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Description logics for semantic query optimization in object-oriented database systems

Published: 01 March 2003 Publication History


Semantic query optimization uses semantic knowledge (i.e., integrity constraints) to transform a query into an equivalent one that may be answered more efficiently. This article proposes a general method for semantic query optimization in the framework of Object-Oriented Database Systems. The method is effective for a large class of queries, including conjunctive recursive queries expressed with regular path expressions and is based on three ingredients. The first is a Description Logic, ODLRE, providing a type system capable of expressing: class descriptions, queries, views, integrity constraint rules and inference techniques, such as incoherence detection and subsumption computation. The second is a semantic expansion function for queries, which incorporates restrictions logically implied by the query and the schema (classes + rules) in one query. The third is an optimal rewriting method of a query with respect to the schema classes that rewrites a query into an equivalent one, by determining more specialized classes to be accessed and by reducing the number of factors. We implemented the method in a tool providing an ODMG-compliant interface that allows a full interaction with OQL queries, wrapping underlying Description Logic representation and techniques to the user.


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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 28, Issue 1
March 2003
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 01 March 2003
Published in TODS Volume 28, Issue 1


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  1. Semantic query optimization
  2. description logics
  3. integrity constraints rules
  4. query rewriting method
  5. semantic expansion of a query
  6. subsumption


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