SCoPE: Service Composition and Personalization Environment
:1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Background and Literature Review
4. Elderly Care Ecosystem and Related Definitions
5. ECE Environment
5.1. Customer Profile
5.2. An Application Scenario
6. Service Composition and Personalization Environment
6.1. Step: 1—Scope Filtering
Algorithm 1 Scope Filtering Algorithm |
function ScopeFiltering; |
// ECE is the ecosystem, cu is the customer, CA’ the set of relevant care needs to be processed |
Input: ECE, cu, CA’ |
// SSE is a set of tuples, in which cu is the customer, ca is a care need of the customer cu, se is the service that can attend the care need, and weight is the matching level of the service associated with the service taxonomy |
Output: SSE = {< cu, ca, se, weight >} |
// Variables |
var LSE; // a set containing services (SE) |
var Lweight; // a weight to associate with the taxonomy matching |
var Penalty: 0.1; // Penalty for higher-level matching |
// Main |
foreach ca in CA’ do |
LSE ← null; |
foreach sp in ECE.SP do |
foreach se in sp.SE do |
// provided services (SE) by specific service provider(sp) |
Lweight ← 1; |
More ← true; |
Node1 ← ca.taxonomy.node; |
Node2 ← searchNodeTaxonomy(se.taxonomy.node); |
while True do |
if (Node2 = null) or (Node1 = Node2) then |
break; |
end |
else |
Lweight ← Lweight − Penalty; |
Node2 ← Node2.parent; |
end |
end |
if (Lweight <= 0) or (Node2 = null) then |
// Did not have correspondence in the taxonomy |
Lweight ← 0; |
SSE ←+ < cu, ca, se, Lweight >; |
end |
end |
end |
6.2. Step: 2—Adherence Calculation
Algorithm 2 Closeness Adherence Algorithm |
function Closeness; |
// ECE is the ecosystem, cu is the customer, ca’ is a care need, and SEW = {< ca, se, w >}, where ca is a care need, se a service that attends this care, and w weight of the service associated with the taxonomy (calculated in Algorithm 1) and req is customers requirements |
Input: ECE, cu, SEW, RE |
// The output is a set containing tuples composed of a requirement req, a service se, and the adherence ad ∈ [0, 1] of the service se to the requirement req |
Output: CL[n] = {< se, req, ad >} |
// Variables |
var n=req; // number of requirements |
var t; // a vector |
// Main |
while SEW.hasTuples do |
t ← SEW.nextTuple(); |
i ←1; |
foreach req in do |
foreach fea in do |
if ( = then |
// simplified function |
switch req.type do |
case FUZZY do |
// closeness calculation based on fuzzy function, distance between trapezoidal numbers |
CL[i] ←+ < se, req, doTrapezoidal(se, req, f e) >; |
break; |
case CRISP do |
// closeness calculation based on crisp function, relation between customer requirements and service features |
CL[i] ←+ < se, req, doCrisp(se, req, fe)) >; |
break |
otherwise do |
// closeness calculation based on provider flexibility level |
CL[i] ←+ < se, req, doF lexibility(se, req, f e) >; |
end |
end |
i++ |
end |
end |
end |
Algorithm 3 Partial Adherence Algorithm |
function PartialAdherence; |
// G(CL) is the average closeness considering all requirements of each care need, CO is the service coverage level in relation to the customers care need relevance RL |
Input: G(CL), CO, RL |
// The output is a set containing tuples composed of a requirement req, a sevice se, and the adherence ad ∈ [0, 1] of the service se to the requirement req |
Output: PA |
// Main |
var m:0.0; // a number of customers care needs |
foreach ca in do |
if (se.CO >= ca.RL) then |
PA[m] ← G(CL) * (1 + distance(se.CO, ca.RL)) |
else |
PA[m] ← G(CL) * (1 − distance(se.CO, ca.RL)) |
end |
m++ |
end |
6.3. Step: 3—Service Composition and Ranking
Algorithm 4 Service Composition and Ranking Algorithm |
function ServiceComposition; |
// Solution is a vector of services set that attends the customer request |
Input: CA, cu, PA, cost |
// The output is a set containing tuples composed of a solution Solution, a solution cost cost, the adherence ad ∈ [0, 1] of the solution solution to the customer cu, and the ranking based on the relation between ad and cost |
Output: SolutionsRanking |
Procedure AdherenceMaximization; |
var Solution1; // a vector of solutions these containing services (SE) |
var ad:0.0; // the solution adherence |
var x: 0.0; // an auxiliary variable |
var m; // care needs numbers of customer cu |
var n:0.0; // numbers of solutions in this strategy (adherence maximization) |
// Main |
foreach ca in cu.CA do |
Solution1 ← null; |
foreach se in do |
n++; |
if (PA[n]) > x then |
x ←; |
Solution1[n] ←+ < >; |
end |
ad.solution1[n] ← (x); |
end |
ad.solution1[n] ← average; |
end |
Procedure ServiceMinimization; |
var Solution2; // a set of solutions these containing services (SE) |
var ad:0.0; // the solution adherence |
var n:0.0; // numbers of solutions in this strategy (service minimization) |
// Main |
foreach ca in cu.CA do |
Solution2 ← null; |
foreach se in do |
n++; |
if se is the same than (ca++).se then |
ad.Solution2[n] ←; |
Solution2[n] ←+ < >; |
end |
end |
ad.solution2[n] ← average; |
end |
Procedure ProviderMinimization; |
// strategy for minimization of providers number |
end |
Procedure DefinedStrategy; |
// new strategy |
end |
7. Conclusions and Future Work
- A new service selection paradigm based on solution adherence to the customer needs and specificities, making possible to attend personal requirements through soft criteria.
- Dynamic care needs taxonomy as part of the personalization process, representing a common language to identify services and needs.
- Possibility of integration of services of diverse areas and types covering several care needs.
- Adherence calculation respecting personal characteristics (e.g., cultural, technological, social, etc.) based on care needs and criteria relevance.
- Service composition based on an adherence coefficient, offering tailored services to each senior context and his/her life style, strengthening service personalization.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Business Services | Reference |
“A change in the condition of a person, or a good belonging to some economic entity, brought about as the result of the activity of some other economic entity, with the approval of the first person or economic entity”. | [19] |
“Such a kind of specialized services and business operations mainly concerned with providing professional and specialized support for the business processes of other organizations, i.e., the clients”. | [20] |
“A business activity, part of organization’s business model, resulting in intangible outcomes or benefits”. | [21] |
“A specific set of actions that are performed by an organization”. | [17] |
“Are present at a time T and location L if, at time T, the agent is explicitly committed to guaranteeing the execution of some type of action at location L, on the occurrence of a certain triggering event, in the interest of another agent and upon prior agreement, in a certain way”. | [22] |
“Traditional services that feature higher inclusions of ICT and human capital adopt new techniques, new innovative business models, and new resource configurations patterns, thereby producing more added-value”. | [18] |
(In the elderly care domain) “Are equivalent to what is usually called care and assistance service: services provided to the end users which involve a number of software services and human intervention”. | [23] |
Name | Website |
Too Young to Retire | |
American Association of Retired Persons | |
Silver Surfers | |
60 Plus Association | |
50 Connect | |
Senior Net | |
Senior | | | |
Grow NUPS | |
Senior Friend Finder | |
Senior Match | |
50 Years Plus | |
Dating for Seniors | |
Senior Passions | |
Senior Communication | |
Verdurez | |
Family Ties | |
Patient Powered | |
Buzz 50 | |
eHarmony | |
Vital Senior | |
Portugal Senior | |
Stitch Connection | |
EAC—Empower Assistance Care | |
Management Capabilities | Strategic Level |
Personal Data. Name: João Silva Gender and age: male, 82 years old. Place: Lisbon, Portugal. Marital Status: married. Professional Situation: Salesman, retired. Family Structure: wife, one daughter and two grandsons. | |
Backstory. Mr. Silva lives with his wife in Lisbon. He attended primary school but soon became a salesman for an important pharmaceutical company. He has a good house and combining both his salary and his wife’s they can have a comfortable life. He is a very sociable person that usually goes out for a coffee with his wife or friends and therefore never feels lonely. Nevertheless, his family responsibilities are a limitation to a more active social life. He performs all his personal and housing activities and whenever he needs help just asks his wife. He usually also helps his daughter by taking care of his grandsons. | |
Health information. Mr. Silva is considered healthy, in general, however, he is diabetic and has some memory disabilities. | |
Technological knowledge. Mr. Silva has a landline phone and a mobile phone that he always uses to communicate with his family and friends. He also has a computer with Internet connection that he regularly uses. | |
Fears and Frustrations. Mr. Silva’s biggest fears are related to burglaries and fires. He is also slightly preoccupied that his health may start to decline, especially when it comes to walking or climbing stairs. | |
Motivation. Mr. Silva is an almost healthy person but he is always trying to improve himself and maintain his health status good as long as possible. He is also very concerned with safety and would like to see some solutions to mitigate his fears, namely burglaries and fires, especially because he often has his little grandsons at home and wants them to be safe. | |
Constraints. He is prepared to invest around 50 euros a month and wants services that are easy to use. He would like to have time to spend with his friends and family. Mr. Silva needs to gauge his blood pressure three times per day. Currently, he uses a personal device to gauge the blood pressure and takes notes in a notebook. Sometimes, he just forgets to gauge the pressure. Also, he usually takes wrong annotations, which makes the process fully unreliable. Mr. Silva also needs a security monitoring service to guarantee home safely. |
Mr. Silva’s Characteristics CH | Mr. Silva’s Status | Mr. Silva’s Relevance |
Independent living | highly active | very important |
Culture | not active | not important |
Religion | active | not important |
Social | not active | important |
Technological | highly active | very important |
Recreational | not active | very important |
Financial | highly active | very important |
Friendship | active | very important |
Household | not active | very important |
Community | not active | very important |
Love | active | not important |
Educational | active | not important |
Professional | not active | not important |
Health | active | very important |
Family | active | very important |
Adherence Calculation Process Steps | Purpose | Input | Output | ||
Repeated for each spij fragment | Sub-step: 1 Closeness Calculation | Calculate the closeness vector (CL) of each spij fragment against the customer’s requirements. | 1. spij fragments features 2. customer’s requirements | Closeness vector | |
Repeated for each care need | Sub-step: 2 Partial Adherence calculation | Calculate the Partial Adherence coeficient: Combining the CL and the service coverage level (CO) in relation to the customer’s care need relevance. | 1. 2. Customer’s care need relevance () 3. Service Coverage Level regarding the care need () | Partial adherence coefficient () | |
Sub-step: 3 Adherence calculation | Calculate the Adherence combining all care needs together | 1. | Adherence coefficient () |
Flexibility Degree | Flexibility Level | Description |
1 | Very flexible | Always or almost always adapts to the customer’s request. |
0.75 | Flexible | Usually adapts to the customer’s request. |
0.5 | Moderately flexible | Sometimes adapts to the customer’s request. |
0.25 | Not very flexible | Seldom adapts to the customer’s request. |
0 | Not flexible | Never adapts to the customer’s request. |
Solution | ad | ||
spij |
Solution | … | Cost | Cost-Benefit Ratio | ||||
sp11 | … | ||||||
sp22 | … | ||||||
sp23 | … | ||||||
… | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
spij | … |
Fragment | (ca1= Blood Pressure) | (ca2= Home Safety) | Cost | Cost-Benefit Ratio (%) | |
sp11 | 0.885 | 0.622 | 0.75 | 100 € | 0.75 |
sp21 | 0.184 | 0.782 | 0.48 | 30 € | 1.60 |
sp22 | 0.000 | 0.927 | 0.46 | 40 € | 1.15 |
sp33 | 0.345 | 0.451 | 0.39 | 85 € | 0.46 |
sp41 | 0.767 | 0.000 | 0.38 | 200 € | 0.19 |
sp64 | 0.639 | 0.791 | 0.71 | 75 € | 0.95 |
To Care Need Blood Pressure | To Care Need Home Safety | ||||
Available Solutions | pa | Cost | Available Solutions | pa | Cost |
sp11 | 0.885 | 100 € | sp21 | 0.782 | 30 € |
sp41 | 0.767 | 200 € | sp22 | 0.927 | 40 € |
sp64 | 0.639 | 75 € | sp64 | 0.791 | 75 € |
Composition Method | Solution Index | Expected Benefit |
Adherence maximization | Better service personalization | |
Services minimization | Better service integration, less interoperability problems | |
Providers minimization | Better integration and cost decrease | |
Balanced Number of Providers | Minimization of service delivery disruption risks | |
… | … | … |
To define | To define |
Method | Solutions | To Care Need Blood Pressure | To Care Need Home Safety | ad | Cost | Cost-Benefit Ratio (%) |
Solution 1 | 0.906 | 140 € | 0.647 | |||
Solution 2 | 0.715 | 75 € | 0.953 | |||
Solution 3 | 0.755 | 130 € | 0.581 | |||
Solution 4 | 0.774 | 230 € | 0.337 |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Baldissera, T.A.; Camarinha-Matos, L.M. SCoPE: Service Composition and Personalization Environment. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 2297.
Baldissera TA, Camarinha-Matos LM. SCoPE: Service Composition and Personalization Environment. Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(11):2297.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBaldissera, Thais A., and Luis M. Camarinha-Matos. 2018. "SCoPE: Service Composition and Personalization Environment" Applied Sciences 8, no. 11: 2297.
APA StyleBaldissera, T. A., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2018). SCoPE: Service Composition and Personalization Environment. Applied Sciences, 8(11), 2297.