IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Regular Section
Radio-over-Fiber System with 1-Bit Outphasing Modulation for 5G/6G Indoor Wireless Communication
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2023 Volume E106.C Issue 7 Pages 405-416


We propose a radio-over-fiber (RoF) system with 1-bit outphasing modulation. The proposed RoF system does not require a power-hungry digital-to-analog converter in access points and relaxes the operation speed of optical transceivers to reduce device cost. We introduce two configurations to enable 1-bit outphasing modulation in our system; mixed-signal and all-digital configurations. In the mixed-signal configuration, the effects of harmonics and phase/amplitude mismatch on the adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) were analyzed through simulation, and wideband transmission with a signal bandwidth of 400 MHz was experimentally verified, complying with the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard for millimeter-wave band. Moreover, wide-band transmission with a signal bandwidth of 1 GHz was also experimentally verified for beyond-5G and 6G. The all-digital configuration can be implemented in a standard digital design flow. This configuration was also verified to comply with the 3GPP standard by properly selecting the intermediate and sampling frequencies to mitigate the effects of folded harmonics and quantization noise. Finally, the proposed RoF system with both configurations has been shown to have a higher bandwidth efficiency compared with other systems complying with the 3GPP standard for the ACLR. Therefore, the proposed RoF system provides a cost-effective in-building wireless solution for 5G and 6G mobile network systems.

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