Assessing the Impacts of Selective Logging on the Forest Understory in the Amazon Using Airborne LiDAR
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Acquisition and Processing
2.3. Study Area Infrastructure Mapping in the Understory
2.4. Total Understory Impact
2.5. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Infrastructure Mapping in the Understory
3.2. Validation of Understory Structure Mapping
3.3. Total Understory Impact
4. Discussion
4.1. Infrastructure Mapping in the Understory
4.2. Total Understory Impact
4.3. Perspectives of Airborne LiDAR Monitoring in RIL Forests
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
RIL | Reduced-impact logging |
SFM | Sustainable forest management |
GNSS | Global navigation satellite system |
LiDAR | Light detection and ranging |
RDM | Relative density model |
REDD | Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation |
SFB | Brazilian Forest Service |
MMA | Ministry of the Environment |
SFMP | Sustainable forest management plan |
UAV | Unmanned aerial vehicle |
ALS | Airborne laser scanner |
FMU | Forest management unit |
APU | Annual production unit |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
EPSG | European Petroleum Survey Group |
DBH | Diameter at breast height |
AOP | Annual operational plan |
IBAMA | Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources |
DTM | Digital terrain model |
SE | Standard error |
RMSE | Root-mean-square error |
R2 | Coefficient of determination |
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Period | 2011 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Laser scanner | Optech 3100 | Optech Orion | Trimble Harrier 68i | Optech 3100 | Optech ALTM Gemini | Optech ALTM Gemini | Optech ALTM Gemini | Optech ALTM Gemini |
Flight altitude (m) | 850 | 853 | 500 | 750 | 700 | 700 | 700 | 700 |
Scanning frequency | 59.8 kHz | 67.5 kHz | 360 kHz | 55 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz | 100 kHz |
Scanning angle | 11.1° | 11.1° | 15° | 15° | 15° | 15° | 15° | 15° |
Side overlap | 65% | 65% | 65% | 70% | 65% | 70% | 70% | 70% |
Mean return density (per m2) | 25.8 | 32.9 | 49.6 | 59.2 | 30.72 | 30.18 | 28.5 | 50.0 |
Price (USD ha−1) | 9.47 | 8.0 | 11.0 | 9.0 | 3.8 | 3.3 | — | — |
Area Code | FMU | APU | Interval (Months) * | LiDAR Coverage (ha) | Scan (m3.ha−1) |
1 | I | 1 | 9 | 102.8 | 15.6 |
2 | I | 2 | 33 | 133.0 | 15.4 |
3 | I | 3 | 26 | 118.2 | 18.3 |
4 | I | 4 | 2 | 550.4 | 12.6 |
5 | I | 5 | 5 | 124.1 | 19.4 |
6 | I | 6 | 7 | 132.8 | 10.4 |
7 | I | 7 | 3 | 209.6 | 16.2 |
8 | I | 8 | 17 | 249.8 | 17.6 |
9 | I | 9 | 3 | 171.6 | 17.6 |
10 | I | 10 | 15 | 124.5 | 17.3 |
11 | I | 11 | 4 | 124.6 | 19.2 |
12 | I | 16 | 4 | 432.2 | 12.8 |
13 | II | 1 | 8 | 305.9 | 9.9 |
14 | III | 1 | 42 | 205.8 | 13.9 |
15 | III | 2 | 21 | 228.6 | 14.4 |
16 | III | 3 | 14 | 115.5 | 10.8 |
17 | III | 3 | 14 | 102.9 | 9.9 |
18 | III | 4 | 4 | 189.0 | 11.5 |
19 | III | 5 | 3 | 187.0 | 12.6 |
20 | III | 5 | 36 | 134.0 | 8.1 |
21 | III | 6 | 10 | 224.4 | 10.7 |
22 | III | 11 | 9 | 241.0 | 14.5 |
23 | III | 11 | 3 | 199.7 | 13.4 |
24 | III | 12 | 16 | 624.8 | 11.1 |
25 | III | 14 | 11 | 448.5 | 12.9 |
Mean (±SE) | 227.2 (±28.3) | 13.8 (±0.64) |
Infrastructure | Density | Statistics | |||||
GNSS | RDM | Difference (%) | p-Value | RMSE | R2 | r | |
Primary roads (m.ha−1) | 5.74 | 5.62 | −2.1 | 0.93 | 0.53 | 0.98 | 0.99 (p < 0.01) |
Secondary roads (m.ha−1) | 21.11 | 21.01 | −0.5 | 0.95 | 2.33 | 0.75 | 0.87 (p < 0.01) |
Skid trails (m.ha−1) | 77.41 | 98.28 | 27.0 | 0.27 | 26.8 | 0.68 | 0.83 (p = 0.08) |
Log landings (n.ha−1) | 0.06 | 0.056 | −0.7 | 0.84 | 0.003 | 0.92 | 0.96 (p < 0.01) |
Infrastructure | Overlap (%) | ||
5 m | 10 m | 20 m | |
Primary roads | 58 ± 4.2 | 79 ± 3.6 | 98 ± 1.2 |
Secondary roads | 55 ± 2.9 | 82 ± 2.4 | 96 ± 1.0 |
Skid trails | 44 ± 2.6 | 60 ± 2.2 | 74 ± 2.3 |
Log landings | 55 ± 0.6 | 65 ± 2.2 | 92 ± 4.3 |
Felled tree gaps | 35 ± 3.1 | 47 ± 3.0 | 81 ± 2.5 |
Area Code | Log Landings | Trails | Sec. Roads | Prim. Roads | Gaps | Total Impact |
1 | 0.56% | 7.00% | 1.51% | 1.81% | 16.93% | 27.81% |
2 | 0.37% | 2.56% | 1.33% | 1.74% | 11.29% | 17.28% |
3 | 0.30% | 3.44% | 1.93% | 0.00% | 12.61% | 18.28% |
4 | 0.58% | 7.01% | 1.94% | 0.44% | 8.74% | 18.70% |
5 | 0.39% | 10.47% | 2.06% | 0.00% | 14.04% | 26.95% |
6 | 0.36% | 4.93% | 1.41% | 0.73% | 5.35% | 12.78% |
7 | 0.42% | 5.49% | 1.65% | 0.72% | 5.49% | 13.76% |
8 | 0.31% | 4.75% | 1.35% | 0.17% | 7.04% | 13.62% |
9 | 0.59% | 12.24% | 2.36% | 0.55% | 14.92% | 30.66% |
10 | 0.54% | 10.25% | 2.04% | 2.38% | 14.71% | 29.91% |
11 | 0.64% | 10.61% | 2.38% | 1.87% | 16.31% | 31.81% |
12 | 0.50% | 4.05% | 2.75% | 1.41% | 5.59% | 14.30% |
13 | 0.34% | 5.46% | 1.13% | 0.87% | 6.06% | 13.86% |
14 | 0.09% | 1.37% | 0.70% | 0.32% | 2.58% | 5.06% |
15 | 0.25% | 5.93% | 1.69% | 0.81% | 5.55% | 14.24% |
16 | 0.32% | 5.89% | 1.43% | 0.00% | 3.74% | 11.38% |
17 | 0.27% | 4.85% | 1.65% | 1.28% | 4.91% | 12.96% |
18 | 0.42% | 6.83% | 2.51% | 0.24% | 8.10% | 18.10% |
19 | 0.38% | 6.90% | 2.32% | 1.16% | 11.29% | 22.05% |
20 | 0.26% | 5.15% | 1.41% | 0.69% | 7.98% | 15.49% |
21 | 0.30% | 4.67% | 1.40% | 0.50% | 3.74% | 10.61% |
22 | 0.34% | 4.91% | 2.17% | 0.69% | 5.97% | 14.09% |
23 | 0.34% | 8.51% | 1.62% | 0.60% | 10.19% | 21.27% |
24 | 0.22% | 2.97% | 1.36% | 0.75% | 4.56% | 9.87% |
25 | 0.28% | 8.00% | 1.52% | 1.18% | 9.30% | 20.28% |
Mean ± (SE) | 0.37% ± (0.03%) | 6.17% ± (0.54%) | 1.74% ± (0.10%) | 0.84% ± (0.13%) | 8.68% ± (0.85%) | 17.80% ± (1.41%) |
Metrics | Log Landings (%) | Trails (%) | Secondary Roads (%) | Primary Roads (%) | Gaps (%) | Total Impact (%) | |
Time Interval (months) | 1 to 12 | 0.43 ± 0.03 | 7.14 ± 0.63 | 1.91 ± 0.13 | 0.85 ± 0.14 | 9.47 ± 1.12 | 19.80 ± 1.8 |
13 to 24 | 0.32 ± 0.05 | 5.77 ± 1.00 | 1.59 ± 0.11 | 0.90 ± 0.35 | 6.75 ± 1.65 | 15.33 ± 2.9 | |
>24 | 0.25 ± 0.06 | 3.13 ± 0.80 | 1.34 ± 0.25 | 0.68 ± 0.38 | 8.61 ± 2.24 | 14.03 ± 3.0 | |
Volume Logged (m3.ha−1) | 8 to 12 | 0.31 ± 0.02 | 5.09 ± 0.39 | 1.54 ± 0.15 | 0.63 ± 0.14 | 5.55 ± 0.61 | 13.13 ± 0.9 |
12.1 to 16 | 0.37 ± 0.05 | 5.62 ± 0.75 | 1.76 ± 0.18 | 1.02 ± 0.17 | 8.74 ± 1.28 | 17.51 ± 1.9 | |
>16 | 0.45 ± 0.05 | 8.18 ± 1.32 | 1.97 ± 0.14 | 0.81 ± 0.36 | 12.16 ± 1.59 | 23.57 ± 3.1 | |
Concession Areas | FMU I | 0.46 ± 0.03 | 6.90 ± 0.94 | 1.89 ± 0.13 | 0.98 ± 0.24 | 11.08 ± 1.28 | 21.32 ± 2.16 |
FMU II | 0.34 | 5.46 | 1.13 | 0.87 | 6.06 | 13.86 | |
FMU III | 0.29 ± 0.02 | 5.50 ± 0.58 | 1.65 ± 0.14 | 0.69 ± 0.11 | 6.49 ± 0.81 | 14.62 ± 1.48 |
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Share and Cite
Ferreira, L.; Bias, E.d.S.; Barros, Q.S.; Pádua, L.; Matricardi, E.A.T.; Sousa, J.J. Assessing the Impacts of Selective Logging on the Forest Understory in the Amazon Using Airborne LiDAR. Forests 2025, 16, 130.
Ferreira L, Bias EdS, Barros QS, Pádua L, Matricardi EAT, Sousa JJ. Assessing the Impacts of Selective Logging on the Forest Understory in the Amazon Using Airborne LiDAR. Forests. 2025; 16(1):130.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFerreira, Leilson, Edilson de Souza Bias, Quétila Souza Barros, Luís Pádua, Eraldo Aparecido Trondoli Matricardi, and Joaquim J. Sousa. 2025. "Assessing the Impacts of Selective Logging on the Forest Understory in the Amazon Using Airborne LiDAR" Forests 16, no. 1: 130.
APA StyleFerreira, L., Bias, E. d. S., Barros, Q. S., Pádua, L., Matricardi, E. A. T., & Sousa, J. J. (2025). Assessing the Impacts of Selective Logging on the Forest Understory in the Amazon Using Airborne LiDAR. Forests, 16(1), 130.