Dilated Convolutional Network with Iterative Optimization for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
Dilated Convolutional Network with Iterative Optimization for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
Junfu Pu, Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 885-891.
This paper presents a novel deep neural architecture with iterative optimization strategy for real-world continuous sign language recognition. Generally, a continuous sign language recognition system consists of visual input encoder for feature extraction and a sequence learning model to learn the correspondence between the input sequence and the output sentence-level labels. We use a 3D residual convolutional network (3D-ResNet) to extract visual features. After that, a stacked dilated convolutional network with Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is applied for learning the mapping between the sequential features and the text sentence. The deep network is hard to train since the CTC loss has limited contribution to early CNN parameters. To alleviate this problem, we design an iterative optimization strategy to train our architecture. We generate pseudo-labels for video clips from sequence learning model with CTC, and fine-tune the 3D-ResNet with the supervision of pseudo-labels for a better feature representation. We alternately optimize feature extractor and sequence learning model with iterative steps. Experimental results on RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather, a large real-world continuous sign language recognition benchmark, demonstrate the advantages and effectiveness of our proposed method.
Machine Learning: Deep Learning
Computer Vision: Language and Vision