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Extraction of Vanadium from High Phosphorus Vanadium Containing Waste Residue via Carbonation: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology

School of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Mineral Metallurgical Resources Utilization and Pollution Control, Wuhan 430081, China
Hubei Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of High Efficient Cleaning Utilization for Shale Vanadium Resource, Wuhan 430081, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Strategic Vanadium Resources Utilization, Wuhan 430081, China
Institute of Resources Utilization and Rare Earth Development, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510620, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 5 August 2024 / Revised: 14 September 2024 / Accepted: 25 September 2024 / Published: 29 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Environmental and Green Processes)


Vanadium (V) was successfully extracted from a high phosphorus vanadium residue (HPVR) through a carbonation process. Vanadium within HPVR substitutes for Fe in the mineral structure of Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7 at elevated temperatures, Na2CO3 reacts with V to form sodium metavanadate (NaVO3), concurrently generating calcium carbonate (CaCO3) through its interaction with Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7. Subsequently, V is liberated and leached by water, dissolving in the aqueous phase as metavanadate ions (VO3−). Crucial factors influencing V leaching efficiency include roasting time, roasting temperature, and the amount of Na2CO3 utilized. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed. The optimized parameters determined were as follows: a roasting temperature of 850 °C, a roasting duration of 120 min, a Na2CO3 dosage of 8.01%, a liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of 3, and a leaching time of 60 min. Under these conditions, a remarkable V leaching efficiency of 83.82% was achieved. This study underscores the viability of a simplified approach for treating solid waste containing metal slag, which not only mitigates environmental pollution but also yields valuable metals.

1. Introduction

Rusakovite ((Fe3+,Al)5(V4,PO4)2(OH)9·3H2O) is a pivotal raw material of the phosphorus (P) chemical industry. The extraction of P from this mineral typically involves a process of sodium (Na) roasting, followed by water-leaching, ultimately yielding sodium phosphate (Na3PO3) and sodium vanadate (NaVO3). However, this process also generates a by-product known as high phosphorus vanadium residue (HPVR).
In addition to the P element, HPVR also contains valuable metal element V (0.5–3wt%), compared with 0.13w to 1.2wt% for stone coal which is an important source of V. V is an essential strategic metal and is widely used in the iron and steel, chemical engineering, aerospace and energy industries, so the comprehensive recovery of V from HPVR is imperative. Currently, there are various techniques for extracting V from vanadium residue (VR) including roasting leaching [1,2], polymetallic extraction, low-temperature, and cost-effective extraction, etc [2,3,4,5]. Nevertheless, some of these processes face challenges, such as operational difficulties, short maintenance intervals, complexity that hinders industrialization, and high acid/base consumption, which imposes additional environmental burdens [2,3,6,7,8]. Notably, although the calcium (Ca) content in VR is generally low during V extraction, the generation of HPVR necessitates the use of calcium salts for purification and impurity removal, resulting in higher Ca content in HPVR. Consequently, the extraction process of V from HPVR differs from that of VR due to the presence of P and Ca.
This paper focuses on the extraction of V from HPVR using three methods: Na2CO3 roasting followed by water-leaching, direct acid-leaching, and blank roasting with subsequent acid-leaching, aiming to mitigate environmental impacts [4,9,10]. After rigorous testing and comparisons, Na2CO3 roasting followed by water-leaching emerged as the most viable option. Given the intricate composition of the raw material and the intricate interplay among various factors influencing V extraction, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize conditions for maximum leaching efficiency.

2. Experimental Methods

2.1. Materials

The HPVR used in this paper was obtained from a phosphorus chemical company. The test samples were obtained after being crushed and ground to a state in which the size of minus 0.074 mm accounted for more than 80% of the sample by a vibrating grinding machine (XAM-100, kechuang, WuHan, China). The inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES; IRIS Advantage Radial, Waltham, MA, USA) results and the X-ray diffraction (XRD; Bruke D8 Advance, PANalytical B.V., Almelo, NL, USA) pattern of the raw sample are given in Table 1 and Figure 1. It was found that V accounted for 0.80% of the total mass. The major minerals in the HPVR are ferric oxide, calcium silicate, and several kinds of whitlockites, which contain different metallic elements. The morphology of the HPVR was observed by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM; JSM-5610, Jeol, Tokyo, Japan) and is shown in Figure 2. It can be seen above that V existed locally in the HPVR, and the element correlation was consistent with XRD results.
As can be seen from Table 1, Ca and P contents in raw materials are relatively high, which accords with the elemental characteristics of vanadium slag after impurity removal.

2.2. Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

2.2.1. Direct Acid-Leaching and Blank Roasting Acid-Leaching

A beaker was utilized to blend sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution ranging from 1/9 to 4/1 (VH2SO4/VH2O) with HPVR for conducting direct acid-leaching experiments (2 h, L/S = 1.5). Initially, the HPVR was placed in a corundum crucible, subjected to roasting in a muffle furnace (850 °C, 2 h), and then cooled down to room temperature via natural convection. Subsequently, the blank roasting clinker underwent leaching with H2SO4 (1/9 to 4/1, 2 h, L/S = 1.5).

2.2.2. Na2CO3 Roasting Water-Leaching

A separate procedure involved mixing ground HPVR with Na2CO3 and positioning the mixture in a corundum crucible. The mixture was then roasted in a muffle furnace, cooled down to ambient temperature, and finally, the alkali roasting clinker was leached with water. The V leaching efficiency was calculated using the following formula [11]:
X% = M × v/(C0 × m0) × 100%
where X% is the V leaching efficiency; M is the V concentration in the leaching solution (g/L); v is the solution volume in the volumetric flask (L); C0 is the mass fraction of V in the high HPVR (%); m0 is the total mass of the HPVR sample (g).
Under atmospheric conditions and room temperature, a comprehensive study was conducted to assess the influence of various factors on V leaching efficiency, including roasting temperature, roasting time, leaching time, dosage of Na2CO3, liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S), and leaching duration.

2.2.3. Response Surface Optimization (BBD) Experiment

Building upon the findings from single-factor experiments, the Box-Behnken Design (BBD) response surface methodology was applied to refine and optimize three critical factors that significantly affect V leaching efficiency [12]: roasting time, roasting temperature, and dosage of Na2CO3. Table 2 details the experimental parameters and levels employed in this optimization process.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Selection of Vanadium Extraction Method

In this paper, three distinct extraction methods were employed: direct acid-leaching, blank roasting acid-leaching, and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) roasting water-leaching. Our observations indicated that both direct acid-leaching and blank roasting acid-leaching struggled to attain satisfactory results. The V extraction efficiencies of these methods are presented in Figure 3, highlighting that their performance fell short of expectations, with efficiencies below 10% for both techniques. In contrast, the application of Na2CO3 roasting water-leaching yielded significantly higher V leaching efficiency. This finding underscores the advantage of adopting Na2CO3 roasting water-leaching for enhancing V recovery.

3.2. Na2CO3 Roasting Water-Leaching Experiments

It is evident that the V leaching efficiency is influenced by multiple factors, including roasting temperature, roasting time, Na2CO3 dosage, leaching time, and the liquid/solid ratio (L/S) during water-leaching (Figure 4). As the roasting time elongates, and with the rise in both roasting temperature and Na2CO3 dosage, the V leaching efficiency initially surges before tapering off. Notably, there exists a strong interdependence among roasting temperature, time, and Na2CO3 dosage. Regarding leaching time, an initial steep increase in V leaching efficiency is observed, which plateaus after 60 min. Similarly, the V leaching efficiency initially escalates swiftly with increasing L/S ratio, but this trend saturates when the L/S ratio reaches 3.
During roasting, a reaction occurs as described in Equation (2), wherein V in Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7 interacts with Na2CO3 to form NaVO3, subsequently transforming Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7 into Na18Ca13Mg5(PO4)18 upon losing V. As seen in Figure 5, V within HPVR is intermixed in compound phosphate, and NaVO3 is generated through roasting. Post-roasting, water-leaching dissolves NaVO3, leading to its absence in the filter slag’s spectrum. Additionally, Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7 located in HPVR transforms into CaCO3 upon roasting, evident from the emergence of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) peaks in the roasted HPVR’s XRD pattern.
Ca 9 V ( PO 4 ) 7 + Na 2 CO 3 Ca 3 ( PO 4 ) 2 + NaVO 3 + Ca CO 2
The TG analysis of HPVR’s reaction with Na2CO3, depicted in Figure 6, mirrors that of CaCO3, indicating CaCO3 formation and decomposition during roasting. It is postulated that Equation (2) proceeds sequentially, with Na2CO3 binding to Ca in Ca9Fe(PO4)7 to yield CaCO3, while V dissociates to form soluble NaVO3.
Due to the complex composition of HPVR and the complex reaction process, it is impossible to determine the process of calcium carbonate generation, but various decompositions of calcium carbonate have been observed, indirectly proving that calcium carbonate is generated during the roasting process and V is free.

3.3. Optimization of Roasting Experiment by Using RSM (BBD)

A pronounced correlation exists among three critical factors: roasting temperature, roasting time, and dosage of Na2CO3. Consequently, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with Box-Behnken Design (BBD) was employed to ascertain optimal experimental conditions. Table 3 showcases the BBD response surface test design for Na2CO3 roasting water-leaching of HPVR, utilizing Design-Expert 8.0 software, alongside corresponding test results (with a fixed leaching time of 60 min and liquid/solid ratio (L/S) of 3).
Table 4 evaluates the suitability of various models for approximating V leaching efficiency. Models are typically assessed based on the significance of their Prob > F (p-value); a value significantly less than 0.05 indicates a good fit [13,14,15]. Notably, the cubic model proved intricate and was thus discouraged by the system. Conversely, the quadratic model exhibited a p-value less than 0.0001, establishing it as the preferred choice for modeling the relationship between V leaching efficiency and the influential factors [7,16,17].
Based on the test data and fitting analysis of the results, Equation (3) represents a quadratic multinomial regression model that describes the relationship between V leaching efficiency and three main influencing factors: roasting time, roasting temperature, and sodium carbonate content:
Y = −262.9139 + 0.7334A − 0.0467B + 0.4214C + 2.8664E − 00AB + 0.0101AC + 0.0171BC − 4.5475E − 004A2 − 1.1289E − 003B2 − 0.6898C2

3.4. Model Validation

Table 5 presents the outcomes of variance analysis for the model equations and associated factors. Notably, the Prob > F value of model Equation (3) falls below 0.0001, confirming its high statistical significance. Additionally, the p-value of “Lack of Fit” equals 0.0508, indicating insignificance and suggesting a robust fit between the quadratic regression equation and the test results. The model’s regression determination coefficient R2 of 0.9967 and adjusted determination coefficient R2adj of 0.9924 further emphasize its high degree of fit. The marginal difference between these coefficients underscores the model’s accuracy in predicting actual values [18].
Figure 7 showcases the diagnostic verification results, including plots of residual normal probability distribution, residuals versus predicted values, residuals versus predicted values order, and predicted versus actual values. The closer the normal probability distribution of residuals is to the straight line, the more the residuals conform to the normal distribution. The closer the combination of predicted and actual values indicates, the higher reliability and accuracy of the model prediction. When the predicted residuals are discrete and regularly distributed, the variance between residuals is better. The nearly straight line in Figure 7a attests to the residuals’ conformity with a normal distribution. While Figure 7c,d exhibit fluctuations, they signify good equal variance among residuals. In Figure 7b, the close alignment of predicted and actual values supports the model’s reliability and precision in predictions [19].
To evaluate the key factors affecting V leaching efficiency in Na2CO3 roasting water-leaching of HPVR and their interactions, 3D response surface maps and contour maps were generated (Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10). The interpretation of response surface analysis is straightforward: on contour maps, a steeper contour line, indicative of a broader numerical range, along a factor’s axis underscores its more profound impact on the index. Conversely, a flatter contour line implies minimal influence. Furthermore, the proximity of contours to an elliptical shape points to a robust interaction between two factors and their combined effect on the index [16].
The contour map in Figure 8 exhibits an almost elliptical contour, signifying a significant interplay between roasting temperature and time in influencing V leaching efficiency. The notably wider contour range for temperature compared to time underscores its greater influence. Similarly, Figure 9 and Figure 10 reveal that roasting time exerts a more pronounced effect on V leaching efficiency than the dosage of Na2CO3.
In summary, the order of significance for the individual factors in enhancing V leaching efficiency, as determined by response surface analysis, is as follows: roasting temperature, roasting time, and dosage of Na2CO3. Additionally, notable interactions were observed between roasting temperature and time, as well as between Na2CO3 dosage and both roasting temperature and time (Table 6).
The maximum V leaching efficiency was optimized based on the previously established approximate model. Under the specified conditions—HPVR particle size less than 0.074 mm exceeding 80%, water-leaching time of 60 min, and L/S ratio of 3—the roasting temperature, roasting time, and dosage of Na2CO3 were adjusted to maximize efficiency. Ten feasible optimization schemes were identified, with the optimal range for roasting temperature and duration found to be between 848.92 °C and 850 °C and 115.68 to 120 min, respectively. The sodium carbonate dosage ranged from 7.12% to 8.18%, predicting a vanadium leaching efficiency of 83.52% to 83.82%.
The deviation between the predicted maximum V leaching efficiency and the actual outcome is minimal, at approximately 0.3%. Thus, in selecting the optimal prediction scheme, comprehensive consideration of energy consumption and production efficiency is crucial. Consequently, a revised scheme was chosen: roasting temperature of 850 °C, roasting time of 120 min, and Na2CO3 dosage of 8.01%, resulting in a predictive value of 83.82%, closely mirrored by the actual test result of 83.54%.

4. Conclusions

Vanadium (V) in HPVR exists in the complex salt Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7, necessitating a specialized extraction approach. Direct acid-leaching and blank roasting acid-leaching are ineffective due to the chemical structure; hence, Na2CO3-activated roasting water-leaching is adopted. This method leverages Na2CO3′s reaction with Ca, freeing V to form soluble vanadate (VO3-). Employing single-factor experiments and Box-Behnken Design (BBD) response surface methodology (RSM), we optimized roasting temperature, time, and Na2CO3 dosage to enhance V extraction efficiency. The roasting temperature, the most critical factor, was determined in conjunction with energy consumption considerations. The optimal conditions were identified as 850 °C roasting temperature, 120 min roasting time, 8.01% Na2CO3 dosage, and 60 min leaching time with an L/S ratio of 3, achieving an experimental V leaching efficiency of 83.82%. These conditions not only mitigate HPVR’s environmental impact but also improve the utilization rate of the strategic metal V.

Author Contributions

Methodology, N.X. and Y.Z.; software, Q.Z.; resources, Z.D.; data curation, Z.B.; writing—original draft preparation, Z.B.; writing—review and editing, Z.B.; supervision, N.X. and Y.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. XRD pattern of the HPVR.
Figure 1. XRD pattern of the HPVR.
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Figure 2. SEM images of the HPVR.
Figure 2. SEM images of the HPVR.
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Figure 3. Vanadium extraction efficiency comparison diagram.
Figure 3. Vanadium extraction efficiency comparison diagram.
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Figure 4. The results of single-factor experiments. (a) Effect of roasting time on V leaching efficiency (roasting temperature: 825 °C, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, leaching time: 60 min, L/S:3); (b) effect of temperature on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 90 min, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, leaching time: 60 min, L/S: 3); (c) effect of sodium carbonate content on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 90 min, roasting temperature: 825 °C, leaching time: 60 min, L/S: 3); (d) effect of leaching time on V leaching efficiency (roasting time 90 min, roasting temperature: 825 °C, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, L/S: 3); (e) effect of L/S on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 90 min, roasting temperature: 825 °C, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, leaching time: 60 min).
Figure 4. The results of single-factor experiments. (a) Effect of roasting time on V leaching efficiency (roasting temperature: 825 °C, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, leaching time: 60 min, L/S:3); (b) effect of temperature on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 90 min, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, leaching time: 60 min, L/S: 3); (c) effect of sodium carbonate content on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 90 min, roasting temperature: 825 °C, leaching time: 60 min, L/S: 3); (d) effect of leaching time on V leaching efficiency (roasting time 90 min, roasting temperature: 825 °C, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, L/S: 3); (e) effect of L/S on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 90 min, roasting temperature: 825 °C, dosage of Na2CO3: 8%, leaching time: 60 min).
Processes 12 02121 g004
Figure 5. Comparison of XRD. (a) Filter residue, (b) roasted HPVR, and (c) patterns of HPVR.
Figure 5. Comparison of XRD. (a) Filter residue, (b) roasted HPVR, and (c) patterns of HPVR.
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Figure 6. TG of reaction between the HPVR and Na2CO3.
Figure 6. TG of reaction between the HPVR and Na2CO3.
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Figure 7. Diagnostic verification results of the model: (a) The normal probability distribution of the residuals; (b) diagram of actual and predicted values; (c) scatter diagram of the relationship between residual and predicted values; (d) scatter diagram of the relationship between residual and predicted value order.
Figure 7. Diagnostic verification results of the model: (a) The normal probability distribution of the residuals; (b) diagram of actual and predicted values; (c) scatter diagram of the relationship between residual and predicted values; (d) scatter diagram of the relationship between residual and predicted value order.
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Figure 8. Three-dimensional response surface map and contour map of effect of roasting temperature and time on V leaching efficiency (Na2CO3%: 6%, L/S: 3, leaching time: 60 min).
Figure 8. Three-dimensional response surface map and contour map of effect of roasting temperature and time on V leaching efficiency (Na2CO3%: 6%, L/S: 3, leaching time: 60 min).
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Figure 9. Three-dimensional response surface map and contour map of effect of roasting temperature and sodium carbonate on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 65 min, L/S: 3, leaching time: 60 min).
Figure 9. Three-dimensional response surface map and contour map of effect of roasting temperature and sodium carbonate on V leaching efficiency (roasting time: 65 min, L/S: 3, leaching time: 60 min).
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Figure 10. Three-dimensional response surface map and contour map of effect of roasting time sodium carbonate on V leaching efficiency (roasting temperature: 750 °C, L/S: 3, leaching time: 60 min).
Figure 10. Three-dimensional response surface map and contour map of effect of roasting time sodium carbonate on V leaching efficiency (roasting temperature: 750 °C, L/S: 3, leaching time: 60 min).
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Table 1. Composition analysis results of the HPVR.
Table 1. Composition analysis results of the HPVR.
Content (wt%)2.5818.7011.100.7010.4012.200.802.200.500.050.48
Table 2. Levels of process variables in actual and coded values.
Table 2. Levels of process variables in actual and coded values.
FactorsLowHighValue of Code
A Roasting temperature (°C)650850−1 = 650; 0 = 750; 1 = 850
B Roasting time (min)10120−1 = 10; 0 = 65; 1 = 120
C Dosage of Na2CO3 (wt%)210−1 = 2; 0 = 6; 1 = 10
Table 3. BBD response surface test design and results of roasting immersion factors.
Table 3. BBD response surface test design and results of roasting immersion factors.
Factor 1Factor 2Factor 3Response 1
St dRunABCV Leaching efficiency
141750.00 (0)65.00 (0)6.00 (0)66.92
172750.00 (0)65.00 (0)6.00 (0)68.52
23850.00 (1)10.00 (−1)6.00 (0)64.92
34650.00 (−1)120.00 (1)6.00 (0)51.08
155750.00 (0)65.00 (0)6.00 (0)67.19
16650.00 (−1)10.00 (−1)6.00 (0)40.75
137750.00 (0)65.00 (0)6.00 (0)66.47
168750.00 (0)65.00 (0)6.00 (0)68.05
89850.00 (1)65.00 (0)10.00 (1)72.49
610850.00 (1)65.00 (0)2.00 (−1)56.36
411850.00 (1)120.00 (1)6.00 (0)81.36
712650.00 (−1)65.00 (0)10.00 (1)39.25
913750.00 (0)10.00 (−1)2.00 (−1)47.08
1114750.00 (0)10.00 (−1)10.00 (1)44.77
1215750.00 (0)120.00 (1)10.00 (1)66.39
1016750.00 (0)120.00 (1)2.00 (−1)53.67
517650.00 (−1)65.00 (0)2.00 (−1)39.28
Table 4. Suitability test of V leaching efficiency approximation model.
Table 4. Suitability test of V leaching efficiency approximation model.
SourceSum of SquaresdfMean SquareF ValueProb > F
Table 5. The regression model for predicting V leaching efficiency and conducting variance analysis of various influencing factors.
Table 5. The regression model for predicting V leaching efficiency and conducting variance analysis of various influencing factors.
SourceSum of SquaresdfMean SquareF ValueProb > F
Model2668.289296.48232.39< 0.0001significant
A1356.8211356.821070.59< 0.0001
B381.161381.16298.77< 0.0001
Lack of Fit6.1232.042.900.1650not significant
Pure Error2.8140.7
Cor Total2677.2116
R2 = 0.9967 R2adj = 0.9924
Table 6. Result of optimization experiment on V leaching efficiency.
Table 6. Result of optimization experiment on V leaching efficiency.
NumberRoasting TemperatureRoasting TimeNa2CO3%V Leaching Efficiency
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Share and Cite

MDPI and ACS Style

Bai, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Xue, N.; Zheng, Q.; Dai, Z. Extraction of Vanadium from High Phosphorus Vanadium Containing Waste Residue via Carbonation: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology. Processes 2024, 12, 2121.

AMA Style

Bai Z, Zhang Y, Xue N, Zheng Q, Dai Z. Extraction of Vanadium from High Phosphorus Vanadium Containing Waste Residue via Carbonation: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology. Processes. 2024; 12(10):2121.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Bai, Zhigang, Yimin Zhang, Nannan Xue, Qiushi Zheng, and Zilin Dai. 2024. "Extraction of Vanadium from High Phosphorus Vanadium Containing Waste Residue via Carbonation: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology" Processes 12, no. 10: 2121.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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