Deep Learning-Based Frameworks for Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes
:1. Introduction
2. Datasets
2.1. Cambridge-Driving Labeled Video Database (CamVid)
2.2. KITTI
2.3. Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO)
2.4. Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC)
2.5. Cityscapes
2.6. SYNTHetic Collection of Imagery and Annotations (SYNTHIA)
2.7. Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5)
2.8. Mapillary Vistas
2.9. ADE20K
2.10. SemanticKITTI
2.11. nuScenes
2.12. ApolloScape
3. Data Augmentation
3.1. Data Augmentation Techniques Based on Image Manipulation
3.2. Data Augmentation Techniques Based on Deep Learning
- Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN) [62]: In ACGAN, the discriminator classifies and discriminates between real and synthetic generated data, where a binary cross-entropy is included in the loss function for classification. In this way, the generator learns representative class samples and learns to generate more-realistic data. ACGAN methods are used to improve the training process of GANs.
- Data Augmentation GAN (DAGAN) [63]: DAGAN uses a lower-dimensional representation of real images to learn how to generate synthetic images. Figure 4 shows its architecture. The generator of DAGAN is composed of an encoder that takes a true image from class as input, then projects it down to a lower-dimensional manifold (bottleneck). Then, by transforming and concatenating a random vector with the bottleneck vector, these two vectors are passed to the decoder for generating an augmented image. Furthermore, the discriminator of DAGAN has been trained to discriminate between real images from the class and fake images that have been generated by the generator. However, the training process drives the network to generate new images from the existing ones that appear to be in the same class, whatever the class is, although the generated images look different enough to be different samples.
- Balancing GAN (BAGAN) [64]: It is an augmentation tool that restores balancing data in imbalanced datasets. Doing this was a challenge, considering the few minority class images that might not be enough for training a GAN. This problem was solved by including all available images of minority and majority classes during the training process. Figure 5 shows the three steps of the BAGAN training approach: autoencoder training, GAN initialization, and adversarial training. In this way, the model learns useful features from the majority classes and then uses these features to generate images for minority classes. Additionally, to drive the generation process toward a target class, class conditioning has been applied in the latent space. An autoencoder is used for the generator, which helped in learning an accurate class conditioning in the latent space.
3.3. Comparing Data Augmentation Techniques
4. Domain Adaptation
- Self-Ensembling Attention Networks [71] is the first self-ensembling model introduced to domain adaptation. This model aims to improve the learning of domain-invariant features. Moreover, an attention mechanism is introduced into the proposed model to generate attention-aware features. This mechanism is used to calculate consistency loss in the target-domain. Moreover, the self-ensembling model has two major components: a student network that represents base networks and a teacher network that represents ensemble networks. The student network learns from the teacher network with the help of the consistency loss. As a result, the student network becomes more accurate and the teacher network gets closer to the correct labels in the target-domain. Hence, domain-invariant features can be learned correspondingly.
- Semantic-Edge Domain Adaptation [72] is the first attempt to use low-level edge information that can be easily adapted to guide the transfer of high-level semantic information. The semantic-edge domain adaptation model uses an edge stream for processing edge information to produce high-quality semantic boundaries over the target-domain. Moreover, an edge consistency loss is proposed to align the target semantic predictions with the generated semantic boundaries in addition to two entropy reweighting methods for enhancing the adaptation performance of the model.
- Self-Ensembling GAN (SE-GAN) [73] is a novel self-ensembling GAN for domain adaptation. SE-GAN adopted a self-ensembling model as the generator in the adversarial network to improve the adversarial training performance. SE-GAN has three major components: a student network, a teacher network, and a discriminator. Both the student and the teacher networks form a self-ensembling model that generates domain-invariant features. On the other hand, the discriminator determines whether the segmentation maps come from the source-domain or the target-domain. However, the teacher network in SE-GAN produces pseudo labels for the target-domain images and conducts self-training on the target-domain for the student network. Since SE-GAN combines two promising methods, which are self-ensembling and adversarial training, it gets the advantages from both methods and addresses their respective weaknesses.
5. Frameworks
5.1. ParseNet
5.2. Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet)
5.3. Bilateral Segmentation Network (BiSeNet)
5.4. DeepLabv3+
5.5. Mask R-CNN
5.6. Dual Attention Network (DANet)
5.7. Hybrid Task Cascade (HTC)
5.8. FastFCN
5.9. Gated Shape CNN (GSCNN)
5.10. ShelfNet
5.11. 3D-MiniNet
5.12. BlendMask
5.13. High-Resolution Network (HRNet)
5.14. Squeeze-and-Attention Network (SANet)
6. Discussion
6.1. Evaluation Metrics
6.1.1. Execution Time
6.1.2. Accuracy
6.1.3. Memory Footprint
6.2. Results
6.2.1. Semantic Segmentation
6.2.2. 3D Semantic Segmentation
6.2.3. Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
6.3. Summary
7. Future Directions
- Memory: For segmentation networks, significant amounts of memory are needed for execution. Some devices have limited memory, where the networks must be simplified to fit in them. Network simplification is made by reducing complexity, which decreases accuracy. One of the most promising research directions is simplifying a network by reducing its weight and keeping the accuracy of the original network architecture [96,97,98].
- 3D Datasets: There is an urgent need for large-scale 3D datasets, due to the evaluation of new segmentation techniques that depend on 3D data. Even though there are some promising works, a need remains for varied and better data. It is important to create a 3D dataset from real data because most of the existing 3D datasets are synthetic [99,100,101].
- Real-Time Segmentation: Most segmentation implementations are far from the common camera framerate, which is at least 25 fps. Currently, many of the existing frameworks take between 100 ms to 500 ms to process low-resolution images. For that reason, there is a need for new works that focus on real-time segmentation while finding a trade-off between runtime and accuracy [102,103,104].
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset Name | Purpose | Number of Classes | Resolution | Real/Synthetic | Training | Validation | Test |
CamVid [30] | Urban (Driving) | 32 | 960 × 720 | Real | 701 | N/A | N/A |
CamVid-Sturgess [31] | Urban (Driving) | 11 | 960 × 720 | Real | 367 | 100 | 233 |
KITTI-Layout [32] | Urban/Driving | 3 | Variable | Real | 323 | N/A | N/A |
Microsoft COCO [33] | Generic | >80 | Variable | Real | 82,783 | 40,504 | 81,434 |
PASCAL VOC 2012 [34] | Generic | 21 | Variable | Real | 1464 | 1449 | Private |
KITTI-Ros [35] | Urban/Driving | 11 | Variable | Real | 170 | N/A | 46 |
KITTI-Zhang [36] | Urban/Driving | 10 | 1226 × 370 | Real | 140 | N/A | 112 |
Cityscapes [5] (fine) | Urban | 30 (8) | 2048 × 1024 | Real | 2975 | 500 | 1525 |
Cityscapes [5] (coarse) | Urban | 30 (8) | 2048 × 1024 | Real | 22,973 | 500 | N/A |
SYNTHIA [37] | Urban/Driving | 13 | 960 × 720 | Synthetic | 13,407 | N/A | N/A |
GTA5 [38] | Driving | 19 | 1914 × 1052 | Synthetic | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Mapillary Vistas [39] | Urban | 66 | High | Real | 18,000 | 2000 | 5000 |
ADE20K [40] | Urban/Indoor | 150 | High | Real | 27,574 | N/A | 2000 |
SemanticKITTI [41] | Driving | 28 | High | Real | 23,201 | N/A | 20,351 |
nuScenes [42] | Driving | 23 | High | Real | 700 | 150 | 150 |
Apolloscape [43] | Driving | 36 | 3384 × 2710 | Real | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Top-1 Accuracy | Top-5 Accuracy | |
Baseline | 48.13 ± 0.42% | 64.50 ± 0.65% |
Flipping | 49.73 ± 1.13% | 67.36 ± 1.38% |
Rotating | 50.80 ± 0.63% | 69.41 ± 0.48% |
Cropping | 61.95 ± 1.01% | 79.10 ± 0.80% |
Color Jittering | 49.57 ± 0.53% | 67.18 ± 0.42% |
Edge Enhancement | 49.29 ± 1.16% | 66.49 ± 0.84% |
Fancy PCA | 49.41 ± 0.84% | 67.54 ± 1.01% |
Model | Baseline | Random Erasing | ||
Top-1 | Top-5 | Top-1 | Top-5 | |
ResNet-34 | 25.22 | 8.01 | 24.89 | 7.71 |
ResNet-50 | 23.39 | 6.89 | 22.75 | 6.69 |
ResNet-101 | 20.98 | 5.73 | 20.43 | 5.30 |
Model | MNIST | CIFAR-10 |
Baseline | 1.093 ± 0.057 | 30.65 ± 0.27 |
Baseline + input space affine transformation | 1.477 ± 0.068 | - |
Baseline + input space extrapolation | 1.010 ± 0.065 | - |
Baseline + feature space extrapolation | 0.950 ± 0.036 | 29.24 ± 0.27 |
SYNTHIA → Cityscapes | |||
Method | Backbone | MIoU | |
NoAdapt | Adapt | ||
Self-Ensembling Attention Networks [71] | VGG-16 | 17.4 | 37.5 |
Semantic-Edge Domain Adaptation [72] | ResNet-101 | 37.8 | 55.9 |
SE-GAN [73] | ResNet-101 | 33.3 | 48.9 |
GTA5 → Cityscapes | |||
Method | Backbone | MIoU | |
NoAdapt | Adapt | ||
Self-Ensembling Attention Networks [71] | VGG-16 | 21.2 | 35.7 |
Semantic-Edge Domain Adaptation [72] | ResNet-101 | 36.5 | 52.8 |
SE-GAN [73] | ResNet-101 | 37.2 | 50.1 |
Framework | Tasks | Evaluation Results |
ParseNet [74] | Semantic Segmentation | Ranked #46 on semantic segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012 test |
PSPNet [77] | Semantic Segmentation Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Video Semantic Segmentation Lesion Segmentation Scene Parsing Image Classification | Ranked #3 on video semantic segmentation on Cityscapes val |
BiSeNet [78] | Semantic Segmentation Real-Time Semantic Segmentation | Ranked #4 on semantic segmentation on SkyScapes-Dense |
DeepLabv3+ [79] | Semantic Segmentation Lesion Segmentation Image Classification | Ranked #1 on lesion segmentation on ATLAS |
Mask R-CNN [80] | Semantic Segmentation Instance Segmentation 3D Instance Segmentation Human Part Segmentation Nuclear Segmentation Panoptic Segmentation Object Detection Real-Time Object Detection Key Point Detection Multi-Human Parsing Pose Estimation | Ranked #1 on real-time object detection on COCO minival (MAP metric) |
DANet [81] | Semantic Segmentation Scene Segmentation | Ranked #8 on semantic segmentation on COCO-Stuff test |
HTC [82] | Semantic Segmentation Instance Segmentation Object Detection | Ranked #27 on instance segmentation on COCO test-dev |
FastFCN [83] | Semantic Segmentation | Ranked #29 on semantic segmentation on PASCAL Context |
GSCNN [84] | Semantic Segmentation | Ranked #16 on semantic segmentation on Cityscapes test |
ShelfNet [85] | Semantic Segmentation Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Scene Understanding Autonomous Driving | Ranked #11 on real-time semantic segmentation on Cityscapes test |
3D-MiniNet [86] | Semantic Segmentation Real-Time Semantic Segmentation 3D Semantic Segmentation Real-Time 3D Semantic Segmentation LiDAR Semantic Segmentation Autonomous Driving Autonomous Vehicles | Ranked #1 on real-time 3D semantic segmentation on SemanticKITTI |
BlendMask [87] | Semantic Segmentation Instance Segmentation Real-Time Instance Segmentation | Ranked #6 on real-time instance segmentation on COCO |
HRNet [88] | Semantic Segmentation Instance Segmentation Object Detection Pose Estimation Representation Learning | Ranked #1 on object detection COCO test-dev (Hardware Burden metric) |
SANet [89] | Semantic Segmentation | Ranked #14 on semantic segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012 test (using extra training data) |
Metrics | Formula | Evaluation Focus |
Pixel Accuracy (PA) | This metric computes the ratio between the amount of correctly classified pixels and the total number of pixels. | |
Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA) | This metric computes the ratio of correct pixels in a per-class basis and the averages over the total number of classes. It is an improved PA. | |
Mean Intersection over Union (MIoU) | This metric computes a ratio between the intersection and the union of two sets, which are the ground truth and the predicted segmentation. Reformulating the ratio is possible as the number of true positives over the sum of true positives, false negatives, and false positives which represents Intersection over Union (IoU). The IoU is computed on a per-class basis and then averaged. | |
Frequency Weighted Intersection over Union (FWIoU) | This metric weighs every class importance based on their appearance frequency. |
Dataset | Framework | Backbone | MIoU |
Semantic Segmentation | |||
CamVid [30] | PSPNet | 69.1 | |
BiSeNet | ResNet-18 | 68.7 | |
PASCAL VOC 2012 [34] | DeepLabv3+ | Xception-JFT | 89 |
SANet * | ResNet-101 | 86.1 | |
PSPNet * | ResNet-101 | 85.4 | |
ShelfNet * | ResNet-101 | 84.2 | |
SANet | ResNet-101 | 83.2 | |
DANet | ResNet-101 | 82.6 | |
ShelfNet | ResNet-101 | 81.1 | |
ParseNet | 69.8 | ||
Cityscapes test [5] | GSCNN | 82.8 | |
DeepLabv3+ (coarse) | 82.1 | ||
DANet | ResNet-101 | 81.5 | |
PSPNet (fine and coarse) | ResNet-101 | 80.2 | |
ShelfNet | ResNet-34 | 79 | |
BiSeNet | ResNet-101 | 78.9 | |
ADE20K [40] | PSPNet | ResNet-269 | 44.94 |
FastFCN | ResNet-101 | 44.34 | |
3D Semantic Segmentation | |||
SemanticKITTI [41] | 3D-MiniNet | 55.8 |
Dataset | 2D\3D | Framework | Backbone | Parameters | MIoU | Time | Frame |
Cityscapes test [5] | 2D | ShelfNet | ResNet-18 | 23.5 M | 74.8 | 16.9 ms | 59.2 fps |
2D | BiSeNet | ResNet-18 | 49.0 M | 74.7 | 15.2 ms | 65.5 fps | |
SemanticKITTI [41] | 3D | 3D-MiniNet | 3.97 M | 55.8 | 28 fps |
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Alokasi, H.; Ahmad, M.B. Deep Learning-Based Frameworks for Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes. Electronics 2022, 11, 1884.
Alokasi H, Ahmad MB. Deep Learning-Based Frameworks for Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes. Electronics. 2022; 11(12):1884.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlokasi, Haneen, and Muhammad Bilal Ahmad. 2022. "Deep Learning-Based Frameworks for Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes" Electronics 11, no. 12: 1884.
APA StyleAlokasi, H., & Ahmad, M. B. (2022). Deep Learning-Based Frameworks for Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes. Electronics, 11(12), 1884.