Bir Etki Ajanı Olarak Twitter: Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşında Twitter Botları
Year 2024,
Volume: 20 Issue: 47, 99 - 122, 26.04.2024
Muhammed Hayati Taban
İsmail Gür
Rusya’nın 24 Şubat 2022’de başlattığı saldırıdan bu yana dünya Ukrayna’da bir savaşa tanıklık ediyor. Bu savaşta Rusya’nın sadece askerlerini konuşlandırmakla kalmadığını, aynı zamanda Twitter botlarını da devreye soktuğuna tanıklık etmekteyiz. Rusya-Ukrayna savaşı bu açıdan hem geleneksel hem de sosyal medya gibi geleneksel olmayan alanlarda süregelmektedir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmamız savaşın ilk 8 gününde botların Rusya tarafından ne ölçüde kullanıldığını anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla 24 Şubat ile 4 Mart tarihleri arasında Twitter’dan veri toplanmıştır. Veriler toplandıktan sonra, elde edilen tweetler için bir bot tahmini gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular, Twitter’ın botlara oldukça hızlı tepki verdiğini ve Rusya’nın Rus Twitter atmosferini eskisi kadar istismar edemediğini göstermektedir. Bu açıdan düşünüldüğünde Rusya’nın Twitter’ı neden engellemeyi seçtiği daha iyi anlaşılmaktadır.
- AHMED Faraz and ABULAISH Muhammad (2013). “A Generic Statistical Approach for Spam Detection in Online Social Networks”, Computer Communications, 36:10-11, 1120-1129.
- AGRALI Özgür SÖKÜN Hakan and KARAASLAN Enis (2022). “Twitter Data Analysis: Izmir Earthquake Case”, Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies, 2:2, 36-41.
- ALIAKSANDRAU Andrei (2014). “Brave New War: The Information War between Russia and Ukraine”, Index on Censorship, 43:4, 54-60.
- ATABEK Ümit (2020). “Twitterda Yerel Siyasal İletişim: Türkiye’de İki Farklı Tarz”, Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi, 33, 32-54.
- BADAWY Adam ADDAWOOD Aseel LERMAN Kristina and FERRARA Emilio (2019). “Characterizing the 2016 Russian IRA Influence Campaign”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9:1, 1-11.
- BARRIE Christopher and JUSTIN Ho (2021). “AcademictwitteR: An R Package to Access the Twitter Academic Research Product Track v2 API Endpoint”, Journal of Open Source Software, 6:62, 3272.
- BASTOS Marco T. and MERCEA Dan (2017). “The Brexit Botnet and User-Generated Hyperpartisan News”, Social Science Computer Review, 37:1, 38-54.
- BESSI Alessandro and FERRARA Emilio (2016). “Social Bots Distort the 2016 US Presidential Election Online Discussion”, First Monday, 21:11.
- BLANK Stephen (2013). “Russian Information Warfare as Domestic Counterinsurgency”, American Foreign Policy Interests, 35:1, 31-44.
- BRADSHAW Samantha and HOWARD Philip N. (2018). “The Global Organization of Social Media Disinformation Campaigns.” Journal of International Affairs, 71:1.5, 23-32.
- BRONIATOWSKI David A. JAMISON Amelia M. SIHUA Qi ALKULAIB Lulwah TAO Chen, BENTON Adrian QUINN Sandra C. and DREDZE Mark (2018). “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate”, American Journal of Public Health, 108:10, 1378-1384.
- CALDARELLI Guido DE NICOLA Rocco VIGNA Fabio Del PETROCCHI Marinella and SARACCO Fabio (2020). “The Role of Bot Squads in the Political Propaganda on Twitter”, Communications Physics, 3:1, 1-15.
- CAM Handan CAM Alper Veli DEMIREL Ugur and SANA Ahmed (2024). “Sentiment Analysis of Financial Twitter Posts on Twitter with the Machine Learning Classifiers”, Heliyon, 10:1, e23784.
- CHAVOSHI Nikan HAMOONI Hossein and MUEEN Abdullah (2016). “Identifying Correlated Bots in Twitter”, Emma Spiro & Yong-Yeol Ahn (eds.), Social Informatics, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 14-21.
- CHOWDHURY Farhan Asif LAWRENCE Allen YOUSUF Mohammad and MUEEN Abdullah (2020). “On Twitter Purge: A Retrospective Analysis of Suspended Users",In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 371-378.
- CHU Zi, GIANVECCHIO Steven, WANG Haining and JAJODIA Sushil (2010). “Who Is Tweeting on Twitter: Human, Bot, or Cyborg?”, In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference on - ACSAC. Austin, Texas: ACM Press.
- CORNELISSEN Laurenz A., BARNETT Richard J., SCHOONWINKEL Petrus, EICHSTADT Brent D. and MAGODLA Hluma B. (2018). “A Network Topology Approach to Bot Classification”, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, Port Elizabeth South Africa, 79-88.
- CRESCI Stefano LILLO Fabrizio REGOLI Daniele TARDELLI Serena and TESCONI Maurizio (2019). “Cashtag Piggybacking: Uncovering Spam and Bot Activity in Stock Microblogs on Twitter”, ACM Transactions on the Web, 13:2, 1-27.
- CRESCI Stefano DI PIETRO Roberto PETROCCHI Marinella SPOGNARDI Angelo and TESCONI Maurizio (2015). “Fame for Sale: Efficient Detection of Fake Twitter Followers.” Decision Support Systems, 80, 56-71.
- CSARDI Gabor and NEPUSZ Tamas (2006). “The Igraph Software Package for Complex Network Research”, InterJournal Complex Systems,1695-1704.
- DAVIS Clayton Allen VAROL Onur FERRARA Emilio FLAMMINI Alessandro and MENCZER Filippo (2016). “BotOrNot: A System to Evaluate Social Bots.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, Montreal: Canada, 273-274.
- DICKERSON John P., KAGAN Vadim and SUBRAHMANIAN V.S. (2014). “Using Sentiment to Detect Bots on Twitter: Are Humans More Opinionated than Bots?” In 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 620-627.
- EFTHIMION Phillip George PAYNE Scott and PROFERES Nicholas (2018). “Supervised Machine Learning Bot Detection Techniques to Identify Social Twitter Bots”, SMU Data Science Review, 1:2, 1-70.
- FERRARA Emilio VAROL Onur DAVIS Clayton MENCZER Filippo and FLAMMINI Alessandro (2016). “The Rise of Social Bots”, Communications of the ACM, 59:7, 96-104.
- GILANI Zafar, KOCHMAR Ekaterina and CROWCROFT Jon (2017). “Classification of Twitter Accounts into Automated Agents and Human Users.” In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Sydney Australia, 489-496.
- GOLOVCHENKO Yevgeniy HARTMANN Mareike and ADLER-NISSEN Rebecca (2018). “State, Media and Civil Society in the Information Warfare over Ukraine: Citizen Curators of Digital Disinformation”, International Affairs, 94:5, 975-994.
- GORODNICHENKO Yuriy PHAM Tho and TALAVERA Oleksandr (2021). “Social Media, Sentiment and Public Opinions: Evidence from #Brexit and #USElection”, European Economic Review, 136, 103772.
- GUESS Andrew M. and LYONS Benjamin A. (2020). “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Online Propaganda”, Nathaniel Persily & Joshua A. Tucker (eds.), Social Media and Democracy: The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform (1st ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 10-33.
- HEGELICH Simon and JANETZKO Dietmar (2016). “Are Social Bots on Twitter Political Actors? Empirical Evidence from a Ukrainian Social Botnet”, Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 10:1, 579-582.
- HEIDARI Maryam, JONES James H. and UZUNER Özlem (2020). “Deep Contextualized Word Embedding for Text-Based Online User Profiling to Detect Social Bots on Twitter”, In 2020 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), Sorrento, Italy, 480-487.
- HOWARD Philip N. and KOLLANYI Bence (2016). “Bots,# StrongerIn, And# Brexit: Computational Propaganda during the UK-EU Referendum.” SSRN Electronic Journal.
- KELLER Tobias R. and KLINGER Ulrike (2019). “Social Bots in Election Campaigns: Theoretical, Empirical, and Methodological Implications”, Political Communication 36:1, 171-189.
- KORTUNAY Nevin (2023). “Turkish Unıversities’ Use Of Twitter: A Content Analysis”, Pamukkale Social Sciences Institute Journal, 56, 267-279.
- KUDUGUNTA Sneha and FERRARA Emilio (2018). “Deep Neural Networks for Bot Detection”, Information Sciences, 467, 312-322.
- MAJÓ-VÁZQUEZ Silvia CONGOSTO Mariluz, NICHOLLS Tom and NIELSEN Rasmus Kleis (2021). “The Role of Suspended Accounts in Political Discussion on Social Media: Analysis of the 2017 French, UK and German Elections”, Social Media + Society, 7:3.
- MEHMETCIK Hakan KOLUK Melih and YÜKSEL Galip (2023). “Perceptions of Turkey in the US Congress: A Twitter Data Analysis”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19:76, 69-89.
- MILLER David, ROBINSON Piers and BAKIR Vian (2017). “Propaganda and Persuasion in Contemporary Conflict”, Piers Robinson, Philip M. Seib & Romy Fröhlich (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security, Routledge, New York, NY, 308-320.
- MILLER Zachary DICKINSON Brian DEITRICK William HU Wei and WANG Alex Hai (2014). “Twitter Spammer Detection Using Data Stream Clustering”, Information Sciences, 260, 64-73.
- MINNICH Amanda CHAVOSHI Nikan KOUTRA Danai and MUEEN Abdullah (2017). “BotWalk: Efficient Adaptive Exploration of Twitter Bot Networks”, In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Sydney Australia, 467-474.
- ORABI Mariam MOUHEB Djedjiga AL AGHBARI Zaher and KAMEL Ibrahim (2020). “Detection of Bots in Social Media: A Systematic Review”, Information Processing & Management, 57:4, 102250.
- PIERRI Francesco and CERI Stefano (2019). “False News On Social Media: A Data-Driven Survey”, ACM SIGMOD Record, 48:2, 18-27.
- POHL Janina Susanne, MORITZ Vinzent Seiler, ASSENMACHER Dennis and GRIMME Christian (2022). “A Twitter Streaming Data Set Collected before and after the Onset of the War between Russia and Ukraine in 2022”, Zenodo.
- SANOVICH Sergey (2019). “Computational Propaganda in Russia: The Origins of Digital Misinformation”, Samuel Woolley & Philip N. Howard (eds.), Computational Propaganda Political Parties, Politicians, And Political Manipulation On Social Media, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 21-40.
- SAYYADIHARIKANDEH Mohsen VAROL Onur YANG Kai-Cheng FLAMMINI Alessandro and MENCZER Filippo (2020). “Detection of Novel Social Bots by Ensembles of Specialized Classifiers”, In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, Virtual Event Ireland, 2725-2732.
- SHAO Chengcheng CIAMPAGLIA Giovanni Luca VAROL Onur YANG Kai-Cheng FLAMMINI Alessandro and MENCZER Filippo (2018). “The Spread of Low-Credibility Content by Social Bots”, Nature Communications, 9:1, 1-9.
- SHU Kai SLIVA Amy WANG Suhang TANG Jiliang and LIU Huan (2017). “Fake News Detection on Social Media: A Data Mining Perspective”, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 19:1, 22-36.
- SPANGHER Alexander RANADE Gireeja NUSHI Besmira FOURNEY Adam and HORVITZ Eric (2018). “Analysis of Strategy and Spread of Russia-Sponsored Content in the US in 2017”, ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:1810.10033.
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- SUBRAHMANIAN Venkatramanan S. AZARIA Amos DURST Skylar KAGAN Vadim GALSTYAN Aram LERMAN Kristina ZHU Linhong FERRARA Emilio FLAMMINI Alessandro and MENCZER Filippo (2016). “The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge”, Computer, 49:6, 38-46.
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- WANG Alex Hai (2010). “Detecting Spam Bots in Online Social Networking Sites: A Machine Learning Approach”, Sara Foresti and Sushil Jajodia (eds.), Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXIV, 335-342.
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- WOOLLEY Samuel C. and HOWARD Philip N. (2017). “Social Media, Revolution, and the Rise of Political Bot”, Piers Robinson, Philip M. Seib & Romy Fröhlich (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, London/New York, 282-292.
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Social Media as an Agent of Influence: Twitter Bots in Russia - Ukraine War
Year 2024,
Volume: 20 Issue: 47, 99 - 122, 26.04.2024
Muhammed Hayati Taban
İsmail Gür
The world has been witnessing a war in Ukraine since Russia started its attacks on 24 February 2022. At this point, Russia has not only deployed its troops but also put its Twitter bots to work. The war has both covered conventional spaces and unconventional spaces like social media. In this regard, our study aims to understand to what extent bots were used by Russia during the first eight days of the war. To this end, we collect data between the 24th of February and the 4th of March. On data collection, we carry out a bot prediction for collected tweets. Findings suggest that Twitter reacted to bots quite quickly and that Russia could not manage to exploit the Russian Twitter sphere as much as it did before. Therefore, Russia chose to block Twitter.
- AHMED Faraz and ABULAISH Muhammad (2013). “A Generic Statistical Approach for Spam Detection in Online Social Networks”, Computer Communications, 36:10-11, 1120-1129.
- AGRALI Özgür SÖKÜN Hakan and KARAASLAN Enis (2022). “Twitter Data Analysis: Izmir Earthquake Case”, Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies, 2:2, 36-41.
- ALIAKSANDRAU Andrei (2014). “Brave New War: The Information War between Russia and Ukraine”, Index on Censorship, 43:4, 54-60.
- ATABEK Ümit (2020). “Twitterda Yerel Siyasal İletişim: Türkiye’de İki Farklı Tarz”, Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi, 33, 32-54.
- BADAWY Adam ADDAWOOD Aseel LERMAN Kristina and FERRARA Emilio (2019). “Characterizing the 2016 Russian IRA Influence Campaign”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9:1, 1-11.
- BARRIE Christopher and JUSTIN Ho (2021). “AcademictwitteR: An R Package to Access the Twitter Academic Research Product Track v2 API Endpoint”, Journal of Open Source Software, 6:62, 3272.
- BASTOS Marco T. and MERCEA Dan (2017). “The Brexit Botnet and User-Generated Hyperpartisan News”, Social Science Computer Review, 37:1, 38-54.
- BESSI Alessandro and FERRARA Emilio (2016). “Social Bots Distort the 2016 US Presidential Election Online Discussion”, First Monday, 21:11.
- BLANK Stephen (2013). “Russian Information Warfare as Domestic Counterinsurgency”, American Foreign Policy Interests, 35:1, 31-44.
- BRADSHAW Samantha and HOWARD Philip N. (2018). “The Global Organization of Social Media Disinformation Campaigns.” Journal of International Affairs, 71:1.5, 23-32.
- BRONIATOWSKI David A. JAMISON Amelia M. SIHUA Qi ALKULAIB Lulwah TAO Chen, BENTON Adrian QUINN Sandra C. and DREDZE Mark (2018). “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate”, American Journal of Public Health, 108:10, 1378-1384.
- CALDARELLI Guido DE NICOLA Rocco VIGNA Fabio Del PETROCCHI Marinella and SARACCO Fabio (2020). “The Role of Bot Squads in the Political Propaganda on Twitter”, Communications Physics, 3:1, 1-15.
- CAM Handan CAM Alper Veli DEMIREL Ugur and SANA Ahmed (2024). “Sentiment Analysis of Financial Twitter Posts on Twitter with the Machine Learning Classifiers”, Heliyon, 10:1, e23784.
- CHAVOSHI Nikan HAMOONI Hossein and MUEEN Abdullah (2016). “Identifying Correlated Bots in Twitter”, Emma Spiro & Yong-Yeol Ahn (eds.), Social Informatics, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 14-21.
- CHOWDHURY Farhan Asif LAWRENCE Allen YOUSUF Mohammad and MUEEN Abdullah (2020). “On Twitter Purge: A Retrospective Analysis of Suspended Users",In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 371-378.
- CHU Zi, GIANVECCHIO Steven, WANG Haining and JAJODIA Sushil (2010). “Who Is Tweeting on Twitter: Human, Bot, or Cyborg?”, In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference on - ACSAC. Austin, Texas: ACM Press.
- CORNELISSEN Laurenz A., BARNETT Richard J., SCHOONWINKEL Petrus, EICHSTADT Brent D. and MAGODLA Hluma B. (2018). “A Network Topology Approach to Bot Classification”, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, Port Elizabeth South Africa, 79-88.
- CRESCI Stefano LILLO Fabrizio REGOLI Daniele TARDELLI Serena and TESCONI Maurizio (2019). “Cashtag Piggybacking: Uncovering Spam and Bot Activity in Stock Microblogs on Twitter”, ACM Transactions on the Web, 13:2, 1-27.
- CRESCI Stefano DI PIETRO Roberto PETROCCHI Marinella SPOGNARDI Angelo and TESCONI Maurizio (2015). “Fame for Sale: Efficient Detection of Fake Twitter Followers.” Decision Support Systems, 80, 56-71.
- CSARDI Gabor and NEPUSZ Tamas (2006). “The Igraph Software Package for Complex Network Research”, InterJournal Complex Systems,1695-1704.
- DAVIS Clayton Allen VAROL Onur FERRARA Emilio FLAMMINI Alessandro and MENCZER Filippo (2016). “BotOrNot: A System to Evaluate Social Bots.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, Montreal: Canada, 273-274.
- DICKERSON John P., KAGAN Vadim and SUBRAHMANIAN V.S. (2014). “Using Sentiment to Detect Bots on Twitter: Are Humans More Opinionated than Bots?” In 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 620-627.
- EFTHIMION Phillip George PAYNE Scott and PROFERES Nicholas (2018). “Supervised Machine Learning Bot Detection Techniques to Identify Social Twitter Bots”, SMU Data Science Review, 1:2, 1-70.
- FERRARA Emilio VAROL Onur DAVIS Clayton MENCZER Filippo and FLAMMINI Alessandro (2016). “The Rise of Social Bots”, Communications of the ACM, 59:7, 96-104.
- GILANI Zafar, KOCHMAR Ekaterina and CROWCROFT Jon (2017). “Classification of Twitter Accounts into Automated Agents and Human Users.” In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Sydney Australia, 489-496.
- GOLOVCHENKO Yevgeniy HARTMANN Mareike and ADLER-NISSEN Rebecca (2018). “State, Media and Civil Society in the Information Warfare over Ukraine: Citizen Curators of Digital Disinformation”, International Affairs, 94:5, 975-994.
- GORODNICHENKO Yuriy PHAM Tho and TALAVERA Oleksandr (2021). “Social Media, Sentiment and Public Opinions: Evidence from #Brexit and #USElection”, European Economic Review, 136, 103772.
- GUESS Andrew M. and LYONS Benjamin A. (2020). “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Online Propaganda”, Nathaniel Persily & Joshua A. Tucker (eds.), Social Media and Democracy: The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform (1st ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 10-33.
- HEGELICH Simon and JANETZKO Dietmar (2016). “Are Social Bots on Twitter Political Actors? Empirical Evidence from a Ukrainian Social Botnet”, Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 10:1, 579-582.
- HEIDARI Maryam, JONES James H. and UZUNER Özlem (2020). “Deep Contextualized Word Embedding for Text-Based Online User Profiling to Detect Social Bots on Twitter”, In 2020 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), Sorrento, Italy, 480-487.
- HOWARD Philip N. and KOLLANYI Bence (2016). “Bots,# StrongerIn, And# Brexit: Computational Propaganda during the UK-EU Referendum.” SSRN Electronic Journal.
- KELLER Tobias R. and KLINGER Ulrike (2019). “Social Bots in Election Campaigns: Theoretical, Empirical, and Methodological Implications”, Political Communication 36:1, 171-189.
- KORTUNAY Nevin (2023). “Turkish Unıversities’ Use Of Twitter: A Content Analysis”, Pamukkale Social Sciences Institute Journal, 56, 267-279.
- KUDUGUNTA Sneha and FERRARA Emilio (2018). “Deep Neural Networks for Bot Detection”, Information Sciences, 467, 312-322.
- MAJÓ-VÁZQUEZ Silvia CONGOSTO Mariluz, NICHOLLS Tom and NIELSEN Rasmus Kleis (2021). “The Role of Suspended Accounts in Political Discussion on Social Media: Analysis of the 2017 French, UK and German Elections”, Social Media + Society, 7:3.
- MEHMETCIK Hakan KOLUK Melih and YÜKSEL Galip (2023). “Perceptions of Turkey in the US Congress: A Twitter Data Analysis”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19:76, 69-89.
- MILLER David, ROBINSON Piers and BAKIR Vian (2017). “Propaganda and Persuasion in Contemporary Conflict”, Piers Robinson, Philip M. Seib & Romy Fröhlich (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security, Routledge, New York, NY, 308-320.
- MILLER Zachary DICKINSON Brian DEITRICK William HU Wei and WANG Alex Hai (2014). “Twitter Spammer Detection Using Data Stream Clustering”, Information Sciences, 260, 64-73.
- MINNICH Amanda CHAVOSHI Nikan KOUTRA Danai and MUEEN Abdullah (2017). “BotWalk: Efficient Adaptive Exploration of Twitter Bot Networks”, In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Sydney Australia, 467-474.
- ORABI Mariam MOUHEB Djedjiga AL AGHBARI Zaher and KAMEL Ibrahim (2020). “Detection of Bots in Social Media: A Systematic Review”, Information Processing & Management, 57:4, 102250.
- PIERRI Francesco and CERI Stefano (2019). “False News On Social Media: A Data-Driven Survey”, ACM SIGMOD Record, 48:2, 18-27.
- POHL Janina Susanne, MORITZ Vinzent Seiler, ASSENMACHER Dennis and GRIMME Christian (2022). “A Twitter Streaming Data Set Collected before and after the Onset of the War between Russia and Ukraine in 2022”, Zenodo.
- SANOVICH Sergey (2019). “Computational Propaganda in Russia: The Origins of Digital Misinformation”, Samuel Woolley & Philip N. Howard (eds.), Computational Propaganda Political Parties, Politicians, And Political Manipulation On Social Media, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 21-40.
- SAYYADIHARIKANDEH Mohsen VAROL Onur YANG Kai-Cheng FLAMMINI Alessandro and MENCZER Filippo (2020). “Detection of Novel Social Bots by Ensembles of Specialized Classifiers”, In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, Virtual Event Ireland, 2725-2732.
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