Kybernetika 51 no. 1, 59-80, 2015

Robust observer-based control of switched nonlinear systems with quantized and sample output

Carlos Perez and Manuel MeraDOI: 10.14736/kyb-2015-1-0059


This paper deals with the robust stabilization of a class of nonlinear switched systems with non-vanishing bounded perturbations. The nonlinearities in the systems satisfy a quasi-Lipschitz condition. An observer-based linear-type switching controller with quantized and sampled output signal is considered. Using a dwell-time approach and an extended version of the invariant ellipsoid method (IEM) sufficient conditions for stability in a practical sense are derived. These conditions are represented as Bilinear Matrix Inequalities (BMI's). Finally, two examples are given to verify the efficiency of the proposed method.


quantization, switched systems, robust stabilization


93D21, 93C57


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