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Motion Planning of a Snake-Like Robot Using an Optimized Harmonic Potential Field

  • Samer Charifa EMAIL logo and Marwan Bikdash


Snake-like robots have gained popularity in the last three decades for their ability to utilize several gaits in order to navigate through different terrains. They are analogous in morphology to snakes, tentacles, and elephant trunks. We propose a novel method of navigating a snake-like robot based on the Harmonic Field with Optimized Boundary Conditions (HFOBC) and a boundary following algorithm. We apply the HFOBC navigation function using a number of fictitious charges equally spaced on each link. These charges actively follow the potential field towards the target. Futhermore, a generalized mathematical model for an n-link snake-like robot based on Lagrange formulation has also been proposed in this paper.


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Received: 2010-9-20
Accepted: 2011-2-9
Published Online: 2011-2-11
Published in Print: 2010-9-1

© Samer Charifa et al.

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