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It is our pleasure to welcome you to FARM 2024, the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design! FARM gathers together people from across disciplines who are harnessing functional techniques in the pursuit of creativity and expression.
Proceeding Downloads
Refactoring Musical Thought (Keynote)
My talk will introduce some twenty-first century music-theoretical ideas that I have found helpful musically, beginning with scales and macroharmony, proceeding through voice-leading geometry, and concluding with the idea of the “quadruple hierarchy”, a ...
Using Functional Reactive Programming for Robotic Art: An Experience Report
The control software for robotics applications is usually written in a low-level imperative style, intertwining the program sequence and commands for motors and sensors. To describe the program's behavior, it is typically divided into different states, ...
Demo: The Fun of Robotic Artwork
Developing software for robot control often is tedious, difficult and error prone. This is more so for people without a computer science background, such as artists. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) aims to make reactive programs, such as those used ...
Bridging Art and Mathematics with Tessella: A Scala Functional Library for Regular Polygon Finite Tessellations of a Plane
Tessellations of a plane surface by means of unit-sided regular polygons is a classical subject both in art, with examples dating back to the earliest human civilisations, and mathematics, where the complex patterns generated by a very simple set of ...
Functional Curves and Surfaces: Algebraic Geometry Inspired Visuals in Hydra
We present FCS (Functional Curves and Surfaces), a framework for synthesizing visual patterns by composing functions for curves and surfaces, implemented as an extension to Hydra, a popular tool for live coding visuals. The extension consists of ...
Trane: Musical Janet on the Web
Trane is a domain specific language and environment for livecoding music on the web. It gives the programmer control over instruments, effects, their connectivity, and the ability to sequence well-timed events. In this paper we explore the motivation ...
From Konnakol to Live Coding
Konnakol is a South Indian, Carnatic musical practice involving the vocal recitation of algorithmic, geometric rhythmic patterns of non-lexical syllables. I reflect on the experience of learning konnakol rhythms, and of adapting the TidalCycles and ...
Demo: Composable Compositions with Tonart
This demo introduces Tonart, a language and metalanguage for practical music composition. The object language of Tonart is abstract syntax modeling a traditional musical score. It is extensible- composers choose or invent syntaxes which will most ...
The Maquette Monad
This article defines the semantics of maquettes in the visual programming language OpenMusic (OM) using monads. A maquette can be seen as a sequencer of functions. Although maquettes have been widely used, their semantic have never been formalized. ...
Demo: A Geometric Approach to Generate Musical Rhythmic Patterns in Haskell
We present work-in-progress on RTG, a domain specific language embedded in Haskell designed to explore the affordances of geometry as a means to generate and manipulate rhythmic patterns in live coded music. Examples of how simple geometry is capable of ...
Diffusion-Based Sound Synthesis in Music Production
In this paper, we explore the usability of generative artificial intelligence in music production through the development of a digital instrument that incorporates diffusion-based sound synthesis in its sound generation. Current text-to-audio models ...
A Progressive-Adaptive Music Generator (PAMG): An Approach to Interactive Procedural Music for Videogames
Procedural music generation in video game is rarely used in development despite its potential support for interactive narratives, and falls behind broadly-used procedural methods like graphic management. Currently, developers rely on preproduced audio ...
Demo: Progressive-Adaptive Music Generator (PAMG) and the Trial Game
The present Demo is submitted as a companion of the paper "A Progressive-Adaptive Music Generator: an Approach to Interactive Procedural music for Videogames". PAMG is a software able to generate music in real time adapting and progressing to game ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling, and Design