
JRM Vol.18 No.3 pp. 333-339
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2006.p0333


Non-Dimensional Analysis Based Design on Tracing Type Legged Robots

Mitsuru Higashimori, Idaku Ishii, and Makoto Kaneko

Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, 4-1 Kagamiyama 1-Chome, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8527, Japan

April 12, 2005
December 20, 2005
June 20, 2006
jumping robot, motor based actuation, dimensional analysis, jump ratio
We discuss the optimum design issue for tracing type legged robots in the sense that it can jump as high as possible. By applying dimensional analysis techniques, we introduce four non-dimensional parameters that control the jump ratio (=h/l ) for a tracing type jumping robot. An interesting observation is that there exists the optimum design point where the jump ratio becomes maximum. Through experiments, we found that the robot with the optimum design specification can achieve the jump ratio of 3.6, while the jump ratio decreases for other design points. This paper is the full translation from the transactions of JSME Series C, Vol.71, No.704, 2005.
Cite this article as:
M. Higashimori, I. Ishii, and M. Kaneko, “Non-Dimensional Analysis Based Design on Tracing Type Legged Robots,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.18 No.3, pp. 333-339, 2006.
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