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Driven by Motivation: Understanding Perceived Mobility Need Satisfaction in On-Demand Ridepooling

Published: 22 September 2024 Publication History


On-demand ridepooling (ODR) can transform public transport by addressing urban challenges. However, to motivate usage, ODR should satisfy users’ psychological needs. The present study investigated to what extent needs predict ODR use, and to what extent ODR need satisfaction differs from key transportation modes. We conducted a longitudinal study spanning three months with weekly online surveys, focusing on nighttime ODR in an urban area. Longitudinal data were available from N = 29 participants. Results showed that need fulfillment significantly predicted ODR use, especially perceived competence. Discrete dimensions analyses showed that autonomy and competence were significantly predicting higher ODR usage. Comparing ODR and public bus, significant differences were found in all need dimensions; ODR performed consistently better. In comparing ODR and car, the only significant difference was monetary related; ODR was perceived as more cost-effective. In conclusion, psychological needs shape ODR usage and are crucial for designing such services.


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  1. Driven by Motivation: Understanding Perceived Mobility Need Satisfaction in On-Demand Ridepooling



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        AutomotiveUI '24: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
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