Using Extended Logical Primitives for Efficient BDD Building
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
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3. Translating FMs to Extended Propositional Logic
3.1. FODA
- Every feature f, except the root feature, has a parent feature p, and the child must imply the parent:
- in the case of a mandatory feature, f, the parent, p, also implies the child:
- in the case of an Or group of n features, at least one of the features is selected. For , , …:
- in the case of an XOR group of n features, exactly one of the features is true and the others are false. For , , …:
- The cross-tree constraints need not be translated, as they are already in logical format.
3.2. Kconfig
4. Building BDDs for Extended Logic
Algorithm 1: Direct construction of the BDD for an XOR primitive |
Algorithm 2: Direct construction of the BDD for primitive |
5. Experimental Validation
5.1. Research Questions
- RQ1: Boolean formula size-reduction. Does extended logic decrease the Boolean formula number of clauses in practice?
- RQ2: Time for obtaining extended logic formulas. How much time does it take to translate an input model into a Boolean formula with extended logic compared to the non-extended logic translation?
- RQ3: BDD synthesis time. Does extended logic reduce BDD build time in practice?
5.2. Experimental Setup
5.3. Results
5.3.1. Boolean Formula Size-Reduction (RQ1)
5.3.2. Time for Obtaining Extended Logic Formulas (RQ2)
5.3.3. BDD Synthesis Time (RQ3)
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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System | #Features | #XOR-Groups |
Toybox | 10 | 0 |
axTLS | 64 | 6 |
DellSPLOT | 118 | 13 |
Fiasco | 122 | 18 |
Clibc | 303 | 27 |
BusyBox | 604 | 8 |
EmbToolKit | 2325 | 130 |
Automotive02 | 17,365 | 1161 |
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Fernandez-Amoros, D.; Bra, S.; Aranda-Escolástico, E.; Heradio, R. Using Extended Logical Primitives for Efficient BDD Building. Mathematics 2020, 8, 1253.
Fernandez-Amoros D, Bra S, Aranda-Escolástico E, Heradio R. Using Extended Logical Primitives for Efficient BDD Building. Mathematics. 2020; 8(8):1253.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFernandez-Amoros, David, Sergio Bra, Ernesto Aranda-Escolástico, and Ruben Heradio. 2020. "Using Extended Logical Primitives for Efficient BDD Building" Mathematics 8, no. 8: 1253.
APA StyleFernandez-Amoros, D., Bra, S., Aranda-Escolástico, E., & Heradio, R. (2020). Using Extended Logical Primitives for Efficient BDD Building. Mathematics, 8(8), 1253.