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Optimal Vaccine Allocation for the Early Mitigation of Pandemic Influenza

Figure 4

Optimal vaccine distribution when four million doses are available and the epidemic is started in Jakarta.

Each panel corresponds to allocating vaccine on a different day: either 5 days (A), 10 days (B), 15 days (C), 30 days (D), 60 days (E), or 90 days (F) after the beginning of the epidemic. Each bar corresponds to the percentage of children (red) or adults (blue) vaccinated in each city. These results suggest that the geographical allocation of vaccine is important early in the beginning of the epidemic, when the optimal strategy allocates most of vaccine in Jakarta, but then it is better to distribute vaccine evenly among children up to a certain threshold in time when it becomes important to allocate the vaccine to those cities where either the epidemic has not peaked yet or it is possible to reach a higher proportion of children vaccinated.

Figure 4
