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Characterization of Cyanobacterial Hydrocarbon Composition and Distribution of Biosynthetic Pathways

Figure 3

Quantitative yields of hydrocarbons as percent dry weight of biomass from 20 cyanobacteria displayed by phylogenetic relationship and pathway distribution.

Specific hydrocarbons for each strain are color coded and stacked to depict the overall quantitative yield. Standard error bars are given for each hydrocarbon and each strain. Quantitative hydrocarbon yields ranged from 0.024%±0.01% in Cyanothece sp. PCC 7425 to 0.262%±0.01% in Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7516. Blue strain names indicate strains possessing the FAAR/ADO pathway and red indicates those with the OLS pathway. Purple strain names indicate a strain that does not have a genome sequence and therefore the pathway type is unknown. To the left of the figure, a 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree (Maximum Likelihood, see Figure S1 for complete tree) is presented for all 20 displayed strains. Branch tips are aligned to corresponding strain names except for Westiella intricata HT-29-1 for which no 16S rRNA sequence is available. Vertical connection lengths were modified to accommodate the location of W. intricata HT-29-1 in the table.

Figure 3
