IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
Simple method for estimating the overmoded frequency of general cavities without a mechanical stirrer
Zhisheng HaoZhongyuan ZhouPeng Hu
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2024 Volume 21 Issue 1 Pages 20230532


For general metallic cavities, the overmoded frequency is of critical for electromagnetic applications. In order to estimate the overmoded field behavior without a mechanical stirrer rapidly, a simple scattering parameters measurement-based procedure is presented, on which the samples will be obtained by mean of hybrid stirring technique, e.g., frequency and source stirring strategies. Then, the correlation analysis and coefficient of variation are used to deal with the samples, aiming to estimate the overmoded frequency. A comparison has been made between the results estimated by hybrid and mechanical stirring-based method, which highlights that the hybrid stirring-based method can be regarded as an alternative solution for mechanical stirring.

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