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How Example-Based Authoring of Motion Graphics Impacts Creative Expression: Differences in Perceptions of Professional and Casual Motion Designers

Published: 23 June 2024 Publication History


Motion graphics authoring is a time-intensive endeavor, demanding proficiency in various feature-rich software. Automated, example-based solutions are now being explored to simplify the motion graphics creation process. To investigate how such streamlined authoring tools impact motion designers’ workflows and perceptions of creativity, we deployed an end-to-end motion graphics authoring tool to 14 users, spanning casual to professional design expertise. Our key findings reveal a dichotomy: casual designers embraced the tool’s automation, finding empowerment in its simplicity, even at the expense of losing narrative control. Conversely, professionals expressed reservations and raised concerns about the trade-offs between efficiency and creative autonomy. Notably, the level of automation in animation emerged as a point of contention, underscoring differing expectations between the two groups. Our work contributes insights into such nuances, offering implications for designing the next generation of motion graphics authoring tools that cater to a broad spectrum of creative aspirations and abilities.


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Index Terms

  1. How Example-Based Authoring of Motion Graphics Impacts Creative Expression: Differences in Perceptions of Professional and Casual Motion Designers



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      C&C '24: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Creativity & Cognition
      June 2024
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 23 June 2024


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      1. computer graphics
      2. interactive systems and tools
      3. motion graphics videos
      4. user experience design


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      C&C '24
      C&C '24: Creativity and Cognition
      June 23 - 26, 2024
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