A Normalized Convolutional Neural Network for Guided Sparse Depth Upsampling
A Normalized Convolutional Neural Network for Guided Sparse Depth Upsampling
Jiashen Hua, Xiaojin Gong
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 2283-2290.
Guided sparse depth upsampling aims to upsample an irregularly sampled sparse depth map when an aligned high-resolution color image is given as guidance. When deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) become the optimal choice to many applications nowadays, how to deal with irregular and sparse data still remains a non-trivial problem. Inspired by the classical normalized convolution operation, this work proposes a normalized convolutional layer (NCL) implemented in CNNs. Sparse data are therefore explicitly considered in CNNs by the separation of both data and filters into a signal part and a certainty part. Based upon NCLs, we design a normalized convolutional neural network (NCNN) to perform guided sparse depth upsampling. Experiments on both indoor and outdoor datasets show that the proposed NCNN models achieve state-of-the-art upsampling performance. Moreover, the models using NCLs gain a great generalization ability to different sparsity levels.
Machine Learning: Deep Learning
Computer Vision: 2D and 3D Computer Vision
Computer Vision: Computer Vision