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10.1145/997817.997846acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessocgConference Proceedingsconference-collections

An empirical comparison of techniques for updating Delaunay triangulations

Published: 08 June 2004 Publication History


The computation of Delaunay triangulations from static point sets has been extensively studied in computational geometry. When the points move with known trajectories, kinetic data structures can be used to maintain the triangulation. However, there has been little work so far on how to maintain the triangulation when the points move without explicit motion plans, as in the case of a physical simulation. In this paper we examine how to update Delaunay triangulations after small displacements of the defining points, as might be provided by a physics-based integrator. We have implemented a variety of update algorithms, many new, toward this purpose. We ran these algorithms on a corpus of data sets to provide running time comparisons and determined that updating Delaunay can be significantly faster than recomputing.


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Patrick J. Ryan

Efficient techniques for computing the Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation for a finite set of points in Euclidean space E d are well known. This paper is concerned with the problem of computing the Delaunay triangulation D(P') of a perturbed point set P' when the original point set P and its Delaunay triangulation D(P) are given. Of course, an underlying assumption is that the amount by which P' differs from P is small, so that D(P') can be expected to share much of its combinatorial and topological structure with D(P) . As the title indicates, this paper is a report on empirical research comparing various algorithms for solving this problem in E 3. Two basic approaches are compared: kinetic and static. In the kinetic approach, a specific interpolation method is chosen, and the data structure is updated at events, occurring when some pair of adjacent cells no longer satisfies the necessary local criterion for being Delaunay (the "InCircle" condition, though actually "InSphere" would be more appropriate terminology in three dimensions). In the static approach, only the initial and final configurations are considered, and the algorithms use some combination of point removal and flipping on pairs of adjacent cells that do not satisfy InCircle. For each approach, various ways of setting up the algorithms are discussed (for example, how to interpolate, and when to use point removal or flipping). These are rather technical, and are not fully specified in the paper, but relevant references to other sources are given. Readers who are familiar with such techniques will find the results of the authors' extensive tests interesting. The authors discuss which parts of the computations are most costly, and where improvements might be possible. Their results show that, generally speaking, the kinetic approaches are not currently competitive with the static approaches. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Conferences
SCG '04: Proceedings of the twentieth annual symposium on Computational geometry
June 2004
468 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 08 June 2004


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  1. Delaunay triangulation update motion


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SoCG04: Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004
June 8 - 11, 2004
New York, Brooklyn, USA

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