IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
16-bit frequency signatured directly printable tag for organic electronics
Nimra JavedAyesha HabibAdeel AkramYasar AminHannu Tenhunen
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2016 Volume 13 Issue 11 Pages 20160406


A compact 16-bit chipless RFID moisture sensor tag with a size of 13.2 × 19.6 mm2 is designed, fabricated and analyzed. The presented moisture sensor tag is realized on a paper substrate with silver nano particle based ink patches as conducting material. The frequency band of operation is 0.5 to 14 GHz having an overall bandwidth of 13.5 GHz. It is loaded with slots of different lengths and widths, etched on the conductive material. The tag exhibits stable sensing characteristic towards moisture in the real environment. The flexible, sensitive and environmental friendly nature of the proposed tag makes it suitable for wider, low-cost and organic electronics applications.

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© 2016 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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