Time-Optimal Two- and Three-Qubit Gates for Rydberg Atoms

Sven Jandura and Guido Pupillo

University of Strasbourg and CNRS, CESQ and ISIS (UMR 7006), aQCess, 67000 Strasbourg, France

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We identify time-optimal laser pulses to implement the controlled-Z gate and its three qubit generalization, the C$_2$Z gate, for Rydberg atoms in the blockade regime. Pulses are optimized using a combination of numerical and semi-analytical quantum optimal control techniques that result in smooth Ansätze with just a few variational parameters. For the CZ gate, the time-optimal implementation corresponds to a global laser pulse that does not require single site addressability of the atoms, simplifying experimental implementation of the gate. We employ quantum optimal control techniques to mitigate errors arising due to the finite lifetime of Rydberg states and finite blockade strengths, while several other types of errors affecting the gates are directly mitigated by the short gate duration. For the considered error sources, we achieve theoretical gate fidelities compatible with error correction using reasonable experimental parameters for CZ and C$_2$Z gates.

In this work we apply quantum optimal control techniques to optimize quantum gates on Rydberg atoms. We find the shortest possible global laser pulse to implement at CZ and a C$_2$Z gate in the blockade regime. We show how to adapt the pulses to compensate for a finite Rydberg blockade strength and how to minimize the time spent in the Rydberg state instead of the pulse duration.

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[22] Daniel Jaschke, Alice Pagano, Sebastian Weber, and Simone Montangero, " Ab-initio tree-tensor-network digital twin for quantum computer benchmarking in 2D", Quantum Science and Technology 9 3, 035055 (2024).

[23] Madhav Mohan, Robert de Keijzer, and Servaas Kokkelmans, "Robust control and optimal Rydberg states for neutral atom two-qubit gates", Physical Review Research 5 3, 033052 (2023).

[24] Rui Li, Jing Qian, and Weiping Zhang, "Proposal for practical Rydberg quantum gates using a native two-photon excitation", Quantum Science and Technology 8 3, 035032 (2023).

[25] Francesco Cesa and Hannes Pichler, "Universal Quantum Computation in Globally Driven Rydberg Atom Arrays", Physical Review Letters 131 17, 170601 (2023).

[26] Shuo Ma, Genyue Liu, Pai Peng, Bichen Zhang, Sven Jandura, Jahan Claes, Alex P. Burgers, Guido Pupillo, Shruti Puri, and Jeff D. Thompson, "High-fidelity gates and mid-circuit erasure conversion in an atomic qubit", Nature 622 7982, 279 (2023).

[27] Alice Pagano, Daniel Jaschke, Werner Weiss, and Simone Montangero, "Optimal control transport of neutral atoms in optical tweezers at finite temperature", Physical Review Research 6 3, 033282 (2024).

[28] Vadim N. Petruhanov and Alexander N. Pechen, "Quantum Gate Generation in Two-Level Open Quantum Systems by Coherent and Incoherent Photons Found with Gradient Search", Photonics 10 2, 220 (2023).

[29] Mingyu Kang, Wesley C. Campbell, and Kenneth R. Brown, "Quantum Error Correction with Metastable States of Trapped Ions Using Erasure Conversion", PRX Quantum 4 2, 020358 (2023).

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[31] Simone Notarnicola, Andreas Elben, Thierry Lahaye, Antoine Browaeys, Simone Montangero, and Benoît Vermersch, "A randomized measurement toolbox for an interacting Rydberg-atom quantum simulator", New Journal of Physics 25 10, 103006 (2023).

[32] Xiao-Feng Shi and Yan Lu, "Fast nuclear-spin entangling gates compatible with large-scale atomic arrays", Physical Review A 110 1, 012610 (2024).

[33] Daniel González-Cuadra, Torsten V. Zache, Jose Carrasco, Barbara Kraus, and Peter Zoller, "Hardware Efficient Quantum Simulation of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories with Qudits on Rydberg Platforms", Physical Review Letters 129 16, 160501 (2022).

[34] Matteo Magoni, Radhika Joshi, and Igor Lesanovsky, "Molecular Dynamics in Rydberg Tweezer Arrays: Spin-Phonon Entanglement and Jahn-Teller Effect", Physical Review Letters 131 9, 093002 (2023).

[35] Vikas Buchemmavari, Sivaprasad Omanakuttan, Yuan-Yu Jau, and Ivan Deutsch, "Entangling quantum logic gates in neutral atoms via the microwave-driven spin-flip blockade", Physical Review A 109 1, 012615 (2024).

[36] Lucas Leclerc and Loic Henriet, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) 839 (2022) ISBN:978-1-6654-9113-6.

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[38] Shiqing Tang, Chong Yang, Dongxiao Li, and Xiaoqiang Shao, "Implementation of Quantum Algorithms via Fast Three-Rydberg-Atom CCZ Gates", Entropy 24 10, 1371 (2022).

[39] Simon J. Evered, Dolev Bluvstein, Marcin Kalinowski, Sepehr Ebadi, Tom Manovitz, Hengyun Zhou, Sophie H. Li, Alexandra A. Geim, Tout T. Wang, Nishad Maskara, Harry Levine, Giulia Semeghini, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, and Mikhail D. Lukin, "High-fidelity parallel entangling gates on a neutral-atom quantum computer", Nature 622 7982, 268 (2023).

[40] Yunzhe Zheng and Keita Kanno, "Minimizing readout-induced noise for early fault-tolerant quantum computers", Physical Review Research 6 2, 023129 (2024).

[41] Alice Pagano, Sebastian Weber, Daniel Jaschke, Tilman Pfau, Florian Meinert, Simone Montangero, and Hans Peter Büchler, "Error budgeting for a controlled-phase gate with strontium-88 Rydberg atoms", Physical Review Research 4 3, 033019 (2022).

[42] Yijiao Fu and Jinhui Wu, "One-Step Implementation of Collective Anti-Blockade in a Rydberg Ring", Photonics 10 10, 1172 (2023).

[43] Ignacio R. Sola, Seokmin Shin, and Bo Y. Chang, "Optimal protocols for entangling gates in N-qubit atomic systems", AIP Advances 13 11, 115102 (2023).

[44] Christiane P. Koch, Ugo Boscain, Tommaso Calarco, Gunther Dirr, Stefan Filipp, Steffen J. Glaser, Ronnie Kosloff, Simone Montangero, Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen, Dominique Sugny, and Frank K. Wilhelm, "Quantum optimal control in quantum technologies. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe", arXiv:2205.12110, (2022).

[45] Korbinian Staudacher, Ludwig Schmid, Johannes Zeiher, Robert Wille, and Dieter Kranzlmüller, "Multi-controlled Phase Gate Synthesis with ZX-calculus applied to Neutral Atom Hardware", arXiv:2403.10864, (2024).

The above citations are from Crossref's cited-by service (last updated successfully 2024-09-20 08:03:01) and SAO/NASA ADS (last updated successfully 2024-09-20 08:03:02). The list may be incomplete as not all publishers provide suitable and complete citation data.