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A trade-off between information and communication in broadcast protocols

Published: 01 April 1990 Publication History


This paper concerns the message complexity of broadcast in arbitrary point-to-point communication networks. Broadcast is a task initiated by a single processor that wishes to convey a message to all processors in the network. The widely accepted model of communication networks, in which each processor initially knows the identity of its neighbors but does not know the entire network topology, is assumed. Although it seems obvious that the number of messages required for broadcast in this model equals the number of links, no proof of this basic fact has been given before.
It is shown that the message complexity of broadcast depends on the exact complexity measure. If messages of unbounded length are counted at unit cost, then broadcast requires Θ(↿V↾) messages, where V is the set of processors in the network. It is proved that, if one counts messages of bounded length, then broadcast requires Θ(↿E↾) messages, where E is the set of edges in the network.
Assuming an intermediate model in which each vertex knows the topology of the network in radius ρ ≥ 1 from itself, matching upper and lower bounds of Θ(min{↿E↾, ↿V1+Θ(l)/ρ}) is proved on the number of messages of bounded length required for broadcast. Both the upper and lower bounds hold for both synchronous and asynchronous network models.
The same results hold for the construction of spanning trees, and various other global tasks.


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William W. Oblitey

The discussions and proofs of the complexity of message broadcasting in distributed systems given here are based on point-to-point communication networks and then generalized to networks of arbitrary topology. The network is modeled by a simple undirected graph whose vertices represent network nodes and whose edges represent bidirectional communication channels operating between the nodes. The model assigns to each processor in the network only the knowledge of its own identity and the identity of its neighbors. All messages transmitted on the network are considered to be elementary or are broken into elementary messages. An elementary message is one that contains a constant number of bits and a constant number of vertex identities. The communication complexity of an algorithm is then the total number of messages transmitted in a worst-case execution of the communication protocol on the network. The authors state the upper and lower bound complexities of broadcast messages and carefully take the reader through their proofs . This paper should appeal to people who have interests in the study and development of network protocols or in graph theory.

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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 37, Issue 2
April 1990
244 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 1990
Published in JACM Volume 37, Issue 2


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