IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
A vibrotactile belt to display precise directional information for visually impaired
Qiangqiang OuyangJuan WuZhiyu ShaoDapeng Chen
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2018 Volume 15 Issue 20 Pages 20180615


This paper presents a vibrotactile belt to display precise directional information for visually impaired. Considering the characteristics of tactile perception, the torso-related transfer function was used to arrange actuators on the belt, and a coding algorithm using vibrotactile funneling illusion was proposed to display precise directional information. A psychophysical experiment was performed to evaluate the validity of the belt in displaying precise directional information. The experimental results indicated that the vibrotactile belt using our proposed coding algorithm achieves a resolution of 7.5 degrees with a high recognition accuracy of up to 91%. The current work provides valuable guidance for the design of vibrotactile navigation aids.

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© 2018 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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