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Parallel program performance prediction using deterministic task graph analysis

Published: 01 February 2004 Publication History


In this article, we consider analytical techniques for predicting detailed performance characteristics of a single shared memory parallel program for a particular input. Analytical models for parallel programs have been successful at providing simple qualitative insights and bounds on program scalability, but have been less successful in practice for providing detailed insights and metrics for program performance (leaving these to measurement or simulation). We develop a conceptually simple modeling technique called deterministic task graph analysis that provides detailed performance prediction for shared-memory programs with arbitrary task graphs, a wide variety of task scheduling policies, and significant communication and resource contention. Unlike many previous models that are stochastic models, our model assumes deterministic task execution times (while retaining the use of stochastic models for communication and resource contention). This assumption is supported by a previous study of the influence of nondeterministic delays in parallel programs.We evaluate our model in three ways. First, an experimental evaluation shows that our analysis technique is accurate and efficient for a variety of shared-memory programs, including programs with large and/or complex task graphs, sophisticated task scheduling, highly nonuniform task times, and significant communication and resource contention. The results also show that the deterministic assumption is crucial to permit accurate and yet efficient analysis of these programs. Second, we use three example programs to illustrate the predictive capabilities of the model. In two cases, broad insights and detailed metrics from the model are used to suggest improvements in load-balancing and the model quickly and accurately predicts the impact of these changes. In the third case, the model provides novel insights into the impact of program design changes that improve communication locality as well as load-balancing, via new (but general-purpose) metrics. Finally, we present results from a comparison of our model and representative stochastic models, and use these to characterize the conditions under which a deterministic model or stochastic models would be appropriate.


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Gregory D Peterson

Analytic models for predicting the performance of parallel applications can provide invaluable insight to evaluate efficiency and identify bottlenecks. Adve and Vernon have developed a remarkably accurate performance model for parallel applications executing on dedicated, shared memory systems. The model has two levels: a lower-level queuing model to characterize the impact of contention and caching effects, and a higher-level task graph model of the application. The task graph is predefined for a specific set of inputs, and each task is assumed to have deterministic run times. The model is validated with five applications with different task graph structures, in order to illustrate the approach's accuracy and flexibility, particularly in comparison to previous work with stochastic models. The authors do an excellent job of developing the model, validating it, and interpreting the results. Perhaps because the paper took more than a decade to be published, the authors' claims that stochastic models have not been validated with real applications, and claims about restrictions on their form, are not necessarily accurate (see Atallah [1], Chamberlain and Franklin [2], Noble et al. [3], and Peterson and Chamberlain [4]). Nonetheless, the paper makes an important contribution to our understanding of application performance on dedicated, shared-memory platforms. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 22, Issue 1
February 2004
136 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 February 2004
Published in TOCS Volume 22, Issue 1


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  1. Analytical model
  2. deterministic model
  3. parallel program performance prediction
  4. queueing network
  5. shared memory
  6. task graph
  7. task scheduling


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