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Constrained nonlinear least squares: an exact penalty approach with projected structured quasi-Newton updates

Published: 01 September 1989 Publication History


This paper is concerned with the development, numerical implementation, and testing of an algorithm for solving constrained nonlinear least squares problems. The algorithm is an adaptation of the least squares case of an exact penalty method for solving nonlinearly constrained optimization problems due to Coleman and Conn. It also uses the ideas of Nocedal and Overton for handling quasi-Newton updates of projected Hessians, those of Dennis, Gay, and Welsch for approaching the structure of nonlinear least squares Hessians, and those of Murray and Overton for performing line searches. This method has been tested on a selection of problems listed in the collection of Hock and Schittkowski. The results indicate that the approach taken here is a viable alternative for least squares problems to the general nonlinear methods studied by Hock and Schittkowski.


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  1. Constrained nonlinear least squares: an exact penalty approach with projected structured quasi-Newton updates



        Benjamin L. Schwartz

        This paper gives theory, implementation, and testing of an algorithm for nonlinear constrained least squares problems. The algorithm is adapted from an exact penalty method due to Coleman and Conn [1–3]. The word “exact” has a technical meaning relating to linear independence of the constraints at the isolated stationary solution point. The adaptation includes a more formal structuring of the formulation to include both equality and inequality constraints. Solution methods require setting convergence bounds (“epsilons”) for several functions under several conditions, such as global or local. Step size and direction are revised at each iteration, and the switch from global to local solution procedure is made based on the epsilon for that iteration. The bounds are all chosen empirically. While the bounds selected by the authors work well for a large sample set of problems, the paper offers no theory to guide the choices. Some theoretical questions could create difficulties, such as testing whether a stationary point is a true minimum. The implementation does not address this point or some other similar issues. In the sample problems, these omissions are not important, but a user of the code should be aware of the possible difficulties. On the other hand, the code explicitly accommodates other pathological conditions, such as a vacuous solution set for Z, one of the intermediate computation products used in the algorithm. From the sample problems, I conclude that for least squares problems, this approach is competitive with the general methods studies by Hock and Schittkowski [4].

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        cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
        ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 15, Issue 3
        Sept. 1989
        111 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 September 1989
        Published in TOMS Volume 15, Issue 3


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