IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Requirement Modeling Language for the Dynamic Node Integration Problem of Telecommunication Network
Author information

2018 Volume E101.B Issue 6 Pages 1379-1387


Efficiently locating nodes and allocating demand has been a significant problem for telecommunication network carriers. Most of location models focused on where to locate nodes and how to assign increasing demand with optical access networks. However, the population in industrialized countries will decline over the coming decades. Recent advance in the optical amplifier technology has enabled node integration; an excess telecommunication node is closed and integrated to another node. Node integration in low-demand areas will improve the efficiency of access networks in this approaching age of depopulation. A dynamic node integration problem (DNIP) has been developed to organize the optimal plan for node integration. The problem of the DNIP was that it cannot consider the requirements of network carriers. In actual situations, network carriers often want to specify the way each node is managed, regardless of the mathematical optimality of the solution. This paper proposes a requirement modeling language (RML) for the DNIP, with which the requirements of network carriers can be described. The described statements are used to solve the DNIP, and consequently the calculated optimal solution always satisfies the requirements. The validity of the proposed method was evaluated with computer simulations in a case study.

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© 2018 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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