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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter August 19, 2009

A cryptographic primitive based on hidden-order groups

  • Amitabh Saxena and Ben Soh


Let G1 be a cyclic multiplicative group of order n. It is known that the computational Diffie–Hellman (CDH) problem is random self-reducible in G1 if φ(n) is known. That is, given g, gxG1 for some generator g and oracle access to a “Diffie-Hellman Problem solver” for g, it is possible to compute g1/xG1 in polynomial time (with which we can then solve the CDH problem w.r.t. any other generator). On the other hand, it is not clear if such a reduction exists when φ(n) is unknown. We exploit this “gap” to construct a novel cryptographic primitive, which we call an Oracle-based Group with Infeasible Inversion (O-GII). O-GIIs have applications in multiparty protocols. We demonstrate this by presenting a novel multi-party key agreement protocol that does not require interaction between the parties. Instead, the protocol requires each party to query a remote stateless device. Our method relies on the observation that it is considerably more expensive to interact with every party connected via an unreliable network, than it is to query one of several identical stateless devices, some of which may be located in a more reliable sub-network.

Received: 2007-04-23
Revised: 2008-09-24
Published Online: 2009-08-19
Published in Print: 2009-August

© de Gruyter 2009

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