturers, consumers, and governmental organizations, it is a big challenge to align their interests properly.
3.2. Security Threats and Attacks in Vehicular Networks
- Channel Interference Attack: This is also known as jamming attack, which is the act of interfering with the wireless communication links to hinder and disrupt the quality of communication between connected IoV devices.
- Denial of Service (DoS) Attack: In this attack the attacker floods the IoV network with fake unnecessary requests so that the service provider is no longer able to handle the legitimate requests issued by the genuine users.
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack: It is an advanced type of DoS attack, in which the fake requests are launched from several distributed nodes forming botnets.
- Man-in-the-Middle Attack: In this attack, an attacker places itself in the middle of two communicating legitimate entities to receive the data from the sender and then forward it to the receiver. When the message passes through the attacker, he/she could modify it before forwarding it to the receiver or just reveal its content.
- Message Tampering Attack: This attack aims to corrupt the messages and spread false information in the network by manipulating and fabricating the contents of the communicated messages. This can badly affect the road safety and the services provided by IoV thereby harming passengers and drivers.
- Eavesdropping Attack: It is also referred to as traffic analysis attack, in which the attacker monitors the network to track vehicle routes for some malicious purposes. The attacker eavesdrops on the communication channels to examine the messages flowing in the network.
- Malware Attack: In this attack, the attacker injects malicious software or viruses in the system files to contaminate the network, which can be leveraged to disrupt the network services and/or to manipulate users’ data.
- Message Holding Attack: Here, the attacker drops some sensitive messages that hold important data about road conditions that could greatly affect the decision of the drivers on road and thus the road safety is compromised. It also enables the drivers to keep these messages for future use (replaying) in the network.
- Sybil Attack: An adversary creates multiple fictitious vehicles on the road from a single node/vehicle by allocating it different identities to appear as it represents separate entities. In other words, an attacker creates (and then controls) more than one identity on a single physical node. This implies that other entities in the network will not be able to judge if the data originate from a single vehicle or multiple vehicles. This attack can be used to affect the route selection of a target vehicle by creating a fake traffic jam on the road which forces the targeted victim vehicle to choose an alternative path.
- GPS Deception/Spoofing Attack: It refers to the interception and manipulation of the GPS signals while being sent between two legitimate IoV nodes, to mislead the receiving entity by providing wrong location information about the sending vehicles. This can directly harm the drivers and the passengers by affecting their path decisions. Additionally, when a GPS receiver of a vehicle is attacked, it could provide the vehicle with false information about its location, speed, and other GPS information, which can greatly affect some IoV applications that depend on this GPS information such as navigation devices.
- Masquerading/Impersonation Attack: A node pretends to be another node by stealing its identity. Here, both the legitimate vehicle and the adversary vehicle can use the same identity simultaneously which can create a chaos in the network since other vehicles may receive contradictory information from the same identity. The malicious node can also enjoy the access privileges of the spoofed identity.
- Worm Hole Attack: Also known as tunneling attack, refers to the attack where at least two malicious vehicles create a private tunnel known as a worm hole which is used to forward the intercepted data between the two of them [89]. In this attack, the true distance information is faked where other entities are forced to route through the created tunnel thus controlling all the traffic flowing in the network.
- Replay Attack: In this attack, an adversary keeps iterating the old messages in the network to deceive the other nodes by dropping the messages with high priority from the queue. This can greatly affect the system’s efficiency and increase the cost of the bandwidth.
4. Blockchain-Based Authentication Schemes in Vehicular Networks
4.1. Private Blockchain-Based Authentication Protocols
4.2. Public Blockchain-Based Authentication Protocols
4.3. Consortium Blockchain-Based Authentication Protocols
5. Discussion
- The choice of the consensus mechanism used by the blockchain depends on many factors such as the amount of power consumption the system can afford, the percentage of faulty nodes the network can tolerate, and others. However, the size of the IoV network is also an important factor to be considered. For example, although the PBFT consensus is lightweight in power consumption and has a good fault-tolerance of approximately 33%, it does not support high network scalability; thus, it is chosen only by the small-scale IoV platforms such as in [128], or by fog-based IoV networks where the whole network can be large but the consensus is performed in fog-area-basis such as in [123,130,131,133]. On the other hand, PoW has been chosen by the large-scale IoV environments [119,122,125,126] due to its high scalability and high fault tolerance, despite its large power consumption. In general, we can say that these two consensus mechanisms are the most commonly used by the blockchains when applied for IoV and VANETs authentication.
- Some of the papers only considered a V2V model to investigate their authentication schemes such as [120], while most of them have considered an integrated network model (V2V and V2I). Due to the ad-hoc and mobile nature of V2V communication, the authentication is more challenging in it.
- In terms of performance analysis, the use of blockchain for authentication in IoV and VANETS networks introduces the need to include additional evaluation measures that reflect the efficiency of the blockchain itself such as the throughput which refers here to the number of transactions that can be verified and added to the blockchain per second [117,119,127,139], the transactions latency [119,122,127], and the blockchain storage overhead [123,126,133,136,137], beside other measures that are used commonly to evaluate the conventional cryptographic-based authentication schemes including the average packet delay, the average packet loss ratio, the communication cost, and the computational cost.
- Regarding the security analysis, the different authentication schemes have shown uneven levels of resistance against the various security attacks introduced in the previous sections.
6. Future Research Directions and Open Challenges
6.1. Efficient Design of Blockchain-Assisted IoV Authentication
- (1)
- Scalability: The scalability of a consensus mechanism depends on its way of reaching the consensus, whether it is Proof-based or Vote-based approach. Since Proof-based consensus protocols such as PoW and PoS do not require all the network entities to submit their individual decisions on the information to be verified, their scalability is not affected with more nodes being added to the network as at the end of the day they allocate the role of announcing the conclusions of all the participating nodes about the information to a single node. Thus, they can be suitable for large-scale networks such as the IoV environment. However, the huge amount of power consumed by these Proof-based consensus approaches undermines their efficiency and their suitability for all IoV environments especially the resource constrained ones. On the other hand, the Vote-based blockchain consensus making approaches such as the PBFT consensus mechanism exhibit negligible power consumption, yet their scalability is restricted to small-scale networks with limited number of nodes since all the nodes in the network are engaged in transaction verification and should submit their individual votes in order to reach consensus. For such a trade-off that is faced by the existing consensus mechanisms when employing blockchain for IoV, the challenge is represented in how to tune and improve these mechanisms in the future to be able to support efficient authentication in the highly scalable resource constrained IoV environments.
- (2)
- Fault tolerance: the different blockchain consensus mechanisms have uneven capabilities in terms of how many faulty nodes each can tolerate while still being able to ensure the integrity of the participants and data in the network. In such wide and publicly opened environments as IoV where a variety of attacks can be encountered in which attackers impersonate the authentic nodes, high fault-tolerant consensus protocols should be adopted to ensure that the integrity of the communicated data can still be guaranteed even if the authenticity of a considerable percentage of participants is compromised. Some existing consensus protocols such as PoW can offer the high fault tolerance required for IoV environments; however, as discussed before it exhibits a large power consumption which can be an issue when used for authentication in some resource constrained IoV platforms. Thus, the need appears for developing new consensus making approaches that can guarantee high fault tolerance for the vulnerable IoV arrangements while maintaining an acceptable level of power consumption. Alternatively, mitigating the power consumption effect of the already existing blockchain consensus protocols by finding other solutions such as the charge-as-go solution represented by providing mobile charging units to charge the vehicles’ batteries as they move to be able to tolerate the high power consumed during the authentication is a challenging proposal to be explored in the future.
- (3)
- Communication mode: Due to the two types of communication used by the different consensus mechanisms which are synchronous and asynchronous communication modes, different time responses are expected. In the asynchronous mode, the sending entity does not wait for acknowledgement from the receiving node on a previous request, instead, it directly proceeds with the following communication steps. The consensus protocols that use this mode of communication such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Time (PoT) could be thought of as perfectly suitable to be used for authentication in the different IoV applications which are mostly time-critical applications in which even a small delay of milli seconds is not forgivable. However, when considering some availability issues scenarios where the receiving entity can be temporarily out of network, waiting for an acknowledgement from the receiving entity before proceeding on with further interaction would save a lot of time and bandwidth that were used for such useless communication. Therefore, developing novel consensus making protocols that combine synchronous and asynchronous modes into one hybrid mode that incorporates the advantages of both communication modes, for example, by setting some thresholds for the number of acknowledgments to be received before proceeding the rest of communication asynchronously, or by using timeouts. However, such proposed solution is in turn full of challenges, since this hybrid mode of operation needs to be repeated periodically and regulated with other thresholds, that is, the synchronous mode should be injected once after every consecutive asynchronous interaction to check periodically that the receiving entity can be reached. This arrangement imposes an extra overhead associated with designing the optimal thresholds, monitoring, and managing the different time windows and timeouts. Thus, the feasibility of developing such complicated hybrid consensus protocols to be used for IoV authentication while maintaining a relatively low operational cost is another future challenge to be investigated.
6.2. Employing Blockchain for other IoV Security Requirements
- (1)
- Data Integrity: Blockchain can be adopted by IoV environments to ensure that the data sent and received between two communicating IoV entities are identical. In other words, to make sure that no unauthorized modifications on the data take place during transmission. For instance, when a sender aims to send some data to another IoV node, it can send a copy of the data to the publicly accessible blockchain as well. At the other end, when the receiving entity receives the data, it can compare it with the copy stored in the immutable blockchain, if matched that means no manipulation was performed and data integrity is guaranteed. Otherwise, the received data cannot be trusted. The use of blockchains for ensuring data integrity in IoV may become even more important to explore when considering using them for big data analytics and data mining which require the data to have high level of accuracy to result in developing accurate and efficient decision making and AI-based applications.
- (2)
- Secure Routing: Blockchain technology can be used for guaranteeing a secure routing in IoV environments via different arrangements. An example could be maintaining a list of all possible legal next-hop nodes in the public ledger which can be accessed by all IoV entities. This list should be firstly developed by gradually adding the ids of the nodes that were successfully registered and authorized by the network. This means that any malicious unauthorized node will not be valid in this routing list. In this way, when an entity receives a packet that was routed through at least one illegal forwarder that does not exist in the routing list kept in the blockchain, this means the routing processes have been compromised and some illegal entity had access to the transmitted packet.
- (3)
- Availability: A feasible suggestion that could be investigated is the integration of blockchain with some physical identification modules in an attempt to prevent some availability attacks and threats. That is, obligating each single service request to include the physical identity of the request originator, e.g., MAC address of the NIC of the user’s mobile device or the vehicle’s hardware id assigned by the vehicle manufacturer. Then, upon receiving the request by an infrastructure node, i.e., a RSU, it should extract the physical identity of the requester and store it as a record in the blockchain while keeping track of a counter that counts the number of successive requests and a timer to monitor the time intervals between these successive requests. In such arrangement, availability attacks specifically the denial of service (DoS) attack that originates from a single physical entity with different logical identities, i.e., IP addresses, can be efficiently detected and thus blocked by any IoV entity through monitoring the public ledger records and noticing any extraordinary behavior of rapid successive requests originated from the same physical id.
6.3. Cloud Scalability, Security, and Privacy
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref. | Year | Target Area | VANETs to IoV Transition | Security Attacks and/or Requirements | Blockchain-Based Authentication | Features |
[47] | 2017 | IoT | X | √ | X |
[48] | 2017 | VANETs | X | √ | X |
[49] | 2019 | IoT | X | √ | X |
[50] | 2019 | VANETs | X | √ | X |
[51] | 2020 | VANETs | X | X | X |
[52] | 2020 | IoV | √ | √ | X |
[53] | 2020 | IoV | √ | X | √ |
[54] | 2021 | IoV | √ | X | X |
[55] | 2021 | IoV | X | √ | √ |
Our survey | 2021 | VANETs and IoV | √ | √ | √ |
Attack Targets | Description | Examples | Attack Type |
Availability | Attacks that affect the IoV system’s availability normally use techniques that can make the bandwidth and transmission power of the IoV system unusable by occupying its maximum resource capacity. |
| Active |
| Active | ||
| Active | ||
Authentication | Attacks that fake the identity of the original sender and act on its behalf, which could be used to spread harmful information in the network. |
| Active |
| Active | ||
| Passive/Active | ||
| Active | ||
| Active | ||
Data Integrity | Attacks that tamper with the original message content to badly affect the decisions of the receiving entity which could threaten the overall system. |
| Active |
| Active | ||
Confidentiality | Attacks that compromise the privacy of data through receiving unauthorized copies of the messages being transmitted between the legitimate sending and receiving entities by an illegal third party. |
| Passive/Active |
| Passive | ||
| Active | ||
Routing | Attacks that manipulate the original route of a packet by injecting some malicious recipients in the middle to eavesdrop or even sometimes alter the message before further forwarding it towards its targeted destination. |
| Passive |
| Active | ||
| Active | ||
| Active |
Attack | Targeted OSI Layer | Possible Solutions | References |
Sybil attack | Network layer | Group signatures, session key certificates, event based reputation system, footprint | [100,101,102,103] |
GPS deception attack | Physical layer | Dead reckoning, signature-based mechanisms | [104,105] |
Masquerading/Impersonation attack | Multi-layer (Physical, Data link, Network, Transport, and Application layers) | Digital certificates, identity-based cryptography | [106,107] |
Wormhole attack | Network layer | Geographical leashes | [108,109] |
Replay attack | Network layer | Timestamps | [110] |
Ref. | Technique | Attack Counteracted | Network Model and Entities (Other than Blockchain) | Evaluation | Metrics | Features and Limitations | Privacy Preservation of Vehicle’s Identity? |
[111] |
| No |
[112] |
| Yes |
[115] |
| Yes |
[117] |
| Yes |
[119] |
| Yes |
Ref. | Technique | Attack Counteracted | Network Model and Entities (Other than Blockchain) | Evaluation | Metrics | Features and Limitations | Privacy Preservation of Vehicle’s Identity? |
[120] | Link fingerprinting | Replay |
| No |
[122] |
| Yes |
[123] |
| Yes |
[124] |
| Yes |
[125] |
| Yes |
[126] |
| No |
[127] |
| Yes |
Ref. | Technique | Attack Counteracted | Network Model and Entities (Other than Blockchain) | Evaluation | Metrics | Features and Limitations | Privacy Preservation of Vehicle’s Identity? |
[128] |
| Byzantine/faulty nodes attack |
| Mathematical modeling | Simple data comparisons |
| No |
[130] |
| Impersonation |
| Time overhead (ms) |
| Yes |
[131] |
| Yes |
[132] |
| Time overhead (5.693 s) |
| Yes |
[133] |
| Yes |
[136] | Elliptic curve cryptography | Replay attacks |
| Not specified |
| Yes |
[137] |
| Yes |
[139] |
| Yes |
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Abbas, S.; Talib, M.A.; Ahmed, A.; Khan, F.; Ahmad, S.; Kim, D.-H. Blockchain-Based Authentication in Internet of Vehicles: A Survey. Sensors 2021, 21, 7927.
Abbas S, Talib MA, Ahmed A, Khan F, Ahmad S, Kim D-H. Blockchain-Based Authentication in Internet of Vehicles: A Survey. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):7927.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbbas, Sohail, Manar Abu Talib, Afaf Ahmed, Faheem Khan, Shabir Ahmad, and Do-Hyeun Kim. 2021. "Blockchain-Based Authentication in Internet of Vehicles: A Survey" Sensors 21, no. 23: 7927.
APA StyleAbbas, S., Talib, M. A., Ahmed, A., Khan, F., Ahmad, S., & Kim, D.-H. (2021). Blockchain-Based Authentication in Internet of Vehicles: A Survey. Sensors, 21(23), 7927.