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A federated approach to distributed network simulation

Published: 01 April 2004 Publication History


We describe an approach and our experiences in applying federated simulation techniques to create large-scale parallel simulations of computer networks. Using the federated approach, the topology and the protocol stack of the simulated network is partitioned into a number of submodels, and a simulation process is instantiated for each one. Runtime infrastructure software provides services for interprocess communication and synchronization (time management). We first describe issues that arise in homogeneous federations where a sequential simulator is federated with itself to realize a parallel implementation. We then describe additional issues that must be addressed in heterogeneous federations composed of different network simulation packages, and describe a dynamic simulation backplane mechanism that facilitates interoperability among different network simulators. Specifically, the dynamic simulation backplane provides a means of addressing key issues that arise in federating different network simulators: differing packet representations, incomplete implementations of network protocol models, and differing levels of detail among the simulation processes. We discuss two different methods for using the backplane for interactions between heterogeneous simulators: the cross-protocol stack method and the split-protocol stack method. Finally, results from an experimental study are presented for both the homogeneous and heterogeneous cases that provide evidence of the scalability of our federated approach on two moderately sized computing clusters. Two different homogeneous implementations are described: Parallel/Distributed ns (pdns) and the Georgia Tech Network Simulator (GTNetS). Results of a heterogeneous implementation federating ns with GloMoSim are described. This research demonstrates that federated simulations are a viable approach to realizing efficient parallel network simulation tools.


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    ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation  Volume 14, Issue 2
    April 2004
    96 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 01 April 2004
    Published in TOMACS Volume 14, Issue 2


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