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Generative Pretrained Hierarchical Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


Recent efforts have been dedicated to enhancing time series forecasting accuracy by introducing advanced network architectures and self-supervised pretraining strategies. Nevertheless, existing approaches still exhibit two critical drawbacks. Firstly, these methods often rely on a single dataset for training, limiting the model's generalizability due to the restricted scale of the training data. Secondly, the one-step generation schema is widely followed, which necessitates a customized forecasting head and overlooks the temporal dependencies in the output series, and also leads to increased training costs under different horizon length settings.
To address these issues, we propose a novel generative pretrained hierarchical transformer architecture for forecasting, named GPHT. There are two aspects of key designs in GPHT. On the one hand, we advocate for constructing a mixed dataset under the channel-independent assumption for pretraining our model, comprising various datasets from diverse data scenarios. This approach significantly expands the scale of training data, allowing our model to uncover commonalities in time series data and facilitating improved transfer to specific datasets. On the other hand, GPHT employs an auto-regressive forecasting approach, effectively modeling temporal dependencies in the output series. Importantly, no customized forecasting head is required, enablinga single model to forecast at arbitrary horizon settings. We conduct sufficient experiments on eight datasets with mainstream self-supervised pretraining models and supervised models. The results demonstrated that GPHT surpasses the baseline models across various fine-tuning and zero/few-shot learning settings in the traditional long-term forecasting task, providing support for verifying the feasibility of pretraining time series large models. We make our codes publicly available\footnote

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Promo video of rtp-1074
In this promotional video, we provide a brief overview of the background, challenges, and solutions of our work on training a time series forecasting model that generalizes well across datasets and settings.


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Published: 24 August 2024


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  1. deep learning
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  3. time series forecasting


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  • Joint Research Project of the Science and Technology Innovation Community in Yangtze River Delta


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