The state of the art in Thai language processing
Computers and the Thai Language
This article explains the history of Thai language development for computers, examining such factors as the language, script, and writing system, among others. The article also analyzes characteristics of Thai characters and I/O methods, and addresses ...
A state of the art of Thai Language resources and Thai Language behavior analysis and modeling
COLING '02: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Asian language resources and international standardization - Volume 12As electronic communications is now increasing, the term Natural Language Processing should be considered in the broader aspect of Multi-Language processing system. Observation of the language behavior will provide a good basis for design of ...
State of the Art Review on Thai Text-to-Speech System
ICCSIT '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Information TechnologyText-to-speech system is a system that converts the input text into speech sound. In Thai language, Thai text-to-speech system was developed in many years. There are many problems with Thai text to speech transformations such as Thai language is a Tonal ...
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Association for Computational Linguistics
United States
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