Multi-Task Learning For Parsing The Alexa Meaning Representation Language


  • Vittorio Perera Carnegie Mellon University
  • Tagyoung Chung Amazon Inc.
  • Thomas Kollar Amazon Inc.
  • Emma Strubell University of Massachusetts Amherst



The Alexa Meaning Representation Language (AMRL) is a compositional graph-based semantic representation that includes fine-grained types, properties, actions, and roles and can represent a wide variety of spoken language.  AMRL increases the ability of virtual assistants to represent more complex requests, including logical and conditional statements as well as ones with nested clauses. Due to this representational capacity, the acquisition of large scale data resources is challenging, which limits the accuracy of resulting models. This paper has two primary contributions. First, we develop a linearization of AMRL graphs along with a deep multi-task model that predicts fine-grained types, properties, and intents. Second, we show how to jointly train a model that predicts an existing representation for spoken language understanding (SLU) along with the linearized AMRL parse. The resulting model, which leverages learned embeddings from both tasks, is able to predict the AMRL representation more accurately than other approaches, decreasing the error rates in the full parse by 3.56% absolute and reducing the amount of natively annotated data needed to train accurate parsing models.




How to Cite

Perera, V., Chung, T., Kollar, T., & Strubell, E. (2018). Multi-Task Learning For Parsing The Alexa Meaning Representation Language. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 32(1).