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Higher-Order Model Checking of Effect-Handling Programs with Answer-Type Modification

Published: 08 October 2024 Publication History


Model checking is one of the successful program verification methodologies. Since the seminal work by Ong, the model checking of higher-order programs―called higher-order model checking, or HOMC for short―has gained attention. It is also crucial for making HOMC applicable to real-world software to address programs involving computational effects. Recently, Dal Lago and Ghyselen considered an extension of HOMC to algebraic effect handlers, which enable programming the semantics of effects. They showed a negative result for HOMC with algebraic effect handlers―it is undecidable. In this work, we explore a restriction on programs with algebraic effect handlers which ensures the decidability of HOMC while allowing implementations of various effects. We identify the crux of the undecidability as the use of an unbounded number of algebraic effect handlers being active at the same time. To prevent it, we introduce answer-type modification (ATM), which can bound the number of algebraic effect handlers that can be active at the same time. We prove that ATM can ensure the decidability of HOMC and show that it accommodates a wide range of effects. To evaluate our approach, we implemented an automated verifier EffCaml based on the presented techniques and confirmed that the program examples discussed in this paper can be automatically verified.

Supplemental Material

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This is the supplementary material of the paper titled "Higher-Order Model Checking of Effect-Handling Programs with Answer-Type Modification" published at OOPSLA'24, including all the definitions, lemmas, theorems, and proofs mentioned in the paper.


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Index Terms

  1. Higher-Order Model Checking of Effect-Handling Programs with Answer-Type Modification



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      Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 8, Issue OOPSLA2
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      Published: 08 October 2024
      Published in PACMPL Volume 8, Issue OOPSLA2


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