Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit and Its Sparse Representation Applications
:1. Introduction
1.1. Stochastic Hard Thresholding Methods
1.2. Our Contributions
- (1)
- It is is non-trivial that we analyze the statistical estimation performance of SRGSP under mild assumptions, and the theoretical results show that SRGSP obtains a fast linear convergence rate.
- (2)
- Benefiting from less hard thresholding operations than existing algorithms such as SVRGHT, the average per-iteration cost of our algorithm is much lower ( for SRGSP vs. for SVRGHT), which leads to faster convergence.
- (3)
- Moreover, less usage of hard thresholding operators to the current variable results in retain of gradient optimization information, which improves empirical performances. Stochastic recursive gradient support pursuit leads to a new trend to reduce the complexity of head thresholding operation while maintaining or even improving the performance.
- (4)
- We also evaluate the empirical performance of our SRGSP method on sparse linear and logistic regression tasks as well as real-world applications such as image denoising and face recognition. Our experimental results show the efficiency and effectiveness of SRGSP.
2. Related Work
2.1. Notation
2.2. Sparse Representation-Based Image Denoising
2.3. Sparse Representation-Based Face Recognition
3. Our Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit Method
Algorithm 1: Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit (SRGSP) |
4. Convergence Analysis
4.1. Convergence Property of Our Sub-solver
4.2. Convergence Property of SRGSP
5. Experimental Results
5.1. Baseline Methods
5.2. Synthetic Data
5.3. Real-World Data
5.4. Image Denoising
5.5. Face Recognition
5.5.1. Datasets
5.5.2. Experimental Setup
5.5.3. Results on Real-World Face Data
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Sparse Representation-Based Classification (SRC)
Algorithm A1: Sparse Representation-based Classification |
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Algorithms | Peppers | Cameraman | House | Man | Hill | Boat | |
5 | SRGSP | 34.45/0.9259 | 34.12/0.9195 | 35.64/0.9322 | 34.15/0.9149 | 34.25/0.9132 | 34.68/0.9256 |
LSSG-HT | 33.56/0.9022 | 32.65/0.8932 | 34.12/0.9123 | 33.26/0.8865 | 33.35/0.8995 | 33.32/0.9203 | |
SVRGHT | 33.95/0.9135 | 33.25/0.9065 | 34.01/0.9023 | 33.95/0.8997 | 33.39/0.9012 | 33.61/0.9165 | |
SG-HT | 25.56/0.7801 | 26.62/0.7725 | 27.56/0.7835 | 27.65/0.7832 | 27.85/0.7532 | 25.89/0.7710 | |
GraSP | 27.89/0.8832 | 24.72/0.8632 | 30.85/0.8857 | 28.25/0.7755 | 28.65/0.8278 | 26.91/0.7897 | |
OMP | 34.02/0.8932 | 33.25/0.8706 | 34.23/0.8769 | 32.35/0.8562 | 33.35/0.8623 | 33.73/0.9143 | |
10 | SRGSP | 32.64/0.8942 | 32.05/0.8867 | 33.95/0.8932 | 32.13/0.8549 | 32.85/0.8535 | 32.56/0.8691 |
LSSG-HT | 31.68/0.8822 | 30.22/0.7823 | 33.15/0.8734 | 31.56/0.8305 | 31.56/0.8462 | 31.98/0.85.65 | |
SVRGHT | 31.95/0.8835 | 29.56/0.7656 | 33.05/0.8721 | 31.35/0.8497 | 31.12/0.8342 | 31.56/0.8479 | |
SG-HT | 24.48/0.7532 | 24.98/0.7272 | 26.85/0.7373 | 26.95/0.7326 | 26.89/0.7265 | 25.56/0.7235 | |
GraSP | 27.56/0.8596 | 24.25/0.8323 | 30.15/0.8657 | 27.65/0.7651 | 28.26/0.7578 | 26.54/0.7589 | |
OMP | 30.25/0.7656 | 29.56/0.7685 | 29.52/0.7685 | 28.36/0.7265 | 29.65/0.7552 | 29.89/0.7551 | |
15 | SRGSP | 30.57/0.8759 | 29.10/0.8707 | 32.81/0.8622 | 30.34/0.8249 | 30.65/0.7990 | 30.53/0.8191 |
LSSG-HT | 29.95/0.8432 | 27.26/0.7102 | 32.12/0.8234 | 29.96/0.8105 | 30.24/0.7895 | 30.35/0.7956 | |
SVRGHT | 30.35/0.8585 | 27.84/0.6927 | 32.26/0.8513 | 30.09/0.8197 | 30.34/0.7897 | 30.34/0.8079 | |
SG-HT | 23.07/0.7311 | 22.92/0.6872 | 25.53/0.7073 | 26.12/0.7066 | 26.57/0.6721 | 24.89/0.6635 | |
GraSP | 27.04/0.8449 | 23.46/0.8086 | 29.65/0.8357 | 26.97/0.7455 | 27.87/0.7178 | 26.11/0.7207 | |
OMP | 27.76/0.6602 | 27.32/0.6006 | 27.80/0.5769 | 27.69/0.6504 | 27.70/0.6592 | 26.37/0.6051 | |
25 | SRGSP | 28.19/0.8232 | 27.37/0.8186 | 30.39/0.8224 | 28.10/0.7470 | 28.53/0.7164 | 28.18/0.7445 |
LSSG-HT | 27.35/0.7785 | 26.35/0.5121 | 29.56/0.7806 | 27.85/0.7531 | 27.86/0.6842 | 27.96/0.7095 | |
SVRGHT | 27.85/0.7606 | 26.85/0.5232 | 29.48/0.7797 | 27.92/0.7323 | 28.09/0.6998 | 27.82/0.7012 | |
SG-HT | 22.34/0.6386 | 22.40/0.5810 | 24.68/0.5974 | 25.15/0.6030 | 25.57/0.5757 | 24.13/0.5711 | |
GraSP | 26.12/0.8078 | 24.66/0.7715 | 28.50/0.8034 | 27.09/0.7188 | 27.00/0.6617 | 25.54/0.6748 | |
OMP | 23.40/0.4696 | 23.23/0.4304 | 23.35/0.3838 | 23.30/0.4458 | 23.31/0.4457 | 21.91/0.4065 | |
35 | SRGSP | 26.55/0.7851 | 25.84/0.7674 | 28.62/0.7909 | 26.84/0.6966 | 27.29/0.6642 | 26.74/0.6920 |
LSSG-HT | 25.16/0.7023 | 25.32/0.6812 | 27.65/0.7126 | 26.48/0.6610 | 26.56/0.6215 | 26.25/0.6126 | |
SVRGHT | 25.94/0.7390 | 25.46/0.6907 | 27.46/0.7046 | 26.52/0.6627 | 26.85/0.6371 | 26.05/0.6025 | |
SG-HT | 21.68/0.5514 | 21.77/0.4840 | 23.78/0.4916 | 24.28/0.5159 | 24.68/0.4950 | 23.37/0.4870 | |
GraSP | 23.96/0.7546 | 22.91/0.7080 | 26.33/0.7549 | 25.67/0.6639 | 26.29/0.6269 | 25.02/0.6442 | |
OMP | 20.46/0.3529 | 20.24/0.3264 | 20.40/0.2780 | 20.42/0.3215 | 20.38/0.3121 | 18.94/0.2882 | |
45 | SRGSP | 25.26/0.7501 | 24.76/0.7258 | 27.53/0.7601 | 25.83/0.6575 | 26.40/0.6247 | 25.71/0.6519 |
LSSG-HT | 24.05/0.6502 | 24.12/0.6321 | 26.64/0.6532 | 25.32/0.5962 | 25.62/0.5933 | 25.51/0.5321 | |
SVRGHT | 24.44/0.6722 | 24.24/0.6151 | 26.28/0.6375 | 25.46/0.6009 | 25.95/0.5807 | 24.71/0.5172 | |
SG-HT | 21.05/0.4754 | 21.24/0.457 | 23.04/0.4120 | 23.38/0.4386 | 23.80/0.4207 | 22.63/0.4135 | |
GraSP | 23.30/0.7264 | 22.70/0.6848 | 25.76/0.7330 | 25.03/0.6355 | 25.71/0.6014 | 24.43/0.6146 | |
OMP | 18.27/0.2724 | 18.20/0.2604 | 18.24/0.2134 | 18.20/0.2384 | 18.18/0.2261 | 16.77/0.2176 | |
55 | SRGSP | 24.28/0.7254 | 23.90/0.6946 | 26.28/0.7203 | 25.16/0.6271 | 25.74/0.5988 | 24.84/0.6179 |
LSSG-HT | 23.35/0.6212 | 23.01/0.5621 | 25.43/0.5963 | 24.52/0.5632 | 25.01/0.5423 | 24.32/0.4623 | |
SVRGHT | 23.62/0.6183 | 23.22/0.5519 | 25.23/0.5708 | 24.74/0.5480 | 25.27/0.5349 | 23.61/0.4462 | |
SG-HT | 20.51/0.4127 | 20.60/0.3484 | 22.25/0.3449 | 22.59/0.3774 | 22.98/0.3635 | 21.91/0.3546 | |
GraSP | 22.86/0.7050 | 22.36/0.6646 | 25.04/0.7050 | 24.57/0.6136 | 25.30/0.5854 | 23.94/0.5918 | |
OMP | 16.50/0.2203 | 16.43/0.2174 | 16.44/0.1665 | 16.48/0.1852 | 16.47/0.1720 | 15.02/0.1667 |
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Shang, F.; Wei, B.; Liu, Y.; Liu, H.; Wang, S.; Jiao, L. Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit and Its Sparse Representation Applications. Sensors 2020, 20, 4902.
Shang F, Wei B, Liu Y, Liu H, Wang S, Jiao L. Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit and Its Sparse Representation Applications. Sensors. 2020; 20(17):4902.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShang, Fanhua, Bingkun Wei, Yuanyuan Liu, Hongying Liu, Shuang Wang, and Licheng Jiao. 2020. "Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit and Its Sparse Representation Applications" Sensors 20, no. 17: 4902.
APA StyleShang, F., Wei, B., Liu, Y., Liu, H., Wang, S., & Jiao, L. (2020). Stochastic Recursive Gradient Support Pursuit and Its Sparse Representation Applications. Sensors, 20(17), 4902.